
A Ninja in a World of Heroes

Uzumaki Naruto wakes up in a world full of heroes and villains, where he was surprised to learn that there is no charka. Being the only ninja in a world different from his own, he will have to learn to live in this new place, but he will not do it alone, as he will be accompanied by a peculiar woman who saved him from dying. Now both will have to live in this new world.

Magobrujo · Tranh châm biếm
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13 Chs

Chapter 8 Training and More

A loud explosion was present at the U.A. training camp. A huge cloud of dust and dirt rose, as the Uzumaki emerged from that curtain, wearing his physical education suit, he only fell standing several meters from the place of impact. He only put his arms as a shield to withstand a blow given by his teacher Vlad, crawled a few meters, tried to kick him, but ended up being hit from the ground by a cement pillar.

He recomposed himself in the air to see his teachers, only put his arms together to try to throw a gust of wind, but his foot was taken by Midnight's whip, to be whipped hard to the ground. Growling as he got up, to observe his teachers, who only observed him, he got up from the ground, to shake the dust off his clothes, he cut the bones of his neck, to look at his "opponent".

"I must admit it boy, you're really elusive, and a hard nut to break," Vlad King commented to the blue-eye.

"You're good, but you still have a long way to go," Cementoss said serenely.

"All Might mentioned that you were strong, but didn't say that much. I'm really surprised that you can withstand the attacks of 3 professional heroes— I muse the blackhair while playing with his whip.

"You'll need more than that to win me over," was all the shinobi said.

—Oh, you want to be rough, so let's act rough— the ninja was going to jump to attack first, but this time he was knocked down when a sound wave hit him, he did not throw him and knocked him down, but that scream sound began to make his ears hurt before such a voice that he only thought those mythological beings called Banshee had.

He fell to his knees while covering his ears, only one behind him appeared several dirt stakes that went directly to the mustachioed blond. But these were destroyed when Hound Dog fell to destroy the ground attack.

"Wow, it's the first time you've really attacked," Nemuri said, watching the Uzumaki.

"I hate his damn voice," was the simple answer the shinobi gave.

"Hey, that's offending you know," Present Mic complained angrily at the boy's attitude.

"Enough is enough, Present," ordered the professional heroine to her companion, at the moment that she used her whip to take the blond by the neck, and whip him against the ground, to take off a boot, and put his foot on the head of his student. "You are forbidden to use your Quirk until we tell you, and you used them despite knowing it. It seems that someone deserves a punishment—the other teachers only stepped aside when they saw that side of their classmate come out.

—"Now I understand what Grandma was suffering. Just bear it, this is nothing," she thought as she tried to calm down at her mentor's attitude.

Midnight only looked with some grace at the blonde, it is true that at first I try to approach him with kindness, with caution, slowly, something similar to when one approaches a stray dog. I discard that 4 days ago, after he was kidnapped to train him by force. I still remembered that really, the boy was stronger than he looked, since he put them in trouble, but of course, being all of them professional heroes and with a great experience, they managed to defeat him.

Honestly, he felt a little happy to have the boy under his feet, his body still hurt after those blows he received, he had to admit it, the boy really had a future as a hero, heck, he even dared to say that he would become No. 1. Maybe a second All Might, but that would only happen if the young man was well trained and guided to the right path. That is why the reason for this personal training, something that none had done at all.

Anyway, going back to history, thanks to the fact that his first tactic did not work. And that the blond declared that he only learned by force, because this was the result. He only smiled more as he whipped the young man's ass, letting himself be carried away by his dominatrix side. Everyone was silent about it.

They only saw how the boy put both hands, while he got up still with the woman's foot on his head, everyone noticed a sparkle in his eyes, at the moment that he grabbed the whip with his right arm, to stare his teacher in the eyes.

"I can bear and forgive his blows. But if there is something I really hate more than the idea of leaving their enemies alive, it is the perverts—I declare seriously, at the moment that using his strength, he lifted his teacher to try to whip her as if she were a sack of potatoes, but his task was interrupted when he was sent to fly by a kick given by Professor Vlad.

Everyone saw how the boy shot out to one of the many concrete walls that Professor Cemetoss created. Only the loud bang was heard, to see how this improvised structure fell on the boy. Everyone stared at their companion who just lifted his shoulders.

"Come on, the boy is strong, surely it was just like a picket for him," replied the teacher.

A strong explosion was present in the impact zone where the blondo fell, at the moment that everyone watched as the Uzumaki came out of the rubble, while holding his right arm where he had a line of blood, and one on the forehead also on the left side, they only saw how he put a defiant smile.

"Well, if that's how you want things to be, that's how they will be," he replied while everyone saw how the boy's blood began to evaporate, and his wounds seemed to heal, at the moment he made a great jump, and fell like a missile on the teachers, who did not manage to escape, and ended up flying before that abysmal force.

