A freshman in college isn't getting the experience that he truly wants and wishes to be like his friends and have girls all over him. Ryder King, an 18 year old college freshman who wishes to have females all over him and get that full college experience he wishes to have no matter the "cost".
"So about the Black Market. That is where our women get sold right? Their name can't just be the black market. There has to be an organization out there running it." I said as I looked at Wendy.
"There is. They used to be a lowly gang who ran the streets of Destiny Island. The Alchemist that used to run the gang named Ruby is dead now. Been dead for around ten years or so now. Well another Alchemist revived the Syndicates' name and made it into an organization that works with the Black Market. They have been our enemy for the longest." Wendy answered.
"Syndicates...Is it possible that they are the ones experimenting on people like Eliza and Eve?" I asked.
"They are the ones." Rhea said. "You see when they made Eliza into a vampire and Eve into a Botanist, they used what is called a Philosopher's Stone or the Magnum Opus."
"What is that?" I asked.
"The Magnum Opus is a sacred powerful crystal that can grant the wielder and the subject to the crystal to obtain various powers and abilities." Wendy answered.
"So are all supernatural beings created from the stone?" I asked.
"The Original Creator, Precillia, also known as the Maiden from Heaven, made the stone so humans could technologically and spiritually advance, but one human named Adam abused it's power turning him into an amalgamation with Precillia giving birth to who is called Acillia who is the current leader of the Syndicates." Wendy started. "Using the stone on someone could lead most to death, but if it is successful you get someone like Eliza."
I looked out the window and crossed my arms. "The Big Ten. Who are they?"
"The Big Ten are Barbara Pace, Sirius White, Max Perry, Camilla Woods, Alma Flores, Yuorochi Ichisama, Aaron Jordan, Owen Michaels, Sun Ruogang, and finally the strongest there is who wields the Mask of Fornication, Shida Amada." Rhea answered.
"These guys run the entire Syndicate organization. All of them are either Alchemists, Mad Scientists, or a product of the Philosopher's Stone." Wendy added.
I looked at my Mask and noticed the Talent Symbol shine. I cleaned off the mask using my coat sleeve then smiled. "You know, this mask isn't all so bad. The Soul within saved my life during my fight with Eli. I think I unlocked some defensive ability. When Eli's snipers tried to shoot me, a wall of energy appeared in front of me."
"Wall of energy? If that's the case, your body contains supernatural energy somehow. Everyday you and Shiro become more alike. You know ten years ago when he was in college, he also had supernatural abilities and he was only 20 when he awakened his. You're only a year younger. Once you and the Soul within the mask finally connect, you'll be able to do things Rebecca once could." Rhea smiled.
I nodded and looked out the window. The Mask of The Ace, although a scary mask when first getting used to it, it made me faster, stronger, and better. It could all just be in my head about the Soul, but how could it be when both Eli and I saw the wall of energy protect me. I tried to make the wall of energy again every chance I could, but couldn't. Even with the mask on, I couldn't make it appear. I wanted to figure out what made that power activate.
"We will reach the Pontchartrain Bridge tomorrow. For now let's stop here and rest. I'm sure stretching our legs wouldn't hurt." Wendy said.
I nodded and noticed we stopped at a rest area. I grunted softly as I got out of the car after Wendy parked it and stretched. I noticed the others getting out of their car as well.
"I'm gonna go use the restroom." Rhea said.
"I'm coming with." Wendy smiled and walked with Rhea to the restrooms.
I stayed outside and sat on a bench then looked at the ground. I noticed Eve had sat down beside me.
"Do you miss them?" She asked.
"Who?" I asked.
"Your girlfriends. I know they are worried sick about you. Have you told them about your work?" Eve asked.
"They already know, but they don't know about these missions. I do miss them though. I'm ready to just go back to school, but how am I going to explain Noel and Eli to everyone..." I asked then sighed and looked at the sky.
"I'm sure they will understand. Just don't think about it too much. It is almost over. We will all be able to go home soon." Eve said then scooted a bit closer to me.
I looked at her then smiled at bit. "Don't worry I'm not going to think too hard about it."
Eve noticed that I allowed her to get closer. "So about that Alter Ego. What is he like?"
"He's ruthless...a much more skilled fighter than I am. He's able to kill without hesitation. He's cocky. He's vengeful. He's focused only on the battle and nothing else. He treats my women differently. He's much more callous with them and less caring, but he doesn't attack you all out of respect for me. He's a Darker Side of me." I answered.
"He's the Wrath to my Peace, he's the Destruction to my Calmness, he is the Rage to my Sorrow, the Death to my Life, the Hatred to my Love. He's the opposite of me, and yet this is who I am on the inside." I said.
Eve listened to me then held my hand. "The Ace draws out your inner being, the Alter Ego. You two are one of the same, despite being opposites. I once read that if someone becomes one with their Alter Ego, they can unlock their true power."
"If I become one with The Ace, I can reach my true power and potential? How do I become one?" I asked.
"Bond with The Ace. Allow The Ace to become free. When you are The Ace, your normal side seems to hold him back." Eve said.
"That's because of how ruthless he can be. This is only my third mission, if I don't keep a grasp on him..." I started.
"It is still you. You might have a split mind when the mask is on, but in the end your Alter Ego is just the other side of you." Eve said then got even closer. She laid her head against my shoulder. "You'll find away to control The Ace. I know you will."
"Alright, break's over." Alice said as she walked to her car.
"Well that's my cue to leave. Let's talk more soon..~" Eve said then stood up and left.
