A freshman in college isn't getting the experience that he truly wants and wishes to be like his friends and have girls all over him. Ryder King, an 18 year old college freshman who wishes to have females all over him and get that full college experience he wishes to have no matter the "cost".
"Thank you for coming today, Ryder. I was sure you wouldn't have come after I told you about the plans." Charlotte smiled as she sipped her coffee at her desk.
"Ugh. It was bound to happen sooner or later. I just recovered from trauma a few days ago. Also before we get this started, any news on Allie and Jade?" I asked.
"Yeah, they will be transferring to Oceanview within a few days. They are packing their things and handling their business." Charlotte nodded.
"Oh okay." I said then sighed. "Alright let's just get this over with. Can't believe I can't be the first guy to be a rental boyfriend, but it's whatever."
"We will get you set then I will tell you your mission after we get your first buyer." Charlotte said.
"Alright.." I said then followed Wendy and the others to the elevator.
We got on the elevator and rode down to the 10th floor where all the clothing and dressing rooms were located. They picked out some clothes for me and when they came to a decision, they showed me. They had a pink sweater, black tank top, pink skirt and a pair of pantyhose and a bra. I rolled my eyes then took the clothes out of their hands and went into the dressing room.
"It could be worse. We could have made you wear panties." Alice said.
"Shut up! I didn't ask for your smartass input!" I said as I was getting dressed.
The other women softly laughed and waited for me to get dressed. I looked at myself in the mirror and blushed lightly. I turned around and raised my skirt a little.
"This will never work. They will know I'm a guy from a mile away. I'll be labeled a Drag Queen!" I whined.
"Oh calm down. We will make you look like a girl on your profile picture and in real life." Alice smiled and closed her eyes. "Now come out so we can see you."
I walked out of the dressing room and looked away, blushing. They looked at me up and down then they looked at each other and nodded.
"You will make a fine woman..~" Eliza giggled softly and licked her lips. "We will make you look magnificent..~"
"Yeah, just follow us." Wendy smiled.
I followed them back to the elevator and we rode up to the 11th floor to the make up room. We walked out of the elevator and Eliza dragged me to a room and closed the door. The others waited outside and chatted amongst themselves. Eliza did my makeup and did my cosmetics as well. I looked in the mirror and actually did look like a woman.
"Holy shit..how the hell.." I said in shock quietly.
"Put these in your bra, these will make it look like you have boobs." Eliza said.
I took the pair of foam breasts out of her hands then stuffed them in my bra. I adjusted them and looked at myself in the mirror. Eliza smiled then we walked out of the room and the other women looked at me. They all nodded then we went back to the elevator to go back up to Charlotte's office.
Once we made it, we stepped out of the elevator and Charlotte looked at us. She looked at me and smiled.
"A very beautiful woman indeed." Charlotte smiled.
"Do I have to do this every time I'm going on recon missions?" I asked.
"Well this one is just to test out the waters. You could literally get anyone, but the ones we are after are the ones who call the receptionist to make special requests. So on your first day, we will get you set up and ready for rental." Charlotte smiled. "Now let's get your profile done. Smile~"
I sighed and got in a very feminine pose, smiling. Charlotte took the picture and wanted me to do more poses. I complied and we spent ten minutes taking different pictures for my profile. Once they got the picture uploaded, I had to choose a name.
"Ryder is a gender neutral name actually like Noel's name is." Wendy said.
"Hm. That's the first I've heard this news." Charlotte said.
"I'd rather use Rylee. The entire Trinity Valley University knows me and some of them know of Paid Relationships. I'd rather not use my actual name on this and expose myself and you all." I said.
"Fair enough. Rylee it is." Charlotte nodded. "And you're all done. Profile is set and stone. All we have to worry about now is your voice. Luckily we have gadgets that help us change our voices to sound realistic. It's called Voice Disguise. It's a choker and is mostly used by men. Noel actually created this to sound like a boy until she learned advanced muscle control to alter her voice."
"I've noticed that. She's really good at it." I said as I watched Charlotte pull out a choker and handed it to me. I took it from her hands then put the choker on.
"It's a gadget that responds to your thoughts. All you have to think about is how you want to sound and it will...well I'll let you figure it out. Try it out." Charlotte smiled.
I closed my eyes and thought about what I wanted to sound like. When I got the idea, the choker beeped and began to choke me. I grunted and closed my eyes tightly. It felt like the choker was rearranging my vocal cords. Once it finished, I felt the choker loosen up. I coughed and panted. "What the fuck- Eh?! It actually worked?! Holy shit.."
"And there you go, you are now officially a woman and ready to be bought. The Voice Disguise does choke you, but it's only for a few seconds. When you talk, your voice will be projected from the tiny speaker from the choker. It's so good that it even makes your whispers sound real. Oh look at that! Someone already wants to rent you out!" Charlotte smiled.