"He's not coming again," Izumi said, seeing that her classmate didn't return to the cafeteria either.

"He's really taking this seriously," Kirishima said.

"Well, you can't blame him. We are talking about one of the 3 opportunities we have to become heroes. The festival can help us to enter an agency, and if we do well in the practices, it is certain that we will have a guaranteed vacancy," Iida explained to the comments of his colleagues.

"I understand that, but skipping almost all classes to train?" You also have to study— musito Uraraka.

His partner had been missing several classes in these last 4 days, usually seen at the time of entry, in some classes of his teachers, and sometimes in the last period, or at the time of departure. Apparently they heard that he was training, had asked for advice from the management to train, and be prepared when the academy sports festival began. They were even more surprised to see that now he barely entered classes, and when he did, he entered with some bandages on part of his body.

"I really feel that we should all train the same as Uzumaki-kun," Mina said, drawing everyone's attention. "It's not for nothing, but the truth, I feel angry with myself since the incident in the U.S.J. We did nothing, it is true that some fought villains, but others did not, and we were afraid. But Uzumaki-kun, he was not afraid at all, he went out to fight without hesitation, without fear, without fear. I even fight against that villain that I finish with Aizawa-sensei, and that thing had the strength of All Might, but still, I face it, "said the hairlady to all her companions, who only remembered that.

"Ashido-san is right," I support the Midoriya. "The truth is that I also feel helpless still, we could do almost nothing, we fought against some villains, and the truth, it was a miracle that we came out of it alive. And if Uzumaki-san hadn't been there, that thing would have killed us all—each one kept silent before the word of his companion.

It was the truth, everyone knew that if it weren't for Naruto's intervention, the story would be different. And it was certain that not everyone would be alive now. That thing called Nomu had been created to kill All Might, they would have been nothing for that thing, not even Todoroki or Bakugo or even Midoriya could have done anything. A being created to kill and compete with Japan's greatest hero. No one would have had a chance, no matter how powerful their Quirk had been, no student or even hero could have survived, not at least those who were not in the top 5 of the country's most powerful heroes.

But his partner came out to fight, he did what really none of them dared to do. He was not afraid and went out to fight the bad guys, and managed to face that beast hand to hand, giving the necessary time until All Might arrived on the battlefield, while they did nothing.

"We can't be left behind. We must also strive from now on, we cannot let Uzumaki-san beat us, let alone depend on him at any time. We came to this academy to be heroes, to be like those people we admire, to save the weak and innocent. To save them with a smile, and understand that they are now safe," Iida said earnestly with inspiration.

"You know, it was enough for you to say that we should make an effort too," the redhead commented to his partner. "Although that speech sounded more like the one given to soldiers when they go to war. Iida is right, we must also work hard, that's what real heroes do—Kirishima finished speaking to his companions, who nodded to his words.

—You're right, from now on we must all strive together— Mina supported with a smile, infecting the others, each one began to be filled with that motivation.

"Since the next period is with Aizawa-sensei, we must ask the teachers to help us train too," Kaminari proposed to his friends, who agreed with him.

From one moment to another, everyone began to hear how the other students talked and turned to look aside, so guided by their instinct, they saw how at the entrance of the cafeteria their classmate entered, with his sports uniform, full of dust, dirt, broken and with traces of blood, but it was not only his clothes, On his body there were scrapes and the occasional cut. They just stayed quiet as they watched the boy walk to the local chef, order his food, and walk around as if nothing had happened. The group only watched their companion walk towards them, Uraraka and Izumi stood aside to space their friend, who sat down, to push his tray, and drop his head heavily on the table, creating a sound sound that made more than one feel that blow.

"This... do you find Uzumaki-kun okay?" — asked the girl of the Quirk of gravity to his companion, who only raised his left thumb in response.

"It's not to offend old, but you're shit," commented the electric blonde, only to receive a blow from the Earphones.

- Are you sure you're okay? - asked the rocker girl, instantly that his partner raised his face again.

"Apart from the pain all over my body, the fatigue, hunger and sleep I have. You could tell I'm fine," he replied boredly to grab his tray, and start eating.

—Rayos, and all that because of the training you asked the director? — Sero questioned.

"Rather, the forced training I was forced to fulfill. But I can't tell you that" Yes... I never thought that teachers were very strong, but hey, that earned me, after all, they are professional heroes with great experience," he replied as he put a piece of meat in his mouth.

Honestly, the blows of the professionals did not compare at all to those received by the ancient Jinchurikis revived by the Edo Tensei, nor to the blows given by Obito when he was bad, nor those of Madara, much less those of Kaguya when she was bad. Those were beatings that he received. He could tell that these blows he received were at the level of Sakura perhaps, or maybe Tsunade's. He didn't know exactly, but the fact was that they didn't cause him that much harm. Even so, he had to admit that they managed to give him some good blows, when they all worked as a team to distract and hit him.

