A freshman in college isn't getting the experience that he truly wants and wishes to be like his friends and have girls all over him. Ryder King, an 18 year old college freshman who wishes to have females all over him and get that full college experience he wishes to have no matter the "cost".
I helped Penny with her chores around the house while Nina worked. Penny danced to the music she had put on while she cleaned. I looked at her and smiled then went back to cleaning. Penny was in an exceptionally happy mood. I knew why she was, but I've never seen anyone be so bubbly before. She was more talkative to me and bouncy.
After getting done with the chores, I decided to bother Nina a bit before I headed back to campus to freshen up. I leaned against the doorframe and heard her sigh.
"What's wrong?" I asked.
"I wanna spend time with you, but it's Sunday and I got a call from my boss that someone from the agency had been hurt." Nina said and looked at me. "One of our agents have gone to Trinity Valley."
"What? Who got hurt?" I asked.
"Jade. Apparently some dickhead decided to hit her because of jealousy. Someone named...Aidan." Nina said.
"Wait..." I said feeling my hand slightly shaking. "I'll be back!"
Nina looked confused and watched me run off. Penny walked to the office and peeked her head inside. Nina looked at Penny and shrugged.
I got in my car and drove off to campus. I couldn't believe Aidan would go so far. I was furious, ready to cause some real damage to him.
I stopped in the parking lot and got out of my car. Matt and Jaiden noticed me and saw my furious face. They were talking to Tony and he looked at me, leaning against his car.
"Yo bro, what's wrong?" Matt asked.
"Where's Jade? Is she okay?" I asked.
Tony rose an eyebrow. "How did you know she was hurt?"
"It doesn't fucking matter how I know! Is she okay?!" I yelled at Tony.
Tony looked at me and closed his eyes. "She's resting in her dorm room. If you want to find Aidan, he's somewhere. Hiding because a woman in a black suit and hat is now looking for him."
I looked at Tony. That man I met was a woman..? I walked passed them and wanted to find Aidan myself.
"You still didn't answer my question. I gave you your answer. Now it's time for me to get an answer from you." Tony said.
"I don't have to do shit for you, Tony. After what you've done to me. You deserve nothing but my fist on your face." I said then walked off.
Matt and Jaiden looked at Tony. Tony got off the car and walked towards me;
"Ryder!" Tony called out.
I stopped and turned around to look at Tony. "What..?"
Tony looked at me and sighed. "I'm sorry. For everything. I really am sorry for how I tormented you for months. I've done everything wrong to you. I want to help you find Aidan. He did something that could cost him his life. I have no idea who that woman is, but she seemed dangerous. She holds some form of power over this school and I want to know why. Allie and Jade knows her. I want to know how.."
I scoffed and turned around. "Fuck off. You're not sorry at all. The next day you'll be back at your old tricks. If you were truly sorry, you would've stopped a long time ago. Now leave me alone." I walked away to find Aidan.
"It's gonna take some time for him to accept your apology. For now we gotta see if we can find that woman because if she finds Aidan she's definitely doing something bad to him." Jaiden said.
"Yeah.." Tony said then walked off.
"Fuck...fuck...Who is that bitch? Even Mr. Webb was afraid of her. Why the fuck is she even here? I barely even hit Jade." Aidan said as he was hiding in the gym. He heard the door open and froze. He peeked around the corner and saw me. "Ryder, you're here! You've got to help me man!"
I looked at Aidan and walked to him. He ran to me then groaned as I punched his face. He fell to the ground and looked up at me. I kicked his face, causing him to lose a tooth. He spit out blood and coughed.
"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" Aidan yelled as he looked at me.
"You hurt Jade. That's what you did." I said then got on the ground then grabbed his shirt.
"How the fuck did you know..?" Aidan asked as he grabbed my wrist.
"That doesn't fucking matter." I was about to punch him again until the woman in a black suit grabbed my arm. I looked back and noticed the woman.
The woman looked at me and let me go. I let Aidan go then stood up. She watched me and handed me a card. I took it out of her hand and looked at it.
"Wendy Gray. Are you the one who gave me that business card a while back?" I asked.
She nodded and looked at Aidan then pointed. I looked at Aidan then back at the woman.
"What are you going to do to him?" I asked.
"Eliminate." Wendy said.
"Whoa whoa. You don't have to kill him." I said. "Sure this bitch is a pain, but killing him is very excessive."
Wendy looked at me then blinked. "He hurt one of our women. Potentially making her unable to work. He has to pay."
"Make him pay a fine. Killing is off limits and will get this college shut down." I said then grabbed her arm, pulling her to the side. "Look, I hate that fucker too, but you can't just kill people because of them hurting one of the women from the agency.."
"It's a part of the policy to make those who hurt our women pay the price." Wendy said as she looked at me.
"What did he do to her..?" I asked.
"Broke her leg. She's unable to work, not that's an issue since she can get paid while off work, but still. He needs to do something to pay the price. If he doesn't I'll shut down this college." Wendy said.
