
Opening Moves

I watched as students fill the hallways as I rip the locker open.

Donning my usual attire plus a white theater mask, I looked just like your everyday cape.

I flexed my power to clean up Taylor and heal her before gently setting her on the ground.

Feeling a Shard approaching, I faced wherever it was coming from.

There, wading through the crown was Sophia, Shadow Stalker's civilian identity.

A smirk found it's way to my mouth. Not that they can see it.

Grasping Sophia's Shard, I forced my will unto it, changing the power it gives. The Shard originally gives Shadow Stalker into intangible black smoke. Now, it will produce PINK smoke instead.

With my Technopahy, I have recorded everything that has happened before using the school's CCTV system.

I looked directly at Sophia, ignoring the wide eyed Emma or the shaking Madison.

"Is this what Heroes do now? Bullying children?" I asked, my voice was as cold as the arctic.

Sophia flinched before reaching on to her backpack. She took out a crossbow which she aimed at me.

Snapping my fingers, the entire weapon vanished.

"Do not test me." I said in monotone. "She is under my protection."

Using my Technopathy, I uploaded the entire thing online and directly sent a copy to the police, FBI, and the PRT.

With the amount of bio-hazards in the locker, I am sure it counts as an act of Bio-terrorism. Then there's Assault, Vandalism, and Attempted Murder.

Let's see how the Trio can ferret their way out now.

With a wave of my hand, I, along with Taylor, vanished.