Body pain was relatively the least of his problems, now the others I mention were true, at least two of them. Since sleep and hunger were a problem, since he began to be trained, he was forced to stay until 10, and when he got home it was 11, and eating late tired him upset stomach. And the dream was now lifted at 4 a.m. by the calls and ringing of the bell by the heroes. And of course, I could let them make all that noise, if I lived in my own house, and if I lived alone. But since it was an apartment complex, and he lived with Kaguya, well, he had to listen to them so as not to anger anyone, and he really didn't want to make the former matriarch of all shinobi angry.

- Is he really merciless? - Mina asked.

"I'm obli... That is, I train as long as necessary, I get home late, sometimes in the middle of the night. I barely eat something all day, and they want me here before everyone else to train still, barely and I sleep 4 hours. I really don't know what I thought when I asked for help training—she responded with a hint of "remorse" to her partner's question, causing some to look at each other, beginning to doubt her idea of asking teachers for help.

- Aren't you exaggerating Uzumaki-san? — was the question now asked by the heiress of the Yaoyorozu family.

Naruto sighed to take out his cell phone, at the moment he did some things, and then pass it to the pelinegra, who with some doubt took it, only to find that he was involved in one of his chats.

"Listen for yourself," was all she said, leaving everyone surprised.

Momo only looked with doubts, at the moment he pressed the play button on that voice memo.

— WWWWAAAAAKKKKEEEEEE UUUUPPPPP— everyone covered their ears at that deafening cry, immediately recognizing that voice as that of their master Present Mic.

- Do you still think I'm exaggerating? That voice note was sent to me at 4 o'clock in the morning, today to be clear," he said boredly, as the boys looked at each other, thinking very seriously about asking their elders for advice.

- Why did you ask for something like that in the first place? - The blondo only observed his little perverted companion.

—Aizawa-sensei said that this was an opportunity to get the attention of some professionals, if we do, we could have internships with them, which meant gaining experience, and above all, getting one step closer to the world of professionals. And if we're lucky, we might end up working part-time with them. Which in turn means we have a great chance to be heroes, and we could make a lot of money from that. I know it's not a good motive, let alone something I like to do when I think that's a stupid reason. Plus my salarió that I earn as a part-time waiter is not enough to help with the house, and my mother sometimes arrives in the early morning for so much work. I want to help her, and pay her for everything, and give her what she deserves for taking care of me and educating me, and being a professional hero ahead of time assures me of that, or at least that they help me get a good paying job, I don't really care about that," he replied as if nothing, while arousing interest in all of them.

That was a lie, at least half of it was. Some of them really wanted to help Kaguya in that area, she was really late for work some days. Sometimes I arrived at 2 a.m., tired, hungry, sleepy. And the worst of all that, is that in his workplace, they did not recognize his effort, his dedication, his commitment. She was what would be called a department head, there was a lot of work on her shoulders, a great responsibility, and when one of her subordinates did not do the job well, she ended up doing it, she ended up solving their mistakes. Thus obtaining more work than I already had.

And his job in a cafeteria was real, on weekends he worked almost all day, or well, sometimes he used shadow clones to do his job, while he trained, and another performed the tasks of the academy. For example, in that week that the U.A gave free after the encounter with the league of villains. He sent a clone to work almost all day, every day, although his boss tried to send him home, after all, he had survived an encounter with death.

But that money he earned was not enough, paying for that luxurious apartment was not easy, they could move, but they both felt really comfortable in that place. And it was theoretically close to their places of work and study. And it would certainly be very easy to get money illegally, but as he told his teacher, he was not a bloodthirsty and violent madman. He used violence mostly to defend himself, if no one got in his way or didn't look for a fight, he left him alone. But if it was someone smart and troublesome, well, the story was different.

"That's what a man does," Kirishima declared with admiration at his partner's motivation to be a hero.

Like everyone, they felt that this was a good reason, that is, he did not seek to have money out of pure greed, but to help his mother, to support her for everything she has done for him. Uraraka felt identified, she also tried to be a professional hero to support her parents, so that her father could have his construction company that he lost unfortunately due to the bank debts they had, she could feel that she had something in common with her partner.

I support Kirishima, although I also consider it totally disrespectful that most heroes now want to be professionals for the money. There are others like you who do it to support and help their family, a good reason if you let me say it—I declare the blue-movie with glasses.

"Thank you for understanding," Naruto said.

"I just want to be a hero to meet girls a lot. And if I have money better, "Mineta," Mineta commented, leaving everyone present, and some others with an expression of astonishment at what the purple-haired man said.

