
Phone Call

When ring ceremony was done the photographer took some photos of them. After that Aditya asked his mother" is my work finished here."


"So can I go now."


He go upstairs without delay and Anika still stand there. Now she was confident that he was marrying her for his family. She was very tensed but she can't tell this to anyone. She came inside the room with her friend and Aditya's family start to eat their lunch.

One of her newly became sister -in -law came inside with food to eat with Anika. Than someone asked Anika in front of everyone " Anika do you want Aditya's mobile number. She look down with a shy smile. How can she ask for his number. Her mother- in - law said that she doesn't need Aditya's number. Anika feel very disappointed. Her one sister-in-law said that if Aditya wants to talk to her they will call her.

Her friend said that " Anika, your mother/ in - law looks very danger and strict. How can you manage."

" we will see. I don't know how can I manage this."

Her sisters-in-law thought that Anika doesn't have her own mobile phone. But her friend said that she have her own mobile. And they add her mobile number and also give Anika's to their.

Smoothly, ring ceremony completed and her future in-laws take permission for going.She tell the ceremony to her friend Pooja on call. Anika did not tell to anyone about her engagement before and she gave shock to everyone when she post a status of her engagement. Everyone saying that she was looking very beautiful.

Her parents give her permission to that she can talk to Aditya only on mobile. She wait for some days but he did not call her. One night she was talking with his sister on 'what's app'

when his sister asked if she want Aditya's mobile number. She said "if you want to talk to him I can give you his number."

"I don't know what should I do. What are you thinking about this."

"I think you should talk to him but the dicision is yours."


She gave Aditya's mobile number to Anika. Anika add his number in contact list but didn't call him because her mother said her once that "if Aditya call you only when you can talk to him. You never called him first."

"Ok mom."

That's why she don't call him first. She called Pooja and talk to her about this.

She said " One week is gone . Why he not calling me till now. I can't marry him like this. I don't know him 1% how can I marry him."

" Patience yaar, he will call you. Why are you so upset."

"How can I know him if he don't call me. I can't live with him like this."

"Relax, just give him some, time he will call you. Don't worry."

Next day when she wake up in noon and she was shocked when she find out that Aditya sent her a message on what's app. She was very nervous.

Aditya send her"Hello. I'm Aditya. I got your number from my sister."


"Can I call you."

She don't know what she said . She was very nervous and happy also.

She said " as you wish."

After that he don't message her again and at the mean time Anika's friend call her and Anika told her the story.

Her friend said "Are you idiot. How can you do this. What will he think about this. Send him some nice message now."

Anika sent him another message " I am free till 6 pm . You can call me."

He replied her " ok, give me 10 minutes I will call you."


After 10-15 minutes he called her. She was studied in upstairs room so she was alone in that room. She can talk to him without any hesitation. Her heartbeat was very high and she lost her breath for a second. She picked up the call and said "Hello"



She can't hear him clearly because of some network problem. He called her again from his other mobile number. She knew that this number was his yet he clarified this to her.

He said "Hello, I am Aditya and this is my second number."

She forget to talk in nervousness.

She said "ok"