

We had been walking for 2 days. Mother T used her citizen gift of air to push leaves over our tracks and send our sent in another direction. Most citizens have small gifts, like being able to grow things better, or make someone feel calm. Mother T was rare with her ability with air. The Elders had done a ritual to make her gift stronger to better hide me. Father T had the gift of foresight. But only if he focused on what he wanted to see. He could sense how someone was going to move before they even knew. His was rare as well.

I sit on a fallen tree as Mother T scouts around us. We didn't have enough time to grab all our things for traveling when we left. The past two days had been spent collecting berries and Nuts on our way. I was starving.

"Here, eat, drink." I'm handed the berries we had collected earlier along with a piece of stale bread and the water hide. I look up at Mother T in protest. I don't want to eat the last of our food knowing she must be hungry as well. she puts her hand up blocking my words and just walks away. She was distant to me now. Father T was gone. He knew the way we would take and would have caught up by now if was alive. Mother T was grieving. I missed him too. He was stern and hard, but had always been soft with me too. He told me once "I'm glad I get to play your father." And I'd known he was speaking the truth by the look of love in his eyes. I fight against the burning in my eyes and start eating.

I finish the last few berries as the sun is setting and I can glimpse the view of the oranges and reds and purples through the trees. "We will rest for a few more minutes then we must move" I nod to Mother T then close my eyes and breath in the forests sent.

It's so calm, the birds chirp, and the wind blows lightly. Making my hair tickle my cheek. I day dream of a time when I had no worries. Playing with my brothers. The laughter and their smiles. I feel my smile on my face grow. I had missed my family. Then Mother T and Father T had become my family. I should ask Mother T if she will stay with me once we get to the palace. I Don't want to say goodbye to her too. My smile starts to fade as I remember Father T. I wish he was here too. I lean over to scratch my ankle.

CRACK! The whistle by my ear that came before the sound of something making contact with a branch right by my face has me standing and wide eyed in seconds. I can feel the sting of whatever flew by my face. I'm about to focus in on where it came from when Mother T rams into me, making me fly a few feet away and onto the ground. I Feel a warmth make it's way up my side. Rubbing my hand where I feel wetness, I pull my hand up to find blood. I look to Mother T who has an arrow in her back. My eyes widen and my heart stops.

"Run child RUN!" She kisses my forehead and hands me the satchel then pushes me away as she runs towards the direction the arrow came from. I take off running. Hearing the sounds of a struggle behind me. Tears are flowing down my face as I see the edge of the forest and my castle in the far distance atop a mighty hill. I have no time to stop and admire it. I must find a place to hide.

I keep running through fields as every breath hurts from all the running. my legs are on fire and my lips and throat are so dry they stick together when I swallow. I keep running through the pain. Unsure if I'm being followed I'm too scared to stop. I see a town coming up. "We cannot go into the towns, no one can now where or who you are." Mother T's words ring in my mind. I turn and run to go around the town, through more forest.


The sun sets as I fall into the hole I just dug. My fingers are bleeding from the sticks I'd made contact with while digging. I cover myself with all dirt and leaves i can. Only lightly covering my face so I can still breath. I'm in so much pain. My whole body aches and feels tight. My hands sting and burn. My head is spinning and my stomach feels sick. I close my eyes and welcome sleep. The smell of damp earth filling my nose.

I dream of Mother T and Father T the day that we got the cow. They asked me to name it. I remember being so happy, they had trusted me to name a cow! It had taken three days for me to choose the perfect name. Father T had laughed at what I chose. Milky was a good cow. After I'd picked her name Father T had taught me how to put seeds in the ground. All three of us went to work planting. After a hard days work and a yummy dinner, I feel Mother T tucking me in as Father T sings my Mothers lullaby. My tiny hands are being held by Mother T's. "Its time to wake up dear" I look at her in confusion. Aren't they putting me to bed?