I heard my phone beep and looked at the notification. I looked at the name and went pale. "Jaiden.."
"Jaiden? Your friend?" Alice asked.
"Mhm. I didn't expect him to use the app. I was hoping to avoid him, but I guess I have to confront him." I sighed then thought about Matt's request.
"Good luck." Wendy said.
I nodded and texted Jaiden where I wanted to meet. I went on the elevator and rode down to the first floor. I looked at my reflection on the elevator door then twirled a strand of my hair around my finger. "Fuck...Fucking hell..."
The elevator door opened and I walked out the went over to my car and got in then started it up. I connected the aux to my phone then put on a song by Daughtry called It's Not Over then turned up the radio and drove off.
As I drove, I got a text from Jaiden and stopped my car at the red light. I picked up my phone and looked at the message.
Jaiden: Matter fact, let's meet at the arcade.
Me: Sure thing. We can meet there instead.
I set my phone down and heard cars honking behind me. "Alright! Shut up! I see it's green! I'm going!" I groaned loudly and began to drive.
Once I made it to the arcade, I parked my car at the parking lot and turned off the engine then got out. I sighed and fixed my clothes then noticed Jaiden standing against the building. I walked to him and looked embarrassed.
Jaiden looked at me and smiled. "You're Rylee?"
"Y-Yeah.." I said, blushing a lot.
"Can't believe you'd go down this low Ryder." Jaiden laughed softly.
I looked at him confused and took a step back. "How...did you know?"
"Your profile says it all and your name. If you had chosen Ryleigh or like....something other than a name with Ry in it, I wouldn't have known it was you." Jaiden smiled.
"Why are you using the app? I tried to hide this away from you. Paid Relationships is the last agency you want to associate yourself with. Did a woman with a black suit and hat invite you?" I asked.
"No. I found it myself a while ago when you accidentally left your computer open before you left. I was like oh this is how he bagged Jade and Allie." Jaiden said the crossed his arms. "I'm not mad, but Matt surely was surprised. Speaking of Matt, where is he? He's been off the maps for a while. He's ignored my texts and calls."
"He's..." I turned away and closed my eyes. "He's dead."
Jaiden looked at me then crossed his arms. "What are you talking about?"
"Matt is dead. I killed him. I am an agent Jaiden. He helped our enemy to try and sell off women who works for Paid Relationships. Those who harm our women and try to traffic them...pay the ultimate price. Their life. He's dead." I said.
"Fuck...I knew he was desperate for money after Trinity Valley University was shut down, but I didn't think he'd go that far as to traffic women." Jaiden said.
"Because I'm an agent and I want to protect you...We have to call off our bonds. I can't allow you to be my friend anymore." I said and closed my eyes.
"I see, but...can we hang out one last time before we...forever split apart?" Jaiden asked.
I turned around and looked at Jaiden then smiled slightly. "Yeah. We can."
Jaiden got off the wall then nodded. We walked into the arcade together then began to play all of our favorite games together from Street Fighter to Dance Dance Revolution. I took the luxury of buying things that he wanted and he was surprised by the amount of money I had.
"I can't remember the last time I had fun at the arcade. It feels different without Matt here though. I'm glad we could spend at least some time together even if it's our last." Jaiden said as he took a sip of his drink through his straw.
"Same here. Things are going to be different, but...my mind is finally at ease. I'm sure in the future we will meet again..if I'm not dead myself." I said half jokingly.
"I'll be counting the days for when we meet again in the future. I'll always keep you in my memories and when we meet again, we should throw a party." Jaiden smiled.
"Yeah. Definitely." I smiled back at him.
We spent another hour at the arcade then he got a call from his producer. We left the arcade and said our final goodbyes to each other then he left. I stood there watching him walk back to his car. I felt my heart break slightly, but felt relieved that he was now safe. I walked back to my car and got in. I called Charlotte then heard a click on my backseat. I stayed perfectly still and didn't even blink.
"Don't move.." the person said. He chuckled and held the gun against my head. "Now what I want you to do...is drive to my house. I'll give you the directions. Try anything stupid...and I'll blow your fucking brains out."
"O-Okay..." I said then started my car then drove off.
"Ryder?! Ryder answer me!" Charlotte yelled.
"What's going on, Boss?" Rhea asked worried.
"He's being kidnapped!" Charlotte said. "I'm going after him. That kidnapper's voice sounded very familiar.."
"Wait, you'll be in danger if you go! Send us!" Wendy said.
"No! I'll go by myself. I promised him I'll come to his aid and I won't break it." Charlotte got up and went to suit up. "I'll kill that fucker who's kidnapping my beloved and slaughter everyone who's with that bitch."