
A piece of wood

Haleema_Sadia_6834 · Khác
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3 Chs

The world's biggest reality

short story


By Haleema sadia

The first installment

Panting in the scorching heat, he entered the house, opened the fridge, drank water, and sat on a sofa, raising the oxygen level in his AC.

His breathing was getting random and he was thinking of today's action while restoring them.

Murder was not difficult for him. He was a professional killer. But today he did not seem to be satisfied with his work.

"Oh, it's too hot," he said to himself.

The heat had really increased in the last few years. His mother had said in his childhood that the reason for the increase in heat was due to natural disturbances but he did not understand this then and now.

But in a hushed voice, he must have heard something from her somewhere. But the thing is, he was not a man to be trusted. He only believed in what he saw.

He got up restlessly and took out a bottle of wine from the fridge and started drinking after mixing soda.

Extremely addicted and the quality of the wine was so poor that he quickly finished the bottle, but his mind was still out of control.

He had been doing this for the last three years. He had committed hundreds of murders with his own hands and he would have been happy with each murder but today ... He was not happy today.

He felt as if he had killed himself. Or this murder has determined his death.

He picked up his communication phone and dialed a number.

" Hello ! "

" Hello Darling "

" where are you ? "

"Come here."

"I'm busy. You know it's foggy time."

It doesn't matter if you all leave. I will pay more. "

Saying this, he hung up the phone and lay down on the sofa.

That is, he had bought peace of mind.

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. ...

They both looked at the body carefully. An old corpse too old to die tomorrow if not today

"But who was it that remembered so late that it was necessary for him to die?" Said one

There will be no heir! The other replied.

"It's not possible. If he had inherited, he wouldn't have waited so long.

This face is not seen nowadays. Said first

So you mean, like, saltines and their ilk, eh? The other spoke.

Yes maybe The last time I saw him was as a child. He too was killed. Said first

Then he will have that book too. The other spoke

"No! She died a long time ago. Maybe she knows some part of it," said the first.

"Let's take him to the elders in the area," said another

And the two dogs dragged the corpse's legs with their teeth and left them near a large building in the area.

to be continued ...