
February 5, 2021: Un cane in chiesa

"Are you sure? I thought that the two of you were in an argument the last time and that's why you walked out. Was that not the case?"

One way or another, Arthasia's innocence, as she inquired about the relationship between Tristan and Syn, was difficult for the young lady to handle.

'Is she simply oblivious or being sarcastic? Is she trying to test me? Am I a threat that she feels inclined to get rid of?' A myriad of questions was swimming in Syn's already flooded mind, crafting the desire in her to tattle without reservations. She solely yearned to flee from the current situation that she didn't want to be a part of in the first place.

"No, I think you're mistaken. I just happened upon him arriving at the main gate when he came to pick you up."

Settling with a safe answer, Syn thought that it would satisfy Arthasia's curious heart and urge her to drop the subject. At variance with her expectations, it merely fueled the woman's zeal to talk to her for longer.

All over again, Arthasia grabbed Syn's with both of her's and pleaded, "Syn, I know you're working right now, but could you spare some time for me? I really, really want to talk to you."

"I'm sorry. I only have an hour left on my shift and I have a class thereafter."

Obviously enough, Syn turned down her request as quickly as she could, reluctant to spend a second more of her time with Arthasia. However, her opponent was not one who had the propensity to give up.

"Please!" Simultaneous to the woman's hold tightening, she ceased from speaking. An idea emerged in her mind, introducing it in the discourse sans a second pondering. "I'll pay you double of your monthly wage, so please talk with me for an hour!"

Rather than feeling grateful that Arthasia was willing to pay for her time, Syn found her proposal insulting. Still, she kept her sentiments to herself, concealing her impulse to retort.

"No, thank y-" As she was about to finish her sentence, she was distracted by the sound of the door to the staff room opening. She turned her head to see what was happening. Her eyes immediately landed on Tommy and the manager, who were making their way towards her.

Confused apropos their arrival, Syn forcefully retracted her hand from Arthasia's clasps as she hurriedly bowed her head to the manager. Once they reached an arm's span of distance away from her, the lady raised a query.

"Manager, you're supposed to be preparing for your departure. What are you doing here?"

Instead of getting an answer from her uncle, Tommy was the one who gave her a response.

"I-I called the manager because you lo-look like you're having trouble. I'm s-sorry." The lad said with much difficulty, cowering afore Syn. His eyes were travelling around the place while his hands were clutching the edge of his apron firmly. He was panicky, to say the least, ignorant of whether he did the right thing or not.

Syn's gaze changed its focus from the manager to the young man, furrowing her eyebrows a tad ahead of replying, "This is unnecessary, Tommy. Next time, unless I request for it myself, do not call the manager unwarrantedly."

Her tone didn't bear an ounce of anger nor agitation. Withal, for Tommy, her piercing stare capably conveyed that she was annoyed, so he just shut his mouth and didn't involve himself in the conversation any further.

"Syn, cut Tommy some slack. He was only concerned for you that's why he reported it to me." The manager voiced out as he tapped Syn on her right shoulder.

To be honest, he was surprised that Syn reacted in such a way when she usually pardoned any of her co-workers' mistakes without uttering a word. Thus, he knew in that instant that the lady was unreservedly bothered by the presence of the customer.

The manager then faced Arthasia and gave her a smile before addressing the issue, "Good afternoon, Miss. What seems to be the problem?"

"Are you the manager?"

"Yes, I am. Do you need something from our Syn here?"

"Oh, good! We can solve this faster! Will it be fine if I borrow Syn for an hour? I'm quite busy myself and this is my only free time. I just want to have a talk with her." Disregarding her consideration for Syn's sentiments, Arthasia articulated her request to the manager. "Don't worry. I'll compensate her on your behalf."

"I can let her leave early, but I won't command her to do so. She will talk to you only if she wants to."

Feeling relieved of what her uncle put forth, Syn could finally sough freely. Woefully for her, at that moment in time, a couple of customers entered the cafe and promptly lined up behind Arthasia.

Syn was vaguely aware that the woman in front of her was willing to impede the advance of the queue until she acquired what she wanted. Taking Arthasia's stubbornness into account, Syn forfeited her adamance, putting her struggle to naught.

"You can sit somewhere. I'll join you once I process your order."

"Really?! Nice!" Arthasia squealed in excitement, closing her bag thereafter. "Hurry up, okay?"

Latterly of saying her last piece, the woman hopped her way en route a two-seater table, placed beside the window showing a mini garden that was beautifully decorated by the blushing pots of Heathers and bushes of Viburnums.

In less than a few minutes, Syn was able to take the seat opposite of Arthasia. Although she might have felt offended by some of her remarks, it was not as if the woman knew her personally. That being the case, Syn resisted her appetency to be disrespectful, exhaling it out of her system.

"The other staff will deliver your coffee here. State your business."

"Thank you for indulging me! I simply wanted someone to hear me out. Since you know Tristan, I think you can provide me with some advice."

Uncertain of Arthasia's intent, Syn couldn't follow her words even more. Hence, she indifferently muttered, "Sure, go ahead."

"Yay! Alright, so, Tristan has been pretty occupied these days. He's constantly drowning himself in work. I always tell him to rest and he agrees. Yet, whenever I visit his office, his head is burrowed in paperwork. He barely had any sleep for the past two days. I'm worried."

Ensuing her lengthy speech, Arthasia slumped back on the seat, clearly fretful of how Tristan was acting.

"I mean, I want him to confer to me when something is bothering him. I am his fiancee after all. I remember him asking me if I truly want to pursue our engagement."

"And, what did you say?"

"Well, of course, yes. I dearly begged my father for it, and since he's tied to me now, I have no intentions of letting Tristan go. I even solicited for Mr Brecheisen's help."

Upon the mention of a name that she wasn't cognizant that she coveted to harken, Syn wondered regarding the connection of Konrad and Tristan with a shrewish sensation roaming her heart.

Un cane in chiesa [Italian] - Literally means 'A dog in a church', an idiom for an unwanted guest.

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