

As I start to become more aware of my senses the pain slowly starts increasing. Every muscle in my body aches. A cold mist is falling, lightly coating my face. I take in a deep slow breath. I love the smell of rain. Even that sends sharp pains through my chest. I open my eyes, the bright late morning sun filters through the leaves and dirt over my face. I slowly sit up letting the grass, leaves and dirt fall off me. I'd never run that far or long before. I'd tripped several time last evening. I'd been so preoccupied with getting as far from the scene as I could I hadn't paid enough attention to my surroundings. I'd just known I was running in the right direction.

I take the satchel out and drink the last of my water as my stomach growls. I stand up ignoring the pain that shoots through my aching muscles. My skirt is ripped in several places all the way to me knees and my braid is long gone, replaced by a mess of hair, sticks and dirt. looking around I see what I need, luck is on my side, a full berry Bush is a few feet away.

I finish eating my fill of berries. Then head towards the palace. After tomorrow I'll have my gifts. I sigh, I am not ready for this. I was taught not to show weakness though so everyone else will never know I am not ready.

The crunch of the leaves under my feet is the only noise other than the occasional birds, drops of rain on the foliage and occasional breeze. The mist is staying light, but I can still feel my skin getting wet through the cloak and my dress. Thank goodness for these amazing shoes keeping my feet dry and warm. Father T had made them from a mountain deer. They were well made and sturdy. Father T gave them to me a couple months ago. He even had Mother T embroider my name and my favorite flower the Fire Lilly on them. Memories, and these shoes, are all I have left of them.

My chest feels tight. The woods are starting the thin out. The fresh green forest floor looks beautiful with the sun filtering through. A couple of birds are singing in the branches by me. The melody floating around me.

A small creek comes into view. I approach it and fill my hide canister all the way up. Cupping my hands I sip the water flowing gently in the creek. It feels amazing and tastes so fresh. The cool water is soothing on my scratched and raw hands. I take the water and try to scrub as much of the dirt off my arms and face as I can. Then I realize there is no point to try and get clean right now.

I need to keep moving. I've been traveling all day. I should reach the castle the morning after tomorrow at this rate. My body doesn't hurt as much as it did when I woke up. I'm glad the summer has ended or this journey would have been horrid in the heat. The cool autumn breeze is welcoming.

I continue walking until a few hours after the sun sets. I find a good place to dig another hole. I ignore the pain of my fingers making contact with a few twigs. I cover myself up and take deep, slow breaths. the Earth around me helps to keep my body heat around me and I sigh as I start to feel warm even though I'm wet. I close my eyes, welcoming the dreams. It's the only place I get to see Mother T and Father T now. I focus on the sounds of the night insects as the mist slowly stops. The slight breeze sounding through the trees. I feel my body getting heavy, and warm.


A cold breeze blows around me. I can see my breath on the air. I lean on the fence, trying to be brave. Milky got scared by some wolves and ran through the fence and into the forest. She must be terrified. Father T said she would be find tonight even if the temperature drops more then last night. Tears roll down my cheeks as I see Father T comming out of the woods alone. I run to him and he opens his arms welcoming me. "don't cry little princess, she's right behind me." my eye brows furrow at him calling me little princess. I don't know why but it seemed wrong.

I look passed him as Milky slowly trudges into the fields edge an makes her way back to her pin. I leap with joy! "Kiana! time for bed little princess!" Mother T calls in the distance. My eyebrows furrow further. They have never called me little princess before.

I take a step and everything turns blurry. the next thing I know I'm standing in a familiar room. There's a fire burning in an old rock fireplace. A women humming is behind me. I turn to see my mother. "My little princess must come to bed now." I shake my head no and back away. I want to wake up now. She stands and walks towards me and her warm soft hand caresses my cheek. I close my eyes and lean into the touch. Then what always happens in this dream happens.

The door to the room flings open. "My Queen! The Ocean Clan has been spotted on the east side of the Palace wall, and the Mountain clan is on the North! They are working together. They know she's here!" My mother scoops me up and squeezes me in a hug. She places me in My Father's arms "My sweet child we will meet again. Remember to stay strong and tell no one who you are. I'm sorry my darling." She kisses my head and my father turns and runs. When we reach the front door to the Palace my father kisses me on the forehead "I'm sorry my little princess, this will be scary." He opens the doors and my older brother run to us surrounding us. "We will protect you sister!" Luthen yells to me as he pat's my head. I see a group approaching us and then we run towards them.

Metal meets flesh as Luthen falls to the ground life leaving his eyes. I watch as one by one my dear brothers, my protectors fall. My father is the last standing and rushes over to the stables. He finds a fish basket removing the lid "My little princess, you must not move or make a noise. Stay in the basket!" He kisses my forehead then gently puts me into the basket. I look passed him into the quart yard to my brothers bodies and the palace in flames. My chest hurts and the tears flow. The lid is placed on top. He's moving. "Take her, Return her on her birthday" I'm handed off.


Time skips and im getting pulled from the basket by a burly man. He places me by the fire and hands me some food. I start to eat it hungrily. A snap of a twig has the man up in seconds. I turn to see a couple walk into the clearing. "The silver streak of the moon is bright." Says the women. The burly man looks at her saying "Lighting the way for the traveler" The other man ends it with "Whom welcomes the the moons help on this weary road." The burly man then nods "on her birthday she is to be returned" he pat's my head before walking into the woods and never returning. "You will call us Mother T, and Father T. We are your parents now child. Do you understand?" They look at me as I nod my head. "Who are you?" They ask me a question my mother had asked me in my training. "I am a citizen of the Gaea Kingdom. My name is Kiana." They nod in satisfaction.