Matt, Jaiden, and Tony peeked inside the gym and noticed me talking to Wendy.
Matt watched me then looked at Jaiden. "You think he knows her..?"
"Seems like it. She isn't attacking him at all." Jaiden said.
"Who is she..?" Tony asked.
"Fine." Wendy sighed and took out her phone to call the dean of the college. "Yes. It's me. If you wish to continue having your college, expel Aidan and make sure he can no longer apply to this college. I spoke to Ryder and negotiated. Mhm. He is a fine man, a lifesaver. Yeah thank Ryder. If it were up to me... good, I'm glad we are on the same page."
I let go of Wendy's arm. I smiled a bit then she sighed and walked to Aidan. I watched her and walked over to him as well then crossed my arms.
"Count your blessings. If Ryder hadn't convinced me, I would've made you suffer. Get your ass up and get the fuck out of here." Wendy said.
Aidan hurried and got up then ran out the gym.
The three men watched Aidan cowardly run to his dorm room to pack up. Tony looked inside the gym and noticed Wendy giving me another card.
"What's this for?" I asked.
"It's for a chance to meet the boss of Paid Relationships. If you're lucky you'll get the VIP Pass and get a chance to rent me when I'm not working." She said then held my arm then got closer and whispered into my ear, "The VIP women...we know how to really satisfy our men."
She moaned softly in my ear and caused me to become very aroused. I gulped and watched her walk off. I looked at the card and read the address. I looked up and walked towards the entrance of the gym. The three men hurried off back to the parking lot. I walked back outside and went towards the parking lot. Matt looked at me then walked to me.
"Hey man, did you find Aidan?" He asked.
"Yeah, and justice was served." I said then noticed how nervous Jaiden looked. "What's wrong?"
"Do you actually know that woman?" Jaiden asked.
"I didn't until now. I managed to get her to not hurt Aidan." I said.
That answer seemed to calm Jaiden down a bit. He smiled and sighed softly.
"Why are you two hanging out with this bastard..?" I asked.
"He's making amends. He wanted to talk to you, but you're not giving him the time of day." Matt said.
"Why the fuck would I? He's not done one good thing for me. He can kiss my ass for all I care." I said then crossed my arms.
"Listen, I know I've done you wrong. I've treated you like absolute shit." Tony said.
"Ah ya! You think?" I said with a lot of sass in my voice.
"Just listen man. I want us to start over on the right foot. I want to make a change." Tony said then held his hand out to me, wanting a hand shake. Matt and Jaiden watched and wondered what I was gonna do next.
I smacked Tony's hand away then walked past him, bumping my shoulder into his on purpose. "Suck my dick. There will be no common ground between us. Get rid of that idea."
Tony clenched his teeth then turned around. "Ryder! Tell me what I have to do for you to forgive me!"
I stopped and looked back at Tony. He saw the apathetic look in my eyes. My pure disgust for him.
"Bro. We all gotta move on. Holding that grudge won't do you any good." Matt said.
I looked at Matt then fully turned around. "Won't do me any good? You know what doesn't do me any good? Acting like everything is fucking okay. Listen, me, you, and Jaiden are good friends, but I gotta tell you the truth."
"Then say it." Matt said.
"You and Jaiden even being friends with Tony fucking pisses me off. I saw the jealousy in your fucking eyes when I told you about Paige. I saw the jealousy in your eyes when I told you about me and Jade. I fucking saw it all, but I didn't say a goddamn thing. I thought to myself, 'My friends wouldn't be jealous over me getting a girlfriend' but look at you two! Fucking jealous! Your praises were nothing but empty words. I'm supposed to be the loser. I'm supposed to be the fucking nerd! I'm supposed to only get the ugly bitches, but I'm none of those anymore." I said and glared at all three of them.
"Ryder..." Jaiden took a step forward.
"I don't give a fuck about some time spend, Jaiden! Y'all don't give a fuck about me. Never have. Especially you Matt. I see the excitement in your face when you get to show off your strength. I'm literally just a fucking guy you know and bring along. And you Tony, you think we're gonna make up after the MONTHS of torment?! After the bullying?! After the physical abuse?! Who the fuck do you think I am?!" I yelled and walked left and right, letting out my true feelings.
"Really..? Really Ryder? After all we've done together?" Matt asked.
"Nah nah nah, fuck all of that shit Matt! Fuck all of that! I don't fucking care anymore. I've thrown myself off the cliff for y'all and I know I put myself in those situations, but I've been supportive of all of you. I've praised you all on my Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook! Every hit Jaiden gets, I'm supporting. Every touchdown you get, I'm posting. When I do something great, where's my praise? All I get is the fakeness and jealousy because now I'm coming up. I was nothing to this fucking campus. Now I change, I'm something and somebody now. Even you two have been paying way more attention to me than normal!" I said and looked at Matt. "You two never walked back to the dorms with me. For months...we've only hung out at certain times, but each time I make plans, all of a sudden we're always busy."