"Well... supporting Kirishima-san and Iida-san. It's a good reason you have, I hope you manage to fulfill it president," Momo said with a small smile.

"Yes, if I can survive those crazy maniacs," I comment to keep eating.

But his moment of rest was interrupted, the moment everyone saw behind him, appeared one of his many teachers who recognized well, being this Ectoplasm, who put his hands on the men of the Uzumaki, who simply felt that touch, looked up to observe his "trainer".

"I'm done with the break, it's time to go back to work," the teacher ordered seriously and in a calm voice.

"That's not fair, it's still 10 minutes away," he replied to his teacher, only to be lifted up under the gaze of everyone, who saw how other clones of their master appeared to take him by his feet and hands.

"That's for others, yours is over, what's more, you're late for your training session," the hero earnestly declares.

"Hey, that's not fair, get down, at least let me finish my meal, I'm very hungry, at this rate I'll die for not eating," the blue eye began to fight, as he was taken out of the cafeteria, under the gaze of all the students. The man just took the tray from the blondo, to give the food to another student.

"Eat, and don't waste anything, or you will be punished," I order the poor boy who just nodded to start eating.

- That is abuse of power! We are not in the USA! — everyone saw how the blond scream while being taken out by Ectoplasm, each of those present had a drop of sweat before that strange and bizarre image, and to the surprise of many, Mineta took out her cell phone to sound a melody that more than one recognized immediately by certain videos they watched on their social networks, making the scene look stranger. - Hey, this looks bad no matter where you look at it! This is starting to get uncomfortable! Why the hell do you start dancing? At least you would have let me finish eating! —.

Yes, without a doubt that scene was something that nobody wished they had seen, it was really strange and bizarre, but the good thing is that he was ending when he saw how his tutor left with the blondo.

- Hey, why the hell are we stopping?! Why do you talk the window? Wait, wait, wait, let's talk yes, this is already going over the line, no, wait, wait Damn unhappy! - Everyone saw how the blue eye was thrown from the window by their master as if it were nothing important, leaving them stunned by such an act.

"You didn't see anything. Or they will suffer the consequences—and with that threat given, the teacher left, but not without some seeing how he seemed to dance with the music in the background.

"Enough is enough," Hagakure hit his partner on the head to stop the music.

Everyone gave each other glances, then nodded.

They would not ask the teachers for help, they preferred to train themselves than suffer the hell in which their companion had gotten himself. More than one prayed for his poor soul, hoping that he would find peace.

"I really hate you all, every one of you," the blondo said seriously, as he gave an angry look to his teachers.

"You asked for our help, now you put up with it," replied Nemuri with her arms crossed, while she, along with Present, Power Loader, and Aizawa watched the boy sitting cross-legged on the floor.

- Ask them for help? As far as I know, I'm here against my will," replied the shinobi.

"Against, for, that doesn't matter," Present said, lifting his shoulders.

"Enough is enough, we come here to work, even put aside the resentment— he ordered the blackhair seriously, after all, his companions were upset when they were sent to fly before a suicide attack by the Uzumaki. "Well, so far you've only trained physically. But that's not enough, you also have to learn how to use your Quirk, which means you must now create new attacks, but before that, show us what you have," Aizawa said.

- Ah? You are crazy? That's a stupid thing, that would be teaching the enemy your tactics and powers," he replied, looking at his master.

"Come on, you're exaggerating for god's sake," commented the blond with the moustache.

"Let's see, because somehow someone managed to destroy the barrier of the academy that day the press entered, and then there was the attack on the U.S.J. the week before last. So I don't know, you tell me—I challenge the blondo to his master, who just remained silent about that.

"Don't stain, if I shut my snout, right, no, he's right," replied the blond of the screams.

"Those were unfortunate events. And since then we've taken more security measures to prevent that. In the nearby perimeters of the school there are policemen and several Reapers, we also have the support of a few heroes, and Ectoplasm with its clones roam the area. So don't worry, we're sure," Shota explained in that lazy voice of his in the face of his students' doubts.

"Okay, but that doesn't matter. It is stupid to teach one's techniques just like that. On top of that, I'm fine with my attacks, in case you're wondering, I have both long, medium, and short-range attacks—was the simple response Naruto gave to his teachers' request.

"Even so, do it, remember that you are obliged to do it— the two clashed looks, black and blue stared. "Uzumaki, just do it," Aizawa ordered again, the instant the ninja sighed to get up.

"I can create domes of earth to protect myself, I can also create walls to stop attacks," he said to put his hands on the ground, and create the things said.

The masters just watched as in a matter of a few seconds, both structures appeared, they really weren't impressive, well, it was something they expected, they were simple structures to protect themselves from enemy attack, although they had to admit that the speed with which I created them was good.

—The attacks I used when fighting the villains were ground projectiles. Depending on the size you give them, their strength and speed varies. The smaller they are, the more lethal they are—and so I raise his right hand, to throw rock projectiles at some mannequins.

