
A Post-Apocalyptic Tale

Sery is an orphan girl with purple-white hair and a slim, beautiful body. She lives in a post-apocalyptic world where in order to survive in this harsh and unforgiving environment, Sery must rely on her wits and strength to survive. She searches for food and supplies, avoids groups of scavengers and mutants, and searches for other survivors in an attempt to rebuild some civilization. Despite the constant challenges she faces, Sery remains determined and resourceful. She doesn't give up, even in the face of seemingly insurmountable obstacles. She knew that in this new world, only the strong and resilient could survive. As she navigates the dangers of the post-apocalyptic world, Sery discovers a strength and determination in herself that she never knew she had. She becomes the leader of the surviving children, inspiring them to hope for a better future and fighting for survival. Together, Sery and the children must find a way to thrive in a world that has been forever altered by disaster. They must work together, using all their skills and resources to create a new world, a world stronger and more resilient than the previous one.

NovalKay · Kỳ huyễn
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2 Chs

The First Day Alone

The little girl stumbled through the dense foliage, she couldn't help but wince at the pain that wracked her body. Her arms and legs were covered in scrapes and bruises, and every muscle ached from her countless attempts to escape the well. She felt weak and helpless, and for a moment, she wondered if she would ever make it out of this nightmare alive.

"Ow," she muttered as she stumbled over a fallen branch. She clutched her scraped arm, her breath coming in short gasps. She had never felt so vulnerable in her entire life. Her eyes scanned the dense jungle around her, searching for any sign of help, but all she saw were towering trees and thick underbrush.

Little girl took a deep breath and tried to steady herself. She knew that she couldn't give up, not now. She had to find a way to heal her wounds and find food and shelter. But where could she even begin? She had no idea where she was or what kind of dangers lurked in this strange new world.

As she walked, she searched for any plants that might have medicinal properties. She had a basic knowledge of herbs and wildflowers, but she had never had to rely on it to survive. She picked a few leaves here and there, rubbing them on her scrapes, trying to alleviate the pain. It helped a bit, but she knew she needed more if she wanted to fully heal.

Looked around the island, her mind couldn't help but wander back to her past. She remembered the classes she used to take on basic first aid and survival skills. She remembered her foster mother showing her how to make a poultice from plants in the garden, and the time her foster brother had fallen out of a tree and broken his arm.

She realized that with this knowledge, she might be able to heal her injuries herself. With renewed determination, she began to search the island for plants that could be used to treat her wounds.

She started with the beach, where she found a large patch of aloe vera growing in the sand. She carefully peeled off the spiky leaves, revealing the gel inside. She spread it on her scrapes and cuts, immediately feeling a cool, soothing sensation.

Next, she ventured into the jungle-like foliage that covered most of the island. Here she found a variety of plants that she recognized from her foster mother's lessons, like comfrey for broken bones, and yarrow for stopping bleeding.

After that, her wounds temporarily taken care of, Little girl's thoughts turned to finding food. She knew that if she didn't find something to eat soon, she would weaken further and be more susceptible to her injuries. She remembered her caretaker telling her that in a survival situation, it was important to find food as soon as possible, so she set off along the beach in search of something edible.

Little girl scanned the beach for any signs of food. She spotted a few shells and picked them up, turning them over in her hands. They were empty, but she remembered the caretaker telling her that some shells could be used to gather water. She put the shells in her pockets, determined to find a way to use them. Then she left the beach and entered the jungle, started to explore her surroundings, looking for any signs of food. She noticed that there were trees and bushes, but she didn't know if the fruit or berries were safe to eat. She thought back to her time at the orphanage, trying to remember if any of the caretakers had taught her anything about survival skills. But her mind was blank.

Keep moving forward, stumbled through the dense foliage, her stomach growled with hunger and he pain from the wound has not gone away yet, coupled with her weak state made her feel weak and helpless.

But as she walked, she stumbled upon a small fish pond. Her heart began to race as she saw the glimmer of silver in the depths of the water. Here was a chance for a proper meal. She crept closer, her eyes scanning the water for any sign of movement.

She remembered the classes she took at the orphanage on basic fishing techniques, but she had never put them into practice. She knew that the success of her survival hinged on her ability to catch a fish. She started to construct a makeshift fishing rod using branches and some vines she found nearby. Her hands shook with excitement and nervousness as she cast her line into the water.

She waited patiently, her eyes fixed on the line, willing a fish to bite. And just as she was about to lose hope, she felt a tug on the end of her line. Her heart leapt as she slowly began to reel in the fish, her hands shaking with excitement. She pulled the fish from the water, her heart racing with triumph and relief.

The little girl couldn't help but feel a sense of triumph as she held the wriggling fish in her hands. She had done it! She had caught food for herself, and it felt like a huge accomplishment. But as she looked at the fish, her excitement turned to a sense of uncertainty. She didn't know how to prepare it for eating.