"You're exploding at them when it's me, Ryder! I've done you wrong! I've done you dirty! Not them!" Tony yelled.
"Bitch, you don't think I pay attention to my Instagram? You don't think I notice the stories? The posts? You don't think I notice the lies? I don't say shit because why should I? I thought we would be close enough to not lie, but it appears we aren't. You never are in the studio. And practice is every Thurday evening. I caught y'all when I was with Paige! That's how I knew you all lied to me but I never said a thing." I said.
Matt and Jaiden were silent now. They noticed the pain in my eyes. They noticed how long I've been enduring the lies. How long I've been keeping my pain inside. I shook my head and glared at them.
"Ryder, I'm sorry...I just.." Jaiden started.
I shook my head then closed my eyes. "I'm done talking. We've talked about this in the past, but it seems old habits are hard to break." I walked away to the dormitory.
Matt sighed and leaned against his car. He crossed his arms and looked at the cloudy sky. "We have been lying to him for too long. Truth is...I am jealous. All of his dates have been above perfect. Women I dreamt of having, he gets them easily. It's just frustrating you know."
Jaiden stayed silent and placed his hands in his pockets. Tony sighed and leaned against his car and closed his eyes.
I walked to Jade's dorm and knocked on the door. I heard the lock on the door unlock then noticed the door open. Allie stood in front of me and looked at me. I looked at Jade on the bed.
"Did Tony tell you?" Allie asked.
"Nina did." I said.
"I see. Did Wendy find Aidan." Allie asked.
"Yeah. He's expelled. I convinced her to not harm Aidan." I said then closed my eyes and leaned against the doorframe.
"You look destroyed...Come in." Allie said.
I walked into the room and Jade looked at me. I sighed and sat on the chair by the desk. Allie sat on the chair next to Jade's bed.
"What's wrong?" Allie asked.
"Just...I'm done with this college. I'm thinking about...no I am transferring to Oceanview. It's closer to my sister and a college where talent doesn't fucking matter." I said and looked away.
"I don't blame you. Sadly we can't follow you because our agency paid for us to be here. We have to file a lot of paperwork for us to transfer to a different college. I don't wanna sit through all of that." Jade sighed and looked at the ceiling. "The dean here fucking sucks. He was going to let Aidan get away with hurting me."
I looked at Jade and looked at her leg. "He did some damage to it I assume."
"Yeah. If it were up to me, I would've murdered that prick." Jade said then looked at me. "I'm going to miss you."
"Me too. I'm gonna miss you Ryder." Allie said.
"I'll call and text you both. I'll rent you both when I can." I smiled. "Tell me when your leg heals so we can do something fun."
"I will." Jade smiled.
I stood up and left the room then went to my dorm room to first freshen up then packed my things. I made up my mind. This college isn't for me anymore. I've endured it for as long as I could. The lies, the abuse, the fakeness...I'm finally moving forward and leaving this part of me behind.
It took a few hours for me to get all of my clothes and items packed. I looked at a picture of me, Matt, and Jaiden. I closed my eyes then set it on the nightstand. I got all of my stuff to my car and put the backseat down so I could fit my suitcases and boxes in tbe back and see through my rearview mirror. I got in my car and started it up. I had already sent my email of withdrawal and was ready to go.
I drove off, never to return to Trinity Valley University. I drove to my sister's house and parked in front of her home then got out. I walked to her front door and rang the doorbell. The door opened and I was greeted with a shirtless Lukas. He let me in and I noticed Rebecca on the couch, smoking a cigarette with a blanket over her naked body.
"Oh? What a surprise. What's up?" Rebecca asked and put out her cigarette then sat up, still covering herself.
"Can you help me get into Oceanview University?" I asked.
"Eh? I thought you liked Trinity Valley." Rebecca said then rose an eyebrow.
"Liked? Do you know how much I've complained to you about that fame driven college? I need something my speed. There are only a select few there who aren't bozos and Allie and Jade are two of the people I liked." I said.
"Mmm...I can help you get in there. It does seem like you're in need of something more...not fame driven." Rebecca said then stretched and her blanket fell.
I nodded and sighed then looked at my bank account, noticing I had enough money for an apartment. "You don't need to worry about me needing a place to stay. I can get an apartment nearby."
"Aww, and I here I was hoping I could get my little brother back in my house." Rebecca teased and stood up to walk to me.
"Ah. Stay back while you're naked." I said and looked at her.
She smiled and crossed her arms. "Alright."
I looked at Lukas and smiled. He wasn't really to worried since he knew Rebecca was only teasing me. He seemed to enjoy our dynamic. I looked at Rebecca then put my hands in my jacket pockets. "Oh..and can you also tell me more about the VIP Pass? Wendy gave me a card that allows me to meet the boss of Paid Relationships."
"Oh~ You're one of the lucky ones..~ There aren't many men who get chosen to be offered a chance for a VIP Pass. Sure let's chat for a bit, I'll tell you all I know about the boss and the VIP aka the Agents." Rebecca smiled.