At first they saw how projectiles the size of a watermelon flew out at high speed, hitting one of the mannequins squarely, destroying it and tearing off some parts. Then they saw that he beckoned with his hand, turning the projectiles now the size of a tennis ball to pierce the doll and leave large bones, another hand movement, and now the projectiles were smaller than the size of bullets, which this time almost completely destroyed one of the mannequins that fell to the ground shattered.

"I can also do the same with wind and water. Lightning and fire are left out of that, being unstable elements that cannot obtain a corporeal form, it does not have the same result. Instead I only create large or small fireballs, the same goes for when I use electricity, it only launched small or large lightning bolts. So for them I created different attacks—everyone present was amazed at the power of the guy, his Quirk was really unique and weird.

He was a danger in a nutshell, his Quirk gave him a chance to control the 5 elements, he could not produce them. But controlling them was not bad, and seeing that the boy had created attacks for each of them, well, Naruto Uzumaki was a prodigy among all the students.

- What do you do if you are caught between a rock and a hard place? Your attacks are good, but they wouldn't help you if you're cornered, what would you do? - asked the blackhair.

"Yes in that situation I am injured enough to use my speed or strength, I guess I would use this— they only saw how the boy jumped to fall on the earth, sinking into it, leaving them astonished.

They just looked everywhere, looking for their student. But their attention was focused when someone shouted between them, they only saw the place, to see how their partner Present Mic was buried up to his neck.

- What the hell happened?! Get me out of here! - shouted the older blond who moved trying to get free.

"That's what I would do if in any case I find myself cornered, I can sink into the earth and practically "swim" through it, and bury my enemies up to my neck, although if I wished, I could bury them completely without any problem, even tear them to pieces— was the only thing he said while looking away, feeling the gaze of all his teachers.

—"How dangerous," everyone thought when they saw a little of the boy's abilities.

All his attacks were aimed at killing, all had been designed for that, even this one of burying his enemies up to his neck, by doing that, it will be easy to behead someone or kill him. That meant more work for them, the boy's attacks were dangerous.

- Are all your attacks to kill? - I question the hairline, just to see the boy's back.

"Like I said, I'm not an idiot. These attacks would only be used in case of emergency, at least its lethal version. If I want I can make the bullets of air, water and ground only stun or incapacitate the enemy. Like my other attacks, as I told you, depending on the size of my attack, the speed and strength vary completely—I clarify.

- What else can you do? - asked the teacher of class 1-A.

"That's it, I won't teach anything else," was the simple answer the blond gave looking at his teachers. "If that's all, can I go?" - I ask with my arms crossed.

"You still lack, for now we will leave that aside. Keep training," Aizawa replied as he walked away, leaving his other teammates.

- Hey, help me! Don't ignore me! — shouted Hizashi to his compatriots.

- Can you? Midnight watching the boy, the blue-eye sighs to take a step, followed by making the older blondo fly out a few meters from his dirt prison. "There's something Aizawa forgot, but tell me, can you use weapons too?" Fighting with fists is not bad, and your attacks make it clear that they can be dangerous at any distance, but what about them, do you know how to handle them? - The teacher asked her student.

"No, I've never learned to use them," he lied, he had perfect handling of weapons, especially katanas, there were also kunais and shuriken, and the others, but the one he could handle the most as if it were part of his body would be the katana, but of course, he already had enough for them to try to go home or follow him to watch him.

- Have you ever thought about using one to fight? — Power questioned the boy.

"Not really, as you saw, my attacks cover all ranges, and if the case were different, my fists are enough— I am uninterested.

"Yes, we noticed that," said the blond with a moustache with some derision.

"You know, when we talked to some of the guys, they commented that they saw with amazement two devastating attacks of yours, could you repeat them?" - The blondo just looked at the pelinegra.

"Yes I do, can we end this?" — he proposed with his right eyebrow raised.

"If it's okay for today," the professional heroine clarified.

Naruto only sighed the moment he took a step, making an earth sculpture in the shape of Nomu. The professionals only saw how in the right hand of their student, a sphere of compressed air began to form that by some shape, was taking a blue color and then began to appear 4 blades that rotated at a high speed, until they saw that surprising attack, they could hear the sound of the wind and in addition to the strong blizzard that this produced.

The blondo launched his attack, while everyone present saw how said attack flew at high speed, while leaving a line on the ground, to impact against the ground dummy. Upon impact, everyone saw that it destroyed it into thousands of pieces, and then exploded and created a giant dome of air, even at that distance they could hear the sound of the wind, it was similar to the blades of cutting machines. And just as it appeared for a few seconds, it disappeared to show a crater.

