
January 20, 2021: Merak

Konrad proceeded to command his subordinate without sparing the other a glance. Using his free hand, he separated the shoulder bag from Syn's body and bucked it to the guard on standby.

"Sir Martin, search the lady's belongings for any forms of identification to speed up the emergency team's chore of searching for her medical records, provided that there are any in this hospital."

"Roger that, Mr Brecheisen."

Once the bag was taken, Konrad then freed his still-occupied right hand by dropping the cloth mask on the ground. It made a splattering sound since the mask was utterly bedraggled, like beach sand when the waves just awash.

Following that, he lifted the cap on her head with caution. The act fully revealed her sweat-drenched mien that was replicated on the collar lining of her shirt. He went ahead and removed the parka that was possibly constricting her body and set it aside together with the mask.

'Why is she wearing such light clothing when it's winter?' Konrad thought as he slightly furrowed his eyebrows. 

Konrad brushed the stray strands of hair on Syn's face towards her ear, lessening the clutter on her countenance. Even though it was clear on the woman's overall appearance that she was in anguish, her glamour seemed to have overshadowed that fact.

If he could marvel at her immaculate allure at that moment, he would do so. Only, the current circumstance was obviating him.

He quickly got a hold of her hand to allow himself to feel her pulse. He located the radial artery on her wrist using his index and middle fingers. The man did not even need to observe for a full minute to know that her pulse rate was abnormally fast.

Meanwhile, Martin, the security personnel, went straight for the lady's wallet. Just at the instant that his eyes landed on an ID card, the guard withdrew it from its slot and willingly enlightened Konrad of her name.

"Mr Brecheisen, Syn Rosenfeldt is the full name of the patient, as stated on her national identification card."

Konrad simply gave a nod all the while maintaining his gaze on Syn, looking as if it's the last time that he could gape at her for his own pleasure.

"Miss Rosenfeldt, can you hear me?"

The man spoke to Syn in hopes of being able to support in easing her heaving. Unfortunately, her eyes remained tightly shut. In addition to that, her breathing did not slow down at all. It might have even become shallower and hastier.

"Are you in pain? If you are, can you tell me where?"

Syn bided unresponsively. The sole sound that could be heard from her was the occasional soft whimpers escaping her mouth.

Hyperventilation could ensue when the presence of carbon dioxide in the blood is significantly low. The common myth of letting a patient breathe into a brown paper bag was nonpractical.

Artificially increasing the concentration of carbon dioxide by means of masking the nose and mouth with a paper bag would somewhat, at the least, hamper any treatment if the patient has a life-threatening disease such as a heart attack.

Furthermore, limiting the supply of air had the danger of lowering the oxygen level in the blood, which might trigger underlying medical conditions. Wherefore, the best method to use as a first aid for hyperventilating patients was to aid them in calming down in order to stabilize their breathing.

If the patient was showing symptoms akin to bluish lips or skin, fever, chest pain, etc., then urgent medical care should be critically administered.

Undoubtedly, it was futile to talk her out of this episode seeing that it was not a simple panic attack.

'This isn't going well. If this keeps up, she might lose consciousness.'

Konrad grabbed her right hand as lightly as he could, with the thought that he could hurt her fragile slender arm if he exerted even an ounce of additional strength.

"Please hang in there a little bit more. Our medical team is already on the way. They will make sure to diagnose you properly, so that they can help ease your pain."

Diverting his stare away from the woman, Konrad finally looked at Martin who was standing idly behind him.

"Sir Martin, could you fetch me a body thermometer from the first aid box."


Martin opened the box, picked up a white handheld device, isolated by two walls in the box's top left corner, and handed it over to Konrad.

The device was a non-contact infrared thermometer. Konrad basically needed to point the mirror side of the thermometer on Syn's forehead, and it would instantly read her temperature. As he did so, he could not help but mutter the bewilderment he felt under his breath. Still, his face remained blank.

'Over 41 degrees Celsius? What is with her state? She seemed to be in top shape when we crossed paths last night.'

Amidst his musings, Konrad caught on to the commotion happening by the main entrance of the hospital.

"The medical team has shown up with Carlos in tow, Mr Brecheisen."

"Why did it take them too long to arrive?"

"I would have to infer from their reports before I can answer your query."

"Relate that to your supervisor. Anyway, upon the team's arrival, tell them that, besides her hyperventilation, she has a fever of 41.2 degrees Celsius and a rapid heart rate."

"All noted."

Ahead of eventually rising to his feet, Konrad warily placed Syn's hand on top of her lap. Consequent to that, he returned the thermometer directly inside the box, straightening his suit thereafter.

"Sir Johny Martin, you can take over here. It is best that I take my leave."

