
The Beginning

Lightning flashes and the night skyline is glowing a frightening orange. There is screaming everywhere. Warm strong arms wrap around me holding me close as I'm shoved into an old wooden basket that smells of fish. My last view is of the palace in flames. The quart yard I'd played in just that morning covered with blood and my siblings bodies. I close my eyes tight. Warm tears trickle down my cheeks. I must stay silent. I feel the movement of the basket being placed in another's arms and then whoever it is starts running.

My mothers face flashes in my memory. Her soft gentle smile as she gently places me in a guards arms. Her voice like honey "My sweet child we will meet again. Remember to stay strong and tell no one who you are. I'm sorry my darling." She kissed my forehead and before I could say anything else I'd been carried out into the night to the deafening sounds of screams and fire.

I don't remember much else of that night. I awoke the next morning to a man pulling me out of the basket gently. He placed me by the fire where he was making breakfast. We were in a wooded area somewhere. The following days went like that. Laying in a cramped basket, only being let out when it was time to eat. I don't know how many days we traveled like that, but we eventually made it to a farm where I was raised in secret.

It was 11 years ago that I had to learn why my mothers defiance of the royal decrees had been frowned on. That the elders had put in place rules for a reason.

I learned a few years after that night that my mother and I would never see each other again. I learned the truth of everything. The Queens in my kingdom are higher than the King. They are bestowed a power by the spirits of the ancestors that makes them more powerful than anyone in the kingdom. The "King" is seen as just a pretty guard. After marrying a Queen the King is bestowed strength to protect her. When the Queen gives birth to a princess, they are helpless, weak and vulnerable, And Heir to the thrown. When a prince is born he is born with the normal gifts of a citizen. They are trained from day one to protect the princess, their sister.

After many generations a weakness was found. If a princess was killed before her powers were bestowed, the Queen and all the guard would lose their gifts. Leaving the kingdom weak and vulnerable. It takes 2 years for another bloodline to be chosen by the spirits. In that time the kingdom suffers immensely.

To prevent this, The royal elders made a decree many generations ago. After the fourth bloodline was destroyed. In order to insure that the princess's survived to be queen, they would be taken at birth and spread across the kingdom randomly until the day came for them to be bestowed the gift of the spirits. My mother refused to let me go. she went against the elders saying that having me close was safest. That it was her right as a mother to raise me. Protect me.

But a Queens kingdom comes first. Not her children. And because of my mothers defiance, the enemy knew where to find me. My older brothers died protecting me so I could escape. The king was killed. My mother survived. Along with 3 of my younger brothers.

In the 11 years my mother gave birth to 5 more sons. I was the only daughter.

I'm turning 16 in four days, And that is when I'll be old enough for the gift. When that happens because of my mothers defiance, she will be taken away, so that I can take her place. My whole life has been preparing me for this.