A single drop of disgust can have a power so great,
It can color our perception and distort our fate,
It can make us judge, it can make us hate,
And leave us with feelings that are hard to sate.
It can come from the smallest of things,
A word, a glance, a smell that brings,
Memories of things we'd rather forget,
A sudden reminder that leaves us upset.
That drop of disgust can spread like a stain,
Affecting our thoughts, our feelings, our pain,
It can make us see the worst in every face,
And leave us in a world that's hard to embrace.
But what if we could let go of that drop,
And instead focus on what we'd rather adopt,
A mindset of love, of compassion, of grace,
That allows us to see the beauty in every face.
For though disgust can have its place,
It's not something we should let consume our space,
It's better to see the good in all around,
And let love and positivity abound.
So let that drop of disgust dissipate,
And instead focus on what's truly great,
The love that surrounds us every day,
And the beauty that can be found in every way.
For in the end, it's our perception that counts,
And the way we view the world and its amounts,
So let's choose love over disgust and hate,
And let positivity be our ultimate fate.
Let us remember that life is not always fair,
And we may experience moments of disgust and despair,
But in those times, it's important to hold onto hope,
And believe that we can find a way to cope.
For even in the darkest of times,
There is a glimmer of light that shines,
And if we can focus on that ray,
We can find the strength to face another day.
So let us not be consumed by our disgust,
But instead let it be a lesson that we trust,
To appreciate the good that's all around,
And let love and positivity always abound.
For in the end, it's not the disgust that defines,
But the strength and resilience that we find,
To rise above and overcome the pain,
And embrace the beauty of life once again.