Before they could say anything, another land golem in the shape of Nomu appeared, they saw how the blue oji began to take a deep breath as much as it could, and then fired what they considered as a tank shot, since when it hit the mound of earth, it destroyed it completely and left a large trench, until I reach some trees, to throw them by the force of the attack.

"That's the ones I used against that beast called Nomu, they're strong, and even so, they could barely fight that monster," he said, looking at his teachers, who were still amazed by these attacks.

Honestly, none of them could withstand that blow, unless not at point-blank range, and even if they protected themselves, it was not certain that they would emerge unscathed from those attacks.

"Well, a deal is a deal. For today is all, go to class—Midnight ordered the blondo, who simply began to walk, while being analyzed by the heroes.

"His techniques are powerful, I really think that instead of helping him, we should help his villains," Present commented with some mockery.

"No kidding, I've never seen anyone use their Quirk to the fullest before. I've worked with Pixie before, and even though she can create creatures to fight, I've never seen her do the same things as that guy—I support Power Loader.

"I honestly have my doubts with the boy, and I think our work is just beginning. We have a long road ahead of us—I clarified as I looked at the area where both attacks hit.

They just started walking, since today I finish their training, they had to continue with their classes. What no one noticed was that up on the roof of the academy, there were 3 guys looking at everything, or to be precise, two boys and a girl.

One of them was a tall young man with a very muscular build who possesses a number of noticeable scars around his arms, oval-shaped blue eyes with no visible sclera, and a prominent nose more rounded than most others. He has blond hair, the upper part of which is arranged in the form of a hood, while the lower section is carried back. He wore the uniform of the academy, but on his shoulders he had the design of those third-year students. This boy was Mirio Togata.

The second was a tall young man with rather pale skin. Their ears are pointed like those of an elf. He has messy indigo hair sticking out behind his head and tired thin eyes, partially covered by bangs- His shoulders are hunched over, posing as an antisocial boy. This is Tamaki Amajiki.

The third was a young woman with pale skin, large blue eyes, and extremely long light blue hair that reaches her legs and apparently revolves around herself in the waist area. She also wore the uniform of the academy, but also had a gray vest on it, and like her classmates, she had shoulder pads that identified her as a third-year student.

These 3 young men had been watching these 4 days, as their teachers walked into that first year boy. Only Mirio and Nejire had a smile on their face, while their companion looked at the ground with boredom. But everyone was looking at the training ground, it looked like a small war zone.

"Wow, the boy has great power," said the blond without losing that smile, while he had his fists on his waist.

"It's dangerous, I knock down 5 trees in one attack," said the indigo hair.

- Could it be that those marks on his cheeks are birth marks or scars? - The girl asked her companions.

"Hey, Mirio, is that boy the one Sir told you?" - asked the Tamaki.

"Yes, that's the boy Sir said would bring an era of chaos to the world," he replied as if nothing blondo.

"Well, I don't look at it, if it's supposed to be bad, it should have devil's horns, tail and wings, but instead it has some nice kitten-like marks," I point to the blue-movie without erasing that smile.

"Maybe Sir is right, just look at what he has done. It's all pure, brute strength, it's like watching All Might, but an evil version of him—the boy with the elf ears.

"For that very reason the teachers are training him. If they train him in the way of good, he will become a just and upright hero," Mirio clarified without erasing that smile.

"You really act like All Might," the black eye whispered.

"Well, it's time to go, we have to work— ordered the blond without erasing that smile, as he left the place with his teammates, but not before seeing for the last time the training place of the first-year boy, without a doubt it was powerful, too powerful.

Momo stood at the entrance of the door, lying down as he waited for his companion to come out. It was already late, 4 o'clock to be precise, and the reason why I waited for him, was just to return his cell phone.

She kept her cell phone after being kidnapped by Ectoplasm, tried to return it when they were in class, but did not have a chance. And I try to give it to him when the classes were over, but his partner was called by All Might, and since it would be a total lack of respect, he waited for him to come out.

I just watch him carefully, he had at least 5 missed calls from his mother. He simply observed the beautiful landscape above him, the sun was setting with the passage of time. She was not an idiot, for something she got the highest grade in the theoretical exam of the academy, she knew that her friend's training was just a façade to have him close to the professionals, after all, he had killed 15 villains.

She knew that, because she was on the spot when she passed, her partner attacked without hesitation, using strong blows, using devastating attacks that even caused fear to her. Those earth dragons were scary, and lethal, those were his first thoughts upon seeing those attacks. I was even more astonished to see those overwhelming techniques that destroyed everything in their path.

The truth took him a long time to know that, but once he saw the attitude of his partner, he managed to understand it well. Everything fell into place in his head, the sudden "training" he started when he returned to school after the incident, the evasions to his questions when they asked his teachers about the Uzumaki, also the fact that they barely looked at it every day, also the fact that everyone was forbidden to talk about what happened, even for his family.