"You have abetted us a great deal, Mr Brecheisen."

"I wouldn't have the need to do this if the emergency team's arrival was sooner."

"We apolo-"

Konrad held up his hand, signaling Martin to stop his speech.

"Enough of apologizing. An apology does not erase anything. Although, it is good that I noticed that the hospital has a delayed response towards emergencies even within the premises."

There was no tone of passive-aggressiveness in his voice, but it came off as such when it reached Martin's ears. The latter was left with nothing to say and could only bow his head in front of the CEO.

"Stand up and go back to work, Sir Martin."

"Yes, I will do so. Have a safe trip, Mr. Brecheisen."

Without a single glance back at Syn, Konrad retreated from the scene. An unusual train of thought arose from his mind.

'I have this fear that it won't end with just a glance.' He thought as he smiled to himself.

Howbeit, it rapidly faded when he realized the absurdity of his wandering reason. His personal guards, who were keenly observant of his actions, went near him. Among the group, Konrad was the one who initiated the conversation.

"Where did they park the car?"

Brock Matthews, the head of security, claimed his place on the right side of Konrad and pointed his finger to the end of the driveway. 

"We still have to walk a few meters from this point. Should we ask the convoy to pick us up from here?"

"Sir Matthews, can't you see that the traffic of vehicles in this driveway is getting heavier? I could endure a little stroll."

"If that is your choice, then I'll lead the way."

The newest guard, Ty Brohman, was given the duty of carrying the umbrella. In order to do that, he shifted towards a position abaft Konrad and opened a large black sunshade capable of covering at most five to six people.

Once they were all set, the lot of eleven started to traipse en route to their vehicles. They did not mean to, yet an imposing aura naturally oozed out from their group, which made the crowd heedful of their path.

Without breaking a sweat after a minute under the sun, their journey on foot came to an end.

Matthews opened the rear passenger door of the third SUV, a dark metallic grey Maserati Levante Trofeo latest edition, in the assortment of four. The guard waited for Konrad to settle himself inside the car before closing the door.

The rest of them scrambled to their assigned vehicles in divisions of three while Matthews sat in the front passenger seat of the same vehicle that their boss was in.

When his ride got a move on, Konrad took out his phone from the inside pocket of his suit. He unlocked the phone and went to his contacts to search for the number of the person he suddenly had the urge to call.

He quickly tapped on the call button upon finding it. He brought the phone to his ear and waited. Ten seconds, give or take, passed till a voice was heard on the other end.

{{ "Hello, Mr. Brecheisen. This is Tristan O' Connor speaking." }}

"A pleasant day to you, Mr O' Connor."

{{ "May I ask of the reason for your call?" }}

"I would just like to inform you that Miss Syn Rosenfeldt will probably be confined in Baumhauer Medical Hospital today."

Unable to think of a response right away, Tristan let the silence take over the call. Momentarily, Tristan shattered the stillness with a question.

{{ "Did you meet up with Miss Rosenfeldt?" }}

"Things happened, though they were purely out of coincidence. Too eventful for me to narrate."

{{ "... Konrad, why are you telling me this?" }}

The change of endearment from formal to informal only meant that the dialogue was now on an intimate, personal footing. There was an incident that kept these two from being tight-knit childhood friends, but that was another account to tell in the future.

This was the first time in a drawn-out decade that they were talking in equal standing.

"Well, isn't Miss Rosendfeldt your acquaintance? I simply wanted to update you out of the goodness of my conscience."

{{ "Goodness of my conscience my a*s. You do know that I am most aware of how screwed up you are, don't you? If your interest laid elsewhere, you won't do any effort in informing me at all." }}

A grin ultimately busted the infamous frosty countenance of Konrad.

"Now, now, Tristan, quite chatty aren't you?"

{{ "I can make out your face alone with the annoying tone of your voice. Spill it out. What's your business with Syn?" }}

"Curious is the word, I guess?"

{{ "What bullsh*t is your curiosity? You come off as if you found a new pet." }}

"What a nice way of putting it."

No matter how condescending he was, Tristan would tolerate it. Nonetheless, their topic was not something he could back down on. Konrad did an excellent job in ticking him off.

{{ "What are you planning? I won't let you do what you want, Konrad. Better remember that." }}

A frisky glint was now swimming freely on Konrad's eyes once he ascertained Tristan's reply.

"That's it. Don't make it easy for me. Piece a grueling challenge for me, Tristan, so that my prize will be unarguably worth my while."

Merak [Turkish] - pleasure derived from simple joys

[[[ Classical Piece Recommendation: Tchaikovsky - Valse sentimentale, Op.51, No.6 ]]]

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