
Episode 1

Hi my name is Emily Victoria. An ordinary person with an ordinary life. Well, Where should I start to tell my story?

The story of my painful journey in life.

"Emilyyyyyyy! Wake up you fat arse pig!". A high pitched voice rang into the ears of a tight eyed 12 years old girl sleeping sprawled on the tiny bed.


Emily immediately stopped mid-sentence upon seeing how annoyed the woman is.

She sat up fast and gave her sweetest smile to her step mother who is now ready to give her a beating..

"Ahmmm Mothe- I mean Madam I'm sorry for waking up late.. I had a nightmare and it was really scary! There's yo- I mean a monster! Yeah.. A mean monster with a screeching annoying voice is running after me" !..said the girl with a silly smile on her face.

"Get out of the bed you useless piece of sh*t!".. The woman spits hatefully.

Why is this girl still on this house? I should make a plan soon to drive her away.. She thought to herself.

Cassandra Ave is a 35 year old lady who married a man 10 years older than her because of his fortune. She is an ambitious woman or in short Gowwwwld Digger My friend..

What else could be the reason right? She loves money, She hates to work and would love to be pampered. Oh look at those hair.. Silky and vibrant! Thanks to her going on those expensive salons every two weeks!

WTH is wrong with her.. Emily thought as she carefully examined the face of the wicked witch masked in powder and placenta extract sooo called make-up.

"Tsk. All those expensive creams and lotions would have been a good amount of money for my studies".. She murmured.

Suddenly a pang of pain throbbed on her left cheek and she was surprised to see her step mother looking vicious at her.

"Just what are you murmuring around huh?!" I told you to move your arse clean the house before going to school you dim witted child!.. She furiously spouted before storming out of the small pitiable room.

"Great.. So again I'll be late for school with swollen cheek and for sure I need to make that 20 php lasts until tomorrow." the girl thought to herself.