Yes, it took his time, but he understood everything now. They were hiding the facts, they were hiding the truth of what happened, the academy didn't want the truth to come out. I only put aside his thoughts, when I finally notice his partner leaving the academy.

"Uzumaki-san," I call the pelinegra, drawing the attention of the blond who looked at him strangely.

- Yaoyorozu-san? Are you still here? - asked the blue eye.

"Well, I actually should have left a while ago, but I couldn't do it without giving you this— the black-haired woman just extended the cell phone to her partner.

"Oh, my cell phone, for a moment I thought I had lost it," he said to take it, and see Kaguya's missed calls. "Heck, I guess I have to leave quickly. Well, thank you very much Yaoyorozu-san, see you— he said goodbye to go home as soon as possible, although he needed to call the whitehair first to talk.

"They have you watched, right," he stopped his walk when he heard that, only to turn and see his companion.

- Excuse me? - he said feigning doubt, although he already had an idea of what she was talking about.

"I take some time, but I managed to understand it right now. The teachers, they have you watched for what happened that day in the U.S.J. They want to hide the fact that you killed those villains," he said, staring at his companion, as he noticed Uzumaki's eyes becoming duller and emotionless.

- Does anyone else know that? - I ask only to receive a refusal. "As I expected from you, Yaoyorozu-san, the smartest girl in the academy, the one who finished first in the theoretical entrance exam," she said, staring at her classmate.

"Then if it's true," he muttered quietly.

"That's right, they want to have me tied to their side to try to control me. Although the training is true, but the goal is that, after all, they don't want me to do the same, they want to change me and see the world as they do, they want me to follow the path of righteousness," he replied serenely.

"I see, for it to be so, I guess everyone agrees, even the director, even All Might are into this right," he said seriously.

"The two of them are the ones who proposed it, the other professors preferred that I be sent to prison for having killed 15 people, forgetting that those damned people were going to kill us, in short, hypocrisy," he clarified by raising his shoulders.

"I thank you for saving me, but I think what you did was really wrong. You murdered 15 people, it's something a true hero doesn't do. While I admit that the fact that they hide all that is against the rules, I understand the reason why they do it, I just hope that you manage to understand and govern you in the right way, I declare Momo seriously, bringing out her sense of justice.

- And to be one more sheep of the flock? Allow people to be killed in front of me and do nothing? Is that what you want me to do? — Naruto questioned with some anger in his voice.

"What you did was completely wrong. The masters are just trying to make you see that, murder is a sin, and it's not something a true hero does—I refute the Yaoyorozu seriously.

"You know, I'm really getting fed up hearing that every day. Day after day they all tell me the same thing, killing is wrong, it is not what a real one does. All that is what has made this society this evil, right now as we speak there is someone dying, someone is being killed by some criminal. Do you think that if you tell them what you told me, they will stop murdering? Do you think they will listen to you? Do you think for a moment that I obey you? You are wrong, they will not hesitate to kill you, but not before raping and torturing you," I declare seriously, staring at the upper-class girl. "I'll tell you the same thing I told Midoriya, save you, run away from this now that you have time, you don't know what you're getting into. If you follow this path, if you follow that stupid dream of being a hero, you will only find death. The attack of the league of villains was only the tip of the iceberg, they are not finished, and I am sure that their next attack will be more devastating. Escape now that you can, you are a girl of the upper class, whatever your parents do, go on their way, at least then you will be sure of everything, living in that bubble that everyone has created, and in which they prefer to live, not to see the real world, not to accept the raw and dark reality. I could hear pain in his tone of voice?

"It's not a stupid dream I have. I don't understand what should have happened to you, but you're wrong, I want to be a professional hero to help people, to be like All Might," the girl clarifies seriously.

"You can donate, donate money to charities, to hospitals, to good causes. That is also a way to help, and a safe one, where you will not be in danger, where you will be safe, where you can live without seeing the shit of the world we live in.

"No, I won't do that. Yes, I can do it, but that's not the kind of help I want to give people. I want to save them, help them from the bad guys, protect the weak with a smile. I understand that it will not be easy, but I will not give up, I will face any obstacle that life puts at me. Even if it's comments like yours or my parents. I will prove to all those who did not believe in me, that I succeed in doing so," I declare firmly in his words, staring fiercely into the eyes of his companion.

"You're an idiot, you remind me a lot of a certain person I met a long time ago. She thought the same as you, she wanted to prove to everyone that she would fulfill her dream, she wanted to help people, help the weak, protect them from all evil, fight for their freedom no matter who it was, no matter what obstacles life put in her way. And just like you, like the others, he thought that the world was not as I told him, he never believed that the real world was so cruel, ruthless and dark. She never listened to me, she never did despite all the times I begged her to forget that, she was an airhead, she was stupid—the black eye only listened to all that, while noticing the drastic change in her partner's personality, she spoke with pain and melancholy.