I got up and walked back to Wendy's car.
We continued our drive to Pontchartrain Lake and as we drove down the road, Wendy stomped on the breaks, avoiding a missile that hit a bridge that'll let us cross over to the other side of New Orleans. An explosion happened and the bridge collasped.
We got out the car then I put on my mask and coat. I looked around and noticed an aircraft hovering above us.
"Paid Relationships Agency! Lay down your weapons and surrender now! We have you surrounded and are not afraid to send out our unit!" A male voice said through the speaker.
I watched the door open then adjusted my mask. "Something powerful is coming down."
"Brace yourself!" Alice called out.
"Cyber Dragon! Destroy them and take the Mask of The Ace! We must not let The Ace awaken her." The man said.
The silver mechanical dragon roared and flew out of the aircraft then landed in front of us then let out a loud mechanical roar once again.
"Cyber Dragon..?" Wendy said in shock as she stared at the massive draconic machine.
"To think they are capable of building this thing...They really want our women huh. I wonder what they are using them for.." Rhea said.
"This might be the toughest foe we've faced in a long time. Then again we are against one of the Big Ten. It's expected for them to have such weaponry." Rebecca said then readied herself for battle.
Eliza looked at the Cyber Dragon then glared. "These machines...I know of them. These are Alchemist Tech."
Noel looked at Cyber Dragon then clenched her dagger then felt strong winds blow. "They want us dead...with no one to combat them, Big Boss will become easier to target. We can't let this happen!"
Eve looked at me and noticed I was just staring at the Cyber Dragon. "Ace, what do you suggest we do?"
I crossed my arms and the Talent Symbol faintly shined on the mask. "We fight."
"Huh?!" Eve asked in shock. "This Mechanical Beast will kill us!"
"I might be in over my head, but...Part of me believes we can win this. We are the Agency. We are the frontlines. We are the saviors to these women. I can't run away and let them have their way." I said then slightly unsheathed my katana. The Talent Symbol shined a bit brighter. "We WILL not surrender!"
My Alter Ego was more free as I restrained him less. The Ace within me began to awaken even more. I was no longer Ryder in this situation. I was The Ace.
"So you wish to lay your lives on the line for this huh? Even if you beat Cyber Dragon, you can't make it over to Pontchartrain Lake! You lose Agency!" The man bellowed.
"We haven't lost yet." I said then fully unsheathed my katana. I chuckled darkly then looked at Cyber Dragon. "This fight is only beginning...Now, let's go!"
I ran toward the Cyber Dragon and slashed at it with my katana, but it used its tail to block my attack then sent me flying with its tail. I groaned and rolled backwards on the ground. Alice took aim at the dragon then fired a bullet at it, only for it to deflect off the mechanical dragon.
Wendy bellowed and struck the dragon with her fist then hissed in pain. She gasped then groaned loudly in pain as the dragon used its claw to knock Wendy away. I caught her then slid backwards.
"Our attacks aren't working.." I said and looked at the dragon as it stood tall.
The man laughed at our attempts to damage Cyber Dragon. "Don't you see now! You can not win!"
I grunted softly then closed my eyes. "We have to retreat, we'll find another way."
"But the only way to the bridge is through this path. We can't make it to Pontchartrain Lake any other way." Rhea said.
"You all have two choices! Surrender or die!" The man laughed.
I looked down and held Wendy tightly in my arms. I looked at her then gently set her down on the ground. "If we don't fight, we die and we will be letting everyone down. If we fight and die, at least I can tell everyone on my dying breath that we at least tried.."
"We can't have you dying! We need you!" Noel yelled.
"Our only chance to save our women stands behind the Cyber Dragon. If we can locate weak points...We can destroy its appendages and make it vulnerable to our attacks." I said then took a step forward.
The voice in my head got a bit louder and clearer.
"No one will stand between us and our goals. Not even myself. I will defeat this dragon..." I said then faint energy surrounded my body.
"...Y...d...er..." The voice spoke to me.
"I am The Ace and as The Ace it is my job to make sure all of us are safe!" I bellowed then ran toward the Cyber Dragon.
I threw a grenade at the Cyber Dragon and noticed the explosion didn't even scratch it. I jumped over its tail then landed on the ground. I rushed forward and went for an attack at a weak spot. The Cyber Dragon roared and produced shockwave that knocked me away. I grunted softly then my eyes went wide as the Cyber Dragon went for the attack. I tried to block it, but the Cyber Dragon broke through my defense and sent me crashing into a few cars.
I slowly sat up and groaned. I noticed two missiles flying toward me. I tried to escape, but the pain made me fall to my knee. An explosion happened and Rhea screamed my screamed out my name.
A dark chuckle was heard as the smoke cloud cleared. An energy barrier protected me and the Talent Symbol shined in my mask. I looked upwards then smirked.
"I am no longer restrained." I said then looked at my hand. "I can feel the power coursing through my veins...The power...of the Ace."
"What the- How did he survive that?!" The man said in shock.
"There's a reason why I am called The Ace. I have skills that can't be easily learned by someone lesser than me. Now..." I said then suppressed my emotions and became Heartless. "Let's get this show...on the road. All of you, join me and together...as Agents and Assassins, we will defeat this Cyber Dragon!"
The others got ready and was prepared to follow my lead.
"Your attacks don't work remember?!" The man yelled.
"Yeah. I remember, but that doesn't matter to me. All that matters...is the death of Barbara and saving my women." I said then glared. "I am The Ace, you will fall here and now."