

Dior_crimson · Tranh châm biếm
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Floating in a dark void less space appears to be a blue floating orb moving from point of no origin to another at random intervals before stopping completely "where am i? Last I remember was that I went camping then I-" suddenly as soon as the words came out of the orb it received a massive influx of information that cut its speech short "I see…. I guess I did die. Kind of stupid of me to set camp near a black bear's nest then roast beef there I was basically asking it to kill me at least it gave me a pain less death by snapping my neck the only regrets I have was not wiping my computer ha-ha, I hope no one tries to keep it…." the orb says before going silent. "It's been a while aren't I meant to go to heaven or something it's pretty annoying just staying in place" almost immediately a bright rectangular light appears in the void before an immensely large bipedal being clothed in a light blue almost white robe and an obscure face steps out of the light before it closed back "sorry I'm a bit late, didn't know the R.O.B meeting would take so long" a feminine voice rang out from the being before making a table, chair and a wheel with numerous options appeared then continued by saying "let's get down to business shall we?" then a stack of papers then started reading or that's what the orb thought "oh dear, you really went out differently, being mauled by a bear is pretty unique, I only know a handful of people who die that way ha-ha-ha" she said with a bellowing laughter before facing the orb "let's cut the introductions short, you get four wishes, normally I give only three wishes but considering your karma and some other shit I'm too lazy to talk about. So let's start your first with shall we?" "o-okay" the orb replies before continuing "for my first wish, I want to have the combined intelligence and mental capacity of Azmuth, Brainiac, Richard Sanchez and Ivo Robotnik" "that's doable, but its literally impractical to have the intellect of three 12th level intellects and a level 20th level, ill have to equalize them to be 9th level intelligence to prevent your brain from melting the moment you reincarnate. next wish" the rob replied "my second wish is to be able to create any material, object and DNA of anything I think of, but since i'm guessing you'll give it a downgrade, i want to start off with limited memories of things i know of" The orb said which the rob nodded to before continuing "my third wish is to be able to duplicate myself and for my duplicates to be able to have limited free will but will be able to combine back with me" the rob nodded but said "okay, seems like you're already getting the hang of this, so i believe there will be no more reasons for be to burst your other bubbles" the orb kept quiet for a while before replying "okay for my fourth wish, I want to have the ability to use all jutsus from Naruto minus any clone techniques and chakra rivaling Matatabi but ill like to start at genin level. then for my last wish; i want to have physical endurance that rivals the strongest beings in that universe,but i want it to act like a zenkai so ill just need to gain battle experience instead of being strong from start." the rob just stared at the orb before replying on an exasperated voice "fine they're all doable but you'll only be able to use the duplication and creation ark from start, the rest will stay locked till your 16th birthday, no negotiations." "okay but could you make me my previous gender again and make my DNA un-clone able!?" the orb practically yelled "sure I could sneak those last requests in but let's see the world you'll be reborn into first" the rob replied before spinning the huge wheel making it spin rapidly before slowly stopping on D.C universe "oh, I guess this'll be fun your wishes would be really useful, good luck and try not to die any sooner than expected" the rob says practically giggling while the orb stares wide eyed, if he had eyes, before turning to the rob "please don't do this I won't last long in there!" "Don't worry I have faith in you, bye" she says before his consciousness fades away into the void.


(Gotham city orphanage) (MC Pov)

*time-skip 5 years*

It's been five years since I've been reincarnated into this world, I've kept my head low for most of the time I haven't been adopted yet which gives me enough time to formulate and plan my future in this world. Batman and the rest of the justice league exist here which means I'll have to be extra careful though I tried not to stand out too much but I've already entered 8 grade by the age of 7 and its pretty annoying being around these zygotes who think the world is all about rainbows, unicorns and glitter but I'm way prepared for the horrors of this world, I've been able to create clones and diamonds in order to finance myself till I graduate from college I've been constantly trying to persuade the principal to grant me the final exams for graduating middle school and it seems my persuasions are proving fruitful as I've been informed that I'll be able to take the graduation exams by next month which is in the next five days, pretty annoying if you ask me but it gave me enough time to implement my other plans. I've accumulated around $18,000,000 while also creating a false id and bank account for my disguised duplicate and other bio-metric information I'll need, I also plan on getting adopted by my duplicate of course with enough fool proofing it'll go extremely smoothly for the next five days before I begin my cloning and mechanization experiments which were to start as soon as possible if I wanted to have an advantage before the justice league actually become a thing. Time to get serious, I didn't ask for the minds of the four smartest people I knew for kids play ill live my life to the fullest and crush those who threaten my peace, time for Cerebro to rise and spread my name.

ill correct my mistakes later enjoy till the next chapter.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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ive also made some changes to this chapter, hope you enjoy it

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