
Chapter 28 I don't think you want to eat that?

--I found you~!

I directly slammed my flying ice block into his escape route, Kurogiri must be somewhere so I must be quite fast and deal as much AoE damage as possible.

--Shit ... Compress!!!


A well-versed fellow in a red franc, top hat, and three-hole mask jumped up and turned the Iceberg into a small marble, whereupon Dabi-aniki gave me a warm welcome.

-- BURN !!!

--Very warm~

I blatantly bluffed as these flames are truly hot and annoying, due to their complete combustion effect they consume all oxygen in an instant such that breathing becomes quite difficult around them not to mention the feeling of being cooked alive I can regenerate with the same speed at which I burn but it's still annoying, by the way my clothes burned a long time ago so I'm only left with my Endeavor brand thermo resistant boxers.

-- Fuck you YMIR!!!!

Dabi cursed and increased the torrent of flames leaving me in a passive position.

--Isn't that the guy who fought with Steins-sama?!

A girl with dull blonde hair styled in two dango pigtails and armed with a set of daggers and hoses, wearing a school uniform was none other than the cute lunatic Toga Himiko who attacked Dabi from behind.

--What do you want Toga?

--Steins-sama approved, don't attack him~

--We have work to do, no matter if it was approved or not~

Free from the annoying flames, charge against the villains but not before paying them in spices for their warm welcome.


I screamed loudly and an icy hell unfolded throughout the forest, hundreds of ice pillars created a cage locking us all inside.


--Me~ Dabi~

Dabi clucked at my nonchalant greeting, but again I was interrupted by a flying kick from a female high school student with a very flushed face.


--Hmmm~ they are white~

I dodged the kick but not before noticing the small flash of her underwear.

--Toga-chan~ you shouldn't wear such provocative lingerie~

I dodged another series of attacks from the lunatic girl while Dabi, Commpress and Twice tried to melt or break the pillars, good luck with that~

-- Do you like them~?! Ymir-sama Ecchi~!


Toga and I engaged in an extremely entertaining dance, what can I say, I like martial arts, I know I should get Bakugo back but... why should I bother rescuing a boy? When can I have a fun deathmatch with a cute martial artist? I think the answer is obvious.

--You're so cute Toga-chan~

--Hahahaha~ I want your blood Ymir-sama~

--I don't think you want to eat that?"

God only knows what the fuck will happen if this crazy girl takes my blood filled with "Demonic Extract" I once injected some of my blood into a hamster and it exploded into little pieces... it would be a shame if a top tier Yandere Waiffu ends up like that Though on the other hand, it would be a good experiment~?

--That's for me to decide~ Ymir-sama~

--Okay come and have a bite~ Toga-chan~

I stretched out my arms and let the crazy girl pounce on me and stab me, for my part I hugged and trapped her body against mine.


--You're so cute Toga-chan~

Ignoring the dull burning pain in my stomach, I stole the strange girl's lips.


Now they are wondering why kiss her and why am I not chasing Dabi who is about to get out of the trap? Well it's simple, I can't waste the opportunity to steal her lips and destroy the blood samples on her suit without mentioning the fact that I am feeding her my blood, which could kill her or make her even crazier than she already is. In any case, the main cast is about to arrive in a few seconds for them to take care of Dabi, Twice and Mr. Compress.

--Mhmmm *glup*…Ymir…mhmhmh.

I stole her lips and assaulted her mouth, licking and sucking her teeth and tongue, my hands caressing her body disassembling her suit part by part, while I channeled the energy of the Avalon to heal myself and to relax the muscles and nerves of Toga, a girl who lives forever blushing may not be able to handle this level of intimacy.

--Are you happy Toga-chan~?


--You're so cute Toga-chan~

I could only smile seeing the girl almost without strength with her tender lips curved in a big smile, Oh temptation, your name is Himiko Toga~


-- Return Ka-chan!!!

--Oh~ just on time~

The pursuit team arrived just in time, led by a battered Izuku and a frustrated pair of Shoto and Iida accompanied by Kirishima and Tokoyami. Shoto created an ice slide and went ahead of the others along with Iida to block the villains, Midoriya Izuku was obviously beyond the limit but his love for Ka-chan kept him at the head of the march, too bad Dabi-aniki It is not an energy saving lamp.


A blaze of blue fire covered the escape of the group of villains although to call it a group would be a lie, Magne, Spinner and other third-rate villains were eliminated by this server as well as cute Toga is trapped in psychotropic ecstasy due to my actions and it seems that it will not explode, Twice is useless and I am too lazy to chase them now, let the main cast take care of it and let the story take its course.


The faculty and security should arrive any minute so I decided to wait for them, I wasted a lot of energy with so many constructions so I relegated the ice field and only left a cage where I locked Toga-chan and my throne so I could sit.

--Now what do I do with this girl?

I looked at the girl who was lying inside the cage, completely blushing, gasping, and with her clothes out of place and torn. Could this lead to many misunderstandings? Sitting on my throne I could only sigh, my clothes burned thanks to Dabi and I'm almost sure someone arrived in 3,2,1 ...

--How are you doing sensei~?

--Oh... is that you Kurogane?

Eraeser-sensei came out of the forest followed by Tiger-osan and some policemen, it is worth mentioning that they are all looking at me with doubts, since I am sitting on a demonic-looking ice throne naked and next to a cage with a girl inside.

--The others left that way~ but they should be back soon, by the way this girl is part of the League of Villains~

I pointed to Himiko who was still lost in ecstasy, which further increased the suspicious gazes on me.

--Kurogane…Omae (You)?

--Before you think something strange, my clothes burned because of the blue flame guy, then this girl jumped to attack me so I subdued her and locked up pity that the rest escaped in that interval.

--And why are you naked and she... "hot"?

--My clothes burned! Because of the blue flames and well she's crazy~

--I see…

Aizawa-sensei looked at me doubtfully but he, like me, was too lazy to worry about small details.

-- Seriously you didn't do anything to her, is she kind of cute?

Sensei walked over and muttered before checking Himiko's pulse and motioning for the policemen to stop her.

--I didn't do anything to her except hit her a little~


The sleepy Himiko muttered in her sleep with an unnecessarily suggestive voice, making us break into a cold drop of sweat.

--Oh really?



--Oh~ looks like they're coming back~

The group of pursuers returned giving me a perfect outlet for the incriminating glares of Eraeser and the others.


In the end, the school trip was a total prosecutor, the only curious thing is that the member of the Wild Wild Pussy Cats who should have been attacked by All For One was saved and still has his powers, the villain who fought with Deku, as well as the The rest of the villains defeated in the forest, along with Magne, were captured and sent to Tartarus, the smoke boy, Spinner and Toga were sent to a maximum security correctional facility since they were minors.

Most of the injured were transferred to different hospitals and the others were returned to their respective residences. For my part, they called me to the police station to take my statements because I am the only one who fought head-on with them and it is still in good condition. .

"So, they're coming after Katsuki Bakugo-kun?"

--That's what they said~

--Correct. The injuries present on the villains Magne and Spinner were caused by you?


--Although there are many complaints about your way of acting, as a police officer I must criticize you but as a person I thank you for having arrested them.

--I just defended myself~ they want to kill me, I won't die easily~

--Okay, let's continue...

The interview lasted a while longer and then I was taken home, on the way I thought about one simple thing. Should I help All Might with All For One or not? It would be interesting to fight against the current pinnacle of super human power, I won't die anyway.


In the end I had a light dinner, changed into my vigilante outfit and headed towards a certain Villains' Den and Bar, it was lucky that I found its location by accident in the complaints forum. Thank you very much "….. " for your information~.