She remembered back to the days she spent at the orphanage, where she would watch the cooks prepare meals for her and the other children. They would clean and gut the fish before cooking it, but she had never paid close attention to how it was done. She had never had any reason to learn these skills before.

Feeling a sense of determination, she decided to figure out how to clean the fish herself. She used a sharp stick she found to scale the fish, using her fingers to remove the scales, the skin was rough and slimy but she kept on going, she was determined to make this work. She could feel her stomach grumbling with hunger, reminding her of her desperate need for food.

She had to be careful with the fish as it was flopping around, but as she kept going, she was able to remove the scales and gut the fish. She was relieved as she completed the task successfully. She was surprised that it had come so naturally to her and realized that her memories from the past had come to aid her in this moment.

As she cooked the fish over a fire she made, she felt a sense of relief and accomplishment. She had survived her first day alone in the wild, and now she had a proper meal to nourish her body. But when she watching the fish grill, she couldn't help but feel a sense of loneliness and longing for her family. She had always been an orphan, with no parents or siblings to call her own, but now she was truly alone in a post-apocalyptic world. She wondered if anyone else had survived the disaster, if anyone else was out there, feeling just as lost and alone as she was.

Tears welled up in her eyes as memories of her past came flooding back. She remembered the days spent at the orphanage, surrounded by other children who were just as alone as she was. She remembered the warmth and love of her foster family, and the feeling of belonging that she had finally found with them.

But now, all of that was gone. She was alone in a world that was unfamiliar and terrifying, with nothing to rely on but her own determination and resourcefulness. She knew that she had to keep going, had to keep fighting for survival, but the thought of facing the future without anyone to share it with was almost unbearable.

She sat there, lost in her thoughts, the fish began to sizzle and pop, reminding her that she had to focus on the present and ensure her survival. With a deep sigh, she shook off her emotions and began to focus on the fish.


As Little girl finished eating her grilled fish, she felt a wave of exhaustion wash over her. She was safe for now, but she knew that her journey to survive was far from over. She couldn't stay on this island forever. She needed to find other survivors, or at least some sign of human civilization.

She got up from her makeshift camp and set off in search of answers. As she walked, she couldn't help but feel a sense of sadness and longing. She missed her family, her caretakers, and the safety of the orphanage. She wondered if anyone else had survived the disaster and if she would ever see them again.

As she walked, she began to notice signs of destruction everywhere. The trees were twisted and blackened, and the ground was littered with debris. She saw the remains of buildings and cars, all of them crushed and burned. It was clear that whatever had caused this disaster had been catastrophic.

As she walked, she couldn't help but wonder what had happened to the world. Had it been a natural disaster? A war? A plague? She had no answers, and it only added to the feeling of loneliness that hung over her.

She could see the ruins of a city in the distance, and her heart quickened. She picked up her pace, her eyes scanning the ruins for any sign of life. She saw the remains of a hospital, a school, and a park. All of them were in ruins, nothing but empty shells of what once were.

Keep walked, she could feel her heart heavy with the weight of what she saw. She had never seen anything like this before, and she couldn't help but feel a deep sadness for the people who had once lived here. She wondered what their last moments had been like, if they had suffered, if they had been alone.

She realized that she was alone now, and she couldn't help but feel a sense of fear and hopelessness. She knew that she had to keep moving, to keep searching for answers and for a way to survive. But as she looked at the ruins of the city, she couldn't help but feel that it was all for naught.

She sat down on a piece of rubble and let out a sigh, feeling completely overwhelmed by the destruction she was seeing.

Through the ruins of what was once a bustling city, she couldn't help but feel a sense of overwhelming sadness. The buildings were crumbling, the streets were cracked, and the only sound was the rustling of leaves in the wind.

She passed by a park that was now overgrown with weeds, and she could see the remains of a playground, with swings that had long ago lost their color and a slide that was barely standing.

She walked through the deserted streets, she couldn't shake the feeling of loneliness that had settled in her heart. She had never felt so alone in her entire life. She missed the sound of laughter and the warmth of a hug. She missed the safety and security of a home.

She came across a crumbling apartment building, and she could see that it had once been a place where families had lived. She could see toys scattered on the floor, and she could imagine the children that had once played there.

She climbed the stairs to the roof, she couldn't help but think of her own family. She had been raised in an orphanage, and she had never known her real parents. She had always wondered what it would be like to have a family, to have someone to share her life with.

She reached the roof and she looked out at the city. She could see for miles, and she could see that the destruction was everywhere. She could see the remains of a hospital, a school, and a church.

She felt a tear roll down her cheek as she realized that there was no one left. She was the only one left. She was the last survivor of a world that was long gone.

As she sat there, looking out at the ruins of the world, she couldn't help but feel a sense of hopelessness. She didn't know how she was going to survive, but she knew that she had to try. She had to find a way to keep going, even though she was all alone.

