
(Battle 1/3) Simurgh

Explosions littered the battlefield as the Capes rushed the entity floating at the center of the ruined city.

"Shielder down" "Laserdream down" "Chubster Deceased" "Brunhild deceased"

A figure with countless white wing sprouting from her body. With a face sculpted into perfection, a figure all woman would be envious for, and power all men crave for, she floated aimlessly with countless debris orbiting around her.

Simurgh, the Hope Killer.

A flash of light signaled the arrival of Legend, one of the Triumvirate. Glowing with a kaleidoscopic lights, he shot beams after beams at the floating angel, yet not a single one landed on her.

Another flash of light signaled his retreat as countless large concrete flew directly at him.

*bang!* *bang!* *bang!*

To which Alexandria, another pillar of the Triumvirate, intercepted and reduced to dust, before rushing at Simurgh.

The Simurgh only flapped one of it's wings when Alexandria was near enough and sent her flying towards one of the ruined building.

If not for a 'Hole' in reality to open and swallow Alexandria.

Only for her to appear above the Simurgh and land a powerful strike on her head.

Yet the angel wasn't even fazed. With another flap of it's wing, Alexandria was sent flying away once more!

Then, the floating debris orbiting around the Simurgh jerked and flew towards different directions. The capes that were approaching was forced to dodge or to destroy it!

"Crusader down" "Aegis down" "Triumph down" "Noir retrieved" "Blanc retireved" "Vert deceased" "Histoire retrieved"

Those that were unfortunate enough were crushed and died.

Then, massive crow emerged from the clouds and immediately dive bombed the floating angel. The Simurgh didn't show any emotion on her face. Instead, a broken building was lifted into the sky and flew towards the rapidly approaching Crow!

The Avian and the improvised projectile meet, resulting in a massive explosion of dust and concrete! And from this dust cloud emerged the Crow, albeit a fraction smaller than before, still on a head on collision course towards the Endbringer.

Yet the Simurgh was still unfazed. With it's telekinetic grip, countless electrical appliances floated and disassembled. Then, piece by piece, a massive cannon was slowly being formed mid air.

"Dragon to all capes, do not let the Simurgh finish that cannon!" The voice of Dragon emerged from the bracelet worn by off of the capes present.

"Raven to all capes, clear the way!" Raven's voice followed shortly thereafter.

The Crow's speed suddenly increased as it released a cry of "Nevermore!"

And from the back of the Crow, Raven jumped and flapped her wings, making her hover in mid air.

The gigantic Crow collided with the half-finished weapon resulting in a massive blast.

"Vulture down" "Hookwolf down" "Rune down" "Purity down"

A flock of regular sized ravens and crows appeared around Raven before rushing towards the Simurgh. Simurgh in turn threw head sized debris at the approaching constructs.

Suddenly, a massive drill of wind struck Simurgh from behind.

High above the clouds, a figure clad in green aura was preparing another drill of wind.

Eidolon, the final pillar of the Triumvirate. Along with Legend and Alexandria, they are hailed as the strongest heroes.

Alexandria whose powers gives her super strength, flight, and invulnerability.

Legend whose powers gives him control of all the spectrum of light.

Eidolon whose powers are taking and using three powers at the same time.

After firing the drill of wind, Eidolon let go of Aerokinesis and substituted it for a power that gives him super strength. With a speed the made a sonic boom, Eidolon approached Simurgh.

The Simurgh who's projectiles were kept being destroyed by the surrounding capes before they were even fired seemed irritated.

Then, her lips opened. The capes suddenly stopped what they are doing and retreated.

Eidolon, who was about to hit the Endbringer, suddenly changed direction.

"Scream incoming!" The frantic voice of Dragon echoed from all of the bracelets.

If you can find the all the expies then you will get an additional chapter tomorrow.

Don't worry, its very easy!

WatcherOfWorldscreators' thoughts