
A Perfectly Balanced Adventure in Bleach

A Computer science student of modern day dies abruptly and his soul encounters a being known as the God of Balance. For its own amusement, it has selected this student to be reincarnated in another world along with 3 'UNIQUE' wishes that differentiate him from all others reborn through various gods. This was originally a placeholder for a story I planned to write and still will but as I finished the previous story i was working on at the time i started this. I found my motivation lacking so i only posted what i had which isnt much but I do plan to still make this story when its write. in the meantime pin my new story Danmachi: The great devourer if your feeling interested

Xanok_Malakai · Tranh châm biếm
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3 Chs

C1: Balance

C1: Balance

Word count= 1948 on 12/11/2023

"You want me to do what?" A very confused figure says as they gaze up at the towering hazy figure before it who calls itself a god.

"I am going to reincarnate you and you shall dance for my amusement" The being known as the God of balance reaffirms.

To comprehend the situation, it is necessary to travel a bit back in time.

For you see, Xavier was an up and coming talented Computer Science student in his final semester of school. He was traveling to school like he did many other days and after parking his car and walking the final distance away. 100 potted plants in ceramic jars all came falling down on him. The first impact just knocked him down but the remaining 99 gradually beat him down into a pulp. The most baffling thing was that he was indoors when this happened. The dirt, ceramic chunks and bits of brain all tell a strange story. It would have been understandable if the vases had somehow been arranged in an elaborate prank but 100 vases is too many and no sign of any contraption was found.

Luckily this was not the end for young Xavier. He soon enough regained consciousness and awoke to find himself in a dreary white canvas like place. With only confusion being his source of inspiration, he began to journey forward with no real purpose.

He eventually stumbled upon a figure that seemed to be in a sitting position. As if leaning back into a recliner chair with his feet kicked up. Or at least that is what Xavier assumes since the 70ft long figure is quite hazy to his 'eyes' and out of caution he says. "Hello?"

"Hmmm? Ah, there you are. I got bored of waiting for your arrival so I started watching a show to reconfirm some information I needed."

"What is this place?"

"The afterlife, or rather my domain of the afterlife. For you see, your death was caused by me" the being states in a straightforward manner

"Huh, wha. What. WHAT?"

"Oh dear, maybe I shouldn't have told him. You would have found out one way or another. Be it some sort of assumption once you regained your final memories" The being says to itself first before continuing to talk to Xavier.

While Xavier can't properly muster emotions, he can still recall his life's moments of anger and somehow channel that to turn his own figure red.

The being simply creates a muting space around Xavier as he throws around profanities and insults at the being.

It is only some time later does Xavier calm down and his body turns to a gray coloring unlike the white he was originally.

"WHY" he asks with a mild tone of venom in his 'voice' as the being dispels the barrier.

"Well, naturally for my amusement. As for why you. It's because you are one of luck's weaker children. I've attempted this a few times before but you always were out of range and so I had to settle for the 100 jars of dirt as anything that was outright fatal was denied."

"Luck? You killed me because I was lucky?"

"You know what? I don't really feel like continuing this conversation as I'm busy elsewhere." He seals Xavier's mind so he can no longer talk. White spots form on his gray body but a few black spots are also formed as if a counterpart.

"The gist of it is that you are being reincarnated. More specifically, I, the God of Balance, am the one reincarnating you here. The counter force has already been paid so your arrival to your new life is set. "

"But reincarnation is not complete without a few toys. As such, I give you permission to now talk and give me your 3 unique wishes. I say unique because I got bored of the other gods' reincarnations and how repetitive they are. Your job is to amuse me and then live out your life as you want. As long as your wishes fulfill the unique aspect, then you will be allowed to keep them, otherwise i'm going to randomly choose it for you."

The god concludes and releases the seal on Xavier who has calmed down much more and begins analyzing what type of benefits he can get before realizing that he likely has to reference his memory of his younger brother for reference as he was the more nerdy one in his family. While he was not super deep into myths, he did encounter one anime that he took a liking to at a young age.

"Am I allowed to know what world you're sending me into?" He questions first before he asks his wish.

"Bleach, the anime world. A bit different from its manga form but that is only the inclusion of fillers which add more events which you aren't required to participate in unless you wish to test yourself."

With the knowledge of his next destination, he begins to ponder and decides on his first wish which is related to that anime he watched. Legend of the Legendary heroes.

"My first wish is to have access to the magic system of Legend of the Legendary heroes along with each of my eyes being different stigmas."