She wiped away her tears and stood up. She knew that she had to keep moving forward, she had to find a way to survive in this new world. She turned and made her way back down the stairs, her heart heavy with the weight of loneliness and loss, but her determination to keep going stronger than ever.


When she keep walked down, she noticed that the sky had grown dark and the wind had picked up. She realized that a storm was coming and knew that she had to find shelter quickly. She looked around and saw that the building she was in had a few cozy corners that could provide temporary shelter. She quickly gathered materials she found in the building such as pieces of wood, cardboard, and old cloths.

She made her way to a corner in the basement and began to set up her makeshift shelter. She used the materials she had found to create a barrier that would protect her from the wind and rain. As she worked, she couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. She was using her skills and resourcefulness to survive and make a life in this new world.

Once she finished setting up the shelter, she sat down and let out a sigh of relief. She had done it, she had found a safe place to wait out the storm. But then she realized something was missing, a fire, something to warm her up. She searched for something to light a fire, found a lighter, and started a small fire in the corner, She sat next to the fire and watched it flicker, feeling the warmth on her face, and her hands, she smiled, feeling content and safe.

The night went on, she couldn't help but feel a sense of honest gratitude and happiness, she found a shelter and a fire to keep her warm, even though she was still alone, she realized that she is capable of surviving this new world and that gave her a hope. She knew that the storm wasn't over yet, but she was preparing herself for whatever came next, she was gathering more materials and fortifying her shelter. She was thinking of ways to make it more comfortable and secure, she was planning to explore the area more, find other survivors and resources. She was determined to not just survive but to thrive in this post-apocalyptic world.

A few hours later, the storm died down, little girl stirred from her sleep. She lay in her makeshift shelter, surrounded by the dark, desolate ruins of the post-apocalyptic city. The only sounds she could hear were the howling of the wind and the growling of the wild animals that roamed the streets.

She felt a sense of accomplishment for having survived the night, but also a sense of dread at the thought of what the day ahead might bring. She knew that she couldn't stay in her shelter forever, she needed to find food and water, but the dangers outside were too great. The thought of facing the dangers alone, made her heart heavy with loneliness and fear.

Little Girl couldn't help but think about her loved ones and what happened to them during the storm. She couldn't shake the feeling of guilt, wishing she could have done something to protect them. But she also knew that dwelling on her regrets wouldn't change anything, she had to focus on her survival in the present.

She knew that she had to find a way to survive in this harsh and unforgiving world, but the thought of going out alone was overwhelming. She was alone in this world, with no one to rely on but herself. She couldn't shake off the feeling of despair and hopelessness, she felt trapped.

Little girl didn't know how much time had passed since the disaster, or how she had survived. She had no memory of her past, and no clues about her present. She was completely lost and disoriented.

Despite all of this, she refused to give up. She knew that she had to keep moving forward, she had to find a way to survive in this new world. She knew that she couldn't stay locked up in her shelter forever, she needed to take action to survive. Even though the world outside was dark and dangerous, she knew that she couldn't let fear control.

After all, the morning light slowly began to filter through the ruins of the city, Little Girl woke up. She had spent a fitful night in her makeshift shelter, her mind filled with the horrors of the past and the uncertain future. The once bustling city had been devastated by the apocalypse, now ravaged again by the storm. Everyone she had ever known and loved, were gone. She lay there for a moment, feeling uneasy and uncertain, but then her stomach rumbled, reminding her of her most pressing need - food.

She stood up and stretched her legs, feeling the aches and pains from the night before. But she pushed the discomfort aside, determined to survive another day. The first thing on her agenda was to find a secure food source.

She set out into the city, her eyes scanning the ruins for any signs of life. The city was a ghost town, every building was either collapsed or severely damaged. She knew that the dangers were great, but she had to take the risk. She couldn't stay locked up in her shelter forever, she needed to take action to survive.

While she walked, she couldn't help but feel a sense of sadness at the destruction that the storm had caused. The once bustling city had been reduced to rubble, and she couldn't help but feel a sense of loss for all the lives that had been lost, including her loved ones.

But as she looked around, she also saw signs of hope and resilience. Despite the destruction, there were still plants growing and birds singing. The storm may have taken a lot, but it had not taken everything. And she knew that she had to hold on to that hope, as it was the only thing that would keep her going.

She continued to search for food, her determination never wavering, she came across a stream with fish, she knew this would be her secure food source. She set up a trap and caught her first meal.

Little girl knew that surviving in this post-apocalyptic world was not going to be easy, but she was determined to keep going. She had survived the storm and she knew that she could survive anything. With food in her stomach and hope in her heart, she set out to face another day, determined to create a better life for herself in this new world, even though she was the only survivor.

I'm pretty bad at writing, and this isn't a good or compelling story, this is her journey.

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