
Chapter 3. Hello~ Shonen Protagonist~

There are 3 weeks left for the UA qualifying tests and now I am training at home, thanks to [Avalon] my body has an almost absurd regeneration capacity, the fatigue is literally merely mental since my body does not feel fatigue as such, so since being taken in by Endeavor I have trained like a lunatic and have reached a semi-absurd level of strength for someone my age and all without a specialized strength Quirk.

--993, 994, 995, 996, 997, 998, 999 and 1000!

Climbing out from under the compact car I've been using as a weight, I wiped the sweat from my body.

--I only have about 20 kilometers left to run... Should I go to the beach, if I freeze a road in the sea could I increase the intensity of the training?

Guided by a potentially stupid idea, but very much in line with the thinking of a shonen anime. The young black-haired man wearing only a shirt, shorts and sneakers ran towards the ocean.


--He is Odin~! He pierced~ with his spear~ and hanged himself~!

Under the rhythm of the song, a torrent of salt water was shaken by a young man who ran through the waters of the ocean, the young man ran at a constant pace on a thin plate of ice that broke with each step.

--He is Odin~! Finally~ he saw them~ and shared them with no one~!

--I swear to drink~ pure mead~ that makes it rhyme! Super cool~!

--He is Odin~! And Ragnarok~ will come~ from Party~!

--He is Odin~! He fought fiercely~ but a wolf devoured him~!

--All the knowledge~ you can have~ if you gouge out~ one eye for Him~!

While singing, the young man ended up creating a raised ramp and diving perfectly into the water.


Cutting through the water and waves with a wild and strong freestyle swim he soon reached a shore littered with trash and junk.


--Curco Vain and Green Naruto?

I stupidly muttered the web nicknames of the protagonists of this world, All Might and Midoriya Izuku were training or rather torturing the young seaweed head.


A flash of red light shimmered in the black-haired youth's eyes and he moved accordingly.

--... (To think that the Perception Haki would jump this time)

Guided by the vision of the future, Kurogane ran to avoid an accident, a kitchen will fall right on the emaciated All Might and force him to transform which is considerably detrimental to his current health.



The young black-haired man jumped hard and was almost transported onto the back of the skinny blond man, reaching up with his hands, he cut short the six-burner stove with oven and burner included without much trouble.

--Thank you, shounen...

--Don't worry, they should be more careful if they're moving so many piles of scrap.

While trying to feign calm, a nervous young man with greenish-black hair tucked into a light blue sweater came running up, very scared.

--All Mig-!


The thin blond man ran to cover the nervous young man's mouth.

"Ah!...right, is sensei alright?"

--I'm fine, Midoriya-shonen, this young man helped me...

--No problem... All Might-dono.

--Oh! x2

I sneered and called out his true identity with a smile, while the two main characters had a bit of a mental breakdown.

--You... How did you find out?

All Might momentarily returned to his muscular form before asking, pretending to be threatening.

--Simple, I saw "Seaweed Hair" on TV (pointing to Izuku), then I saw the same seaweed hair with a tanned blonde man who is wearing clothes that are too big for his body and curiously his hairstyle is exactly the same as his All Might, not to mention that seaweed hair, almost called his name a few moments ago. I must say that... Wounds don't forgive, do they?


All Might returned to his base form and gave a tired smile.

"Do you want to join the police?" With that reasoning and focus on details you would make a great shonen detective.

--I must decline, I will be a hero… although I would prefer not to be limited by the Heroic laws, and I have to submit if I want to hunt down the villains.


I spoke in a flat tone as I created an ice sword and sliced through a couple of refrigerators in one fell swoop.

--Sounds like you've had a rough shonen life, but revenge isn't the answer.

--I know All Might-dono, besides the culprit is already behind bars, I put him there myself, after tearing off his arm and leg.

I released cold killing intent across the beach making Midoriya blanch and stumble and All Might frown.

--I will not say that you are right but as a professional hero I must warn you that there is a line that we must not cross.

--I know very well, All Might-dono for that very reason and now seeing him in this state... I'm worried about the future, I can see that he's training seaweed to be his replacement but... How long will it be until he's ready?? Will the villains wait quietly, while "The Symbol of Peace" falls apart? All Might-dono will not say anything and keep the secret but you should know that one day the cat will be out of the bag and the world will enter an era of chaos.

All Might and Mirodiya's complexion turned pale and serious, before either of them could speak further.

--Before I say anything, let me finish... Japan is a relatively peaceful world in this world full of super humans, abroad is a complete disaster, organized crime and true super villains run wild throughout the world, I won't say that the current method is wrong but, when all hell breaks loose...

Create an ice scythe and bring it down aiming it comfortably at Izuku's neck.

--It will be a fight to the death, few are the heroes willing to give their lives for justice, and the Japanese heroes are too used to petty villains and pathetic criminals, when the old "Monsters" awaken, the current heroes will run home for their mommies or they will drop dead like flies... All Might-dono said, I suggest you train your successor well, his naivety will endanger him and others around him.

With those last words, I turned the scythe around and used it as a pole to propel myself over the scrap piles and back into the ocean.

--Wait Shōnen!

All Might screamed but the black-haired young man had already escaped.

--That boy spoke too seriously, he spoke as if he had already seen chaos and destruction, it's almost as if he was... (Night Eye! but his Quirk was clearly Cryokinesia? Double Quirk? Plus that physical ability... 3 Quirks? Who was that young man?)

--All Might-san! That boy?

--Don't worry about Midoriya-shonen, focus on your training, if that young man will be in the test you better hurry up because he is a boy, he will be your strongest rival!


The master and apprentice duo continued to clear the bay, unaware that the boy they were looking for was calmly swimming on his back only about 500 meters from shore.

--Should I catch a fish for dinner? Fuyumi-nee likes Yellow fin Tuna… Find one, Ah-up!

With a breath of air the young man plunged into the water with an ice harpoon.

Well, someone asked for the English version of my work and here it is... constructive, destructive criticism and other toxic and non-toxic comments are accepted, I am NOT going to rewrite this story. I will only publish it in English, but criticism is still accepted. For future projects.

Luixto_Mirokucreators' thoughts