"That is two wishes but I definitely haven't seen anyone else try this before so ill allow it since they are based on the same origin point. Ill readjust their features to be more useful and capable of affecting soul creatures as well as living beings as otherwise you would have very few targets they could affect."

"Do you have any ideas for which 2 eyes you want?"

"I don't remember their names as it has been a while. But I am partial to either the blood one and the alpha stigma itself. Since you talk about balancing, I am willing to accept a weaker madness effect as long as I can control its activation and deactivation."


"Your words tickle my fancy and I will have to do a bit more work in them but yes that is the general premise it would fall under. As for the blood one, it is called Lino Doue. To expand it's usage to affect spirits and souls, it will be weakened since ill may also get rid of the bloodlust effect if you so desire. As for the magic, they would likely follow a similar function as Hado or Bakudo from the Shinigami's which makes it easier."

"Well this brings me to my second wish since I'm not so sure of how that bloodlust effect would work after I say it."

"You've peaked my interest"

Xavier searches his memories for the details of Bleach that his brother talked about as his fanboying was nonstop once the final arc of Bleach was released. As such, he learned quite a few details and one of these details is related to his 2nd wish.

"Since the entire premise of the anime is to be a halfbreed of everything to be strong. I simply wish to be a visored but without the shinigami powers. In a sense I would be closer to fullbring probably but I want the hollow. Some of them look cool" he gives his second wish as he only knows about the visors due to his brother forcefully showing him clips of them and ranting nonstop like a fan boy for them. His excitement peaked when the main characters mask kept changing during the hueco Mundo arc.

" I still want to live a human life but just have the powers of a hollow like a visored would and maybe more depending on how it's arranged."

The god seems to smile at his words as his next words are quite praising.

"A human hollow with twin eyes of gods, quite interesting. I can probably think of something, which means I accept your idea. By linking your eyes with your soul, and then partially changing that into a hollow. The bloodlust effect would in fact be more diminished and instead of rageful hate, it would just be a more calm hatred or dislike is more appropriate."

"Before we continue, I have to ask, you are talking a lot more than I expected" Xavier says

"A properly balanced conversation requires adequate input from both sides. If I simply responded with yes, no, okay, or hmm. Then it wouldn't be a proper conversation. It also helps that I've lowered my intellect to your level" God responds.

"Ummm, thank you but also i feel offended for some reason"

"You are welcome, and you have the right to be but I also have the privilege of not caring about you being offended. Now get onto your third wish already"

"My third wish is to get some sort of instruction manual to learn how anything works since i've never had powers before. This can come in various forms: books, memories, a system that only shows me my status and teaches me or whatever else you can think of."

"Hungry for a system are you?" The god questions with amusement

"Not really but just knowing how strong I am and other details would be nice. It gives me a sort of benchmark to work with since the power scaling on the low end is easy to understand in Bleach. Even in the middle levels but the high end are just dumb"

"While not unique, limiting it to only show your status or teach you is. The system would give you nothing but I'm nice and so I'll let it provide you with a form of quests. These quests will not give rewards but serve more as benchmarks for your progress to increase your strength"

"That's helpful" Xavier concludes and just looks around before saying "that's the three wishes. What next?"

"You get to die again" "HUH"


The God claps its hands together and something passes over Xavier like a wave of energy before his body changes and some sort of chain appears on his chest. The chain is then cut near the edge and from there it gets hectic.


"Oh right, I'm gonna add a little something extra to your system to make it a bit more interesting. I wonder if you will even discover the feature" the god of Balance states.

A loud scream is heard from Xavier as a white mercury-like structure begins flowing all over Xavier's body as a hole opens underneath him which makes him fall. The mercury doesnt stop until it fully covers his body. His hollow form is a bit different from normal hollows. The transition throughout his body is seamless and other than the opening for a spiked mouth, there is no real sign of a mask or rather the edge of one. It's as if his entire body is white.

His hands turn white, with his fingers no different than long spikes. His feet are beast-like but flat but enlarged into some sort of paw.

The hollow that is Xavier keeps falling until it finally sees a high class city and then even further, a baby inside a carriage being pushed by 2 people next to each other.

The hollow instincts take over and Xavier attempts to stab the baby only for something strange to occur upon contact. The hollows body is ripped in half but so is the babys and the halves seek to merge with the other half. The twin merged halves merge back into one empowered soul.
Binding their souls together into a new person.

A baby by the name of Nou.