- And what happened to her? - I ask, only to see some sad eyes.

"He died. She died at the hands of an enemy, trying to be the hero she said she wanted to be, she died crying, begging not to leave, asking forgiveness for everything. All to follow a dream like yours, I never listen to myself, I told him again and again. Perhaps if I had been more insistent, if I had forced her to see reality, but I could not, and now her death will haunt me forever, I could not protect her, I could not save her, I could not make her change her mind, or make her forget that damn and stupid dream of hers. And now she's buried 5 meters under the ground," he replied earnestly. - Do you really think I said all that to say? You don't understand anything, nobody does, they don't want to see reality, they don't want to accept it, they're stupid. I swore that if I found another person who had the same dream, I would try to stop him from suffering that same fate. So please, save yourself, don't go down this road, you're young, you don't deserve to die yet, you have a great future ahead of you, you can do more with your money, and you won't risk your life—he sat as he stared at his partner, who only showed an expression of bewilderment.

"I... I'm really sorry to hear what happened to her—was the only thing she said with her eyes down.

"Listen, you're a good girl, you're smart, you're beautiful and you have money. You were born into a graceful family, so take advantage of that. You have a lot ahead of you, don't waste your time on this, as I said, you can help by donating to orphanages, hospitals or good causes to save humanity. Unfortunately I can't force you to do it, and even though I told you all that, you're not going to listen to me, I can see it, you have a strong and bright will, in a way, you remind me a lot of her, she managed to make me see a little stirrup of light in all that shit, and I lost it. So please take my words into account, I will respect your decision anyway, but I also ask you to respect mine. If I have to kill a villain who kidnapped a girl to save her, I would certainly do it, if I have to kill a person to save a million, I will do it without hesitation—Naruto just looked at the movie, maybe it was a bit her, but I needed her to understand. —If you want us not to talk anymore I understand, just think about it, and take care of yourself— the black-haired only looked up, only to see how her partner took a big leap to disappear, leaving her alone with her thoughts.

Meanwhile, Naruto appeared on the roof of a nearby building, to calm down, at the moment that the image of her came to his head, that smile with those beautiful pearly eyes, only growling to hit an air conditioning duct, destroying it to let himself fall.

"Wow, you really were that girl," commented a male voice behind the blonde, who just stood still. "You really have no compassion for anyone," I joke in my voice.

"I'm not for your damn games, get out," the ninja threatened without turning to see.

"Oh, come on, your "Aniki" doesn't want to fight," said the mysterious voice, as he avoided being pierced by an air bullet in the head.

"I warn you, I'm not for your damn games... Hawks—threatened the blue-eye to turn around, and see his "Aniki."

Hawks is a relatively short man of thin and narrow build. He has ash-blonde hair, messy backwards, with some front tufts protruding in arcs above his head, thick eyelashes and some weak stubble on his chin, golden brown eyes and rather triangular in shape, with two small black triangles just below the tear ducts, with a set of large bright red wings. He wears a black shirt with a wavy silver pattern like a wave in a pond, on which he has a brown jacket with a high collar, the inside and cuffs of the sleeves lined with white fur and black gloves, he wears a pair of yellow headphones over his ears. A blue-shaped visor protects his eyes, his jacket is specially modified, with two large slits over the shoulder blades, which allow his wings to protrude easily. His suit resembles an aviator's uniform.

The aforementioned only descended to see the blonde, without losing that smile, to take off his headphones and show pierced ears.

"Come on, come on, don't get like that, I just wanted to come and see my little Ototo," said the blond with wings, only to dodge an air bullet again.

"You don't have the right to call me that, you're not my brother, so tell me What the **** do you want Hawks?" - asked again seriously.

"Hey, why Yu if he can call you that, and I can't?" I feel excluded from her if you call her "Onee-san" and I treat me coldly and indifferently," Hakws said, feigning pain.

—Listen to me, you have 5 seconds to tell me what you want, or he contradicted it, I would not mind falling with you from this height to break your teeth— the shinobi only sharpened his gaze, at the moment that an air of tension was formed.

"Okay, quiet. I just wanted to know how you were doing, listen to what happened at the U.S.J. And despite our relationship, I just wanted to know how you were doing, nothing else, I don't come to fight or anything like that," the hero replied.

"I'm fine, now if that's it, I have to go, I have more important things to do," he declared as he prepared to jump.

"Soon the sports festival is coming, I want you to be in my agency, think about it, take care of yourself," the boy said goodbye to fly away, leaving the shinobi pensive for a few seconds, to disappear from the area.

This day was tiring for Naruto, emotionally speaking, he needed to rest, this day had been **** in a nutshell.

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