
13...Let the show begin...


"Fuck,fuck,fuck" I cursed under my breath as I watched Claire walk away angrily.

"Claire...." I called quietly, but she was already out of earshot but not out of the restaurant yet.

I ran my fingers through my hair, regretting the words I said to her. The only solution to my problems is walking away right now.

I fucked this up. I always fuck things up and I've done it again.

"Well?..." I heard Cassie's high pitched voice.

"Well what?!" I snapped at her

"Hey easy...." Roy's voice was soft and calming "A normal guy would go after her"

Cassie chuckled "Did you forget Ryan is an abnormal guy?"

Is that how even my close family members view me? My expression showed nonchalance to her hurtful words,but I knew within me that those words affected me.

"I'm not abnormal" I blurted out, strongly disagreeing with her.

I was conscious of the gawks I got as the words came out.

"Geez, people,stop gaping at me" I rolled my eyes to feign indifference "I'm really normal. Why is that so hard to believe?"

"Prove it" Cassie dared with her eyes narrowed at me.


"How?" I asked looking confused.

Cassie stared at me like I was a dummy "By acting like a normal guy" she threw her hands in the air "Act. Like . A. Normal. Guy. Ryan"

"If you really love her, you would have gone after her" Roy's wife chipped in, surprising me.

Go after her? I've never done that,and I don't think I'm about to do that now, but wouldn't that just prove that everything is fake?

"Fucking shit" I cursed under my breath again, raking my fingers through my hair. I thought about the pros and cons of going after Claire and sorting out our issues. I realized the disadvantages are a lot and I couldn't even think of an advantage I get from letting her go.

Oh right,the only advantage is that I don't get insulted by her anymore,I can handle that.

"I'm not abnormal" I stated firmly to Cassie and rose to my feet to go after Claire. "I'm proving that to all of you"

I can't believe I'm actually doing this right now.


I sighed in relief as I sighted Claire's figure, I can still meet up with her.

I quickened my pace till I was few feet away from her. She felt my presence and turned her head,her eyes met with mine. A look of surprise stayed on her face for about five seconds before it disappeared.

She started to walk faster,but her legs and strength are no match for mine.

I held her wrist gently, calling her name pleadingly "Hey Claire, Claire, Claire..."

She tried to wriggle out of my hold but I was too strong for her. She finally turned herself to face me. I sighed.

"What?!" She asked with her sharp tone,her eyes darker than usual out of anger.

"Don't snap at me!" I warned, temporarily forgetting why I came after her.

She raised her brows "Oh" With that,she turned around, ready to walk away again.

Did I say something wrong again?

I tightened my hold around her wrist and appeared at her front, blocking her way.

"Ryan,will you stop being annoying for once?" She asked exasperatedly.

"Claire..." I pushed my hair to the back with my fingers, feeling languid already. God. I'm not used to all these things "Just stop being childish and complete the task, I'll keep to my end of bargain"

She raised her brows at me and laughed dryly. She parted her lips to give a rude response I'm sure,but I suddenly became aware of our environment.

"Let's have this conversation in the car" I said dragging her gently her wrist. I felt weird doing this. Going after her, holding her wrist, trying to talk to her in the nicest possible way I can....Geez... everything felt fucking weird.

I noticed her hesitation and gazed at her. "Let's just go alright?"

She scoffed "Do I look like I wanna go back to your car?"

"But you're walking towards it already" I pointed out,my hand still wrapped around her wrist.

I bet she's rolling her eyes "That's because you're dragging me"

She's got soft hands by the way,but I can't tell her that.

She suddenly stopped, maintained eye contact with me boldly and her lips pouted in displeasure. This girl is fire and if you're not careful, she's gonna burn you real bad.

"I already told you Ryan,I'm backing out of this thing. There's nothing to discuss in the car" She declared.

I looked around my environment,though it was quiet but I still wasn't comfortable having this discussion here.

"Just....At least let's get to the car" I said persuasively. She was reluctant to follow me there,I could see it written all over her face.

"I'll drive you home" I offered expressionlessly and continued to drag her gently along with me. Other people are gonna see a cute couple, holding hands and walk together, but it's a different story entirely.


I pocketed my hands, lowering my head and attentively listening to the cruel words thrown at me by none other than Claire. She's the only employee of mine that has such audacity to do that without getting fired.

"Let's not forget how arrogant you always are Ryan!" Her voice broke a little like she was about to cry. "You know how you sounded in there?" I raised my head a bit to look at her. She was pointing her finger towards the restaurant and unresting her back from the car. "You sounded like my life depends on you,like I was a pathetic being that doesn't have a choice than to follow your every command,like I was nothing! in your eyes!"

I got confused. One minute Claire is fierce and cussing me out in her thoughts,the next minute she's on the verge of tears.

What am I supposed to do now?

I licked my lips and buried my fingers into my hair.

"Claire stop acting like a child, you're not one" I whispered.

She hummed "You wanted to know why I don't wanna push through with this stupid business anymore right?" Her ponytail was moving about as she talked "There you go,I already did,but now that doesn't even change you from being heartless!" She took a step away from me,then the second step,she was about to take the third when I heard a familiar voice.

"I'm calling his phone again,he's not picking. I think they've really gone home,it's a Ryan thing to do"

Shit. Cassie. There's gonna be trouble everywhere if she sees a suspicious scene to prove I was in fake relationship with Claire.

"Are you very sure?" Roy asked Claire.

Roy also. Fuck no.

I've gotta do something real quick.

I stopped Claire from taking more steps by placing my hands on her shoulders to turn ber around. "Claire,please"

I can't believe I'm doing this,I'm literally begging her,but at least its working. She blinked slowly,then did it again,and again till her fury was replaced with softness.

I breathed in and out slowly "My sister is out here, probably watching us right now" she was about to turn her face to scan the surroundings for signs of her but I quickly placed a hand on her cheek to halt the action. "Don't look. Act like you don't know she's watching"

She glared at me "Why?"

"Jus....Just do it okay?" I whisper yelled taking my hands off her cheek.

She nodded.

"I still have lots of things I wanna achieve and frankly, only you can help me with that" I confessed.

"How? By being your girlfriend?"

I nodded. "And you can't just easily back out, you signed a contract remember?"

The anger in her eyes were back and more intense "You wanna threaten me?" The volume of her voice had gone high.

"Quiet!" I whisper yelled. She opened her mouth to say another word "Okay,I'm not threatening you alright?"

Neither of us said a word for almost five seconds. I stood there watching her while her eyes darted everywhere but my face. I could tell she was having some thoughts, furious thoughts, then I spoke up.

"This fake relationship is very important to me"

Her eyes bore into mine. I kinda like it when she does that,it gives me a clear view of her pretty eyes. "I see why you're acting all nice now"

I guess that's a twisted 'yes I'm back to being your girlfriend' response.

I dropped my hand from her shoulder and skimmed my fingers slowly to her arm. She glanced down at my hand and looked back up into my eyes.

"Ryan?" She called getting puzzled.

"It's your turn to act nice" I answered her unasked question.

"What...what do you mean?"

I closed the little gap between us. In her ear,I whispered, "Let's give my siblings couples show,shall we?" To act on my words,I moved my other hand at her side, slowly skimming down until it stopped right above her waist.

Let the show begin.