
A New Tempest

Like most fan-fictions. This story is my take on the story from beginning to end. This is not a back in time story. No-Op Rimuru from the start. There will be new characters and new skills added into this. As well as I might take other characters from other Anime and turn them into a skill. There shall also be dark and non-friendly Rimuru of course. As well as NO HAREM. So please enjoy.

Astra178 · Tranh châm biếm
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41 Chs


Well the time has arrived.

The time for me to introduce my new family. I could already gear the whispers from the crowd.

"Who are they?"

"They look like Rimuru-sama."

"What are those girls doing up there?"

Those were just a few of the whispers I heard from everyone speaking. Confused as to who these mysterious children next to me were.

Time to address these thoughts.

"Firstly before I address our envoy traveling to The beast nation Eurazania, I would like to introduce these two. The one my right is Shinsha and to my left is Shalsha. I guess you are all wondering why they look like me. The answer is simple, they are my daughters."


I heard a loud thud coming from behind the three of us. I turned around to see what it was.

There I found Shuna and Shion on their knees, with distraught faces.

"This cant be true. Rimuru-sama..... has children." Shion muttered in a soft voice. Thanks to my enhanced senses I could pick up on it but the crowd didn't know.

"It cannot be true. If it is... then... who's the mother?" Shuna seemed to be in denial and questioning who gave birth to them. I guess I have to address that too.

"I assume your also wondering where they came from. That is easy to answer as well. I created them due to one of my skills, but I guess they also do have a mother. So treat them as well as you treat me."

Next thing I knew, there was an uproar in the crowd.

"Way to go Rimuru-sama!"

"We have princesses now?"

"The Tempest family grew!"

"Our safety is even more assured!"

"Your right! We have Rimuru-sama, Veldora-sama and Milim-sama."

Those were again few of the voices I heard. But then again Shuna and Shion seemed to be focusing on the "mom" part and got even further distressed.

"Well to proceed with our main topic. I would like to wish our delegates to Demon Lord Carrions domain a safe trip. This delegation is a chance to see how life is in their kingdom. In turn we can learn what makes their kingdom great in order to further our own lifestyle. So this goal is not to create conflict, it is to make our nations allies, so don't be intimidated by their king since he's a demon lord. I wish our delegates a safe trip. Godspeed."

And of course, another stir occurred. This time it was in astonishment and amazement at my words. Getting off my podium, I saw Benimaru who was leading the delegation talking to Sakame. Both of which along with Rigur are leading the delegation.

"Hope i'm not interrupting." I said sneaking up on Sakame. He probably would have sensed me, but concealing my presence as I am now is easy to the point where Shizus mask is kinda useless to me. Though I shouldn't say that about her mask.....but...it kinda is.

"Lord Rimuru!" Seems like I perfectly startled him.

"Not at all my lord." Benimaru responded, trying to stifle his laugh towards Sakame. Sakame on the other hand was giving him a death stare about his laughing.

"But honestly I feel that I should be going." I gave my honest thoughts.

"No. Until we confirm it is safe, it is best that we go." I guess that is fair. But as the way I am now, I should have risen in the ranks of power in this world. Now I should be near the top. At least according to Veldora, since True Dragons are the strongest race and I have joined that race.

"Well anyways I wish you both good luck." Sakame turned to me after composing himself.

""Of course, sir!"" They said in unison.

And so, our delegation is off to the Beast Nation. Everyone giving their goodbyes and good lucks to our team as their carriages strolled off. But my day wasn't over yet.

I felt both of my sleeves get tugged to see Shinsha and Shalsha pulling them.

"Is something wrong?" I asked, clueless as to what they needed.

"Where is mama?"

"When will she be back?"

Oh god.

This again?

How am I supposed to respond to this.

Wait.... Didn't she say it was possible for her to seperate from me? Well, time to find out if she was joking or not.


{Yes, Rimuru-sama?}

'If I remember earlier correctly, you said it was possible for you to separate from me or not, didn't you?'

{.... I, may have said that yes.}

'Good. Well since these girls recognize you as their mama, you wouldn't mind doing that for me would you?} If I was how I used to be, I would feel my face heating up right now and being a blushing mess. I mean..... I am basically asking her to be my wife... aren't... I?


God, that is what I am asking! How could I just up and say that?! I made that sound so casual! And so far she hasn't responded! What did I do?!

{I-If that is R-Rimuru-samas desire, I-It shall b-be done.}

'Hoh!' I then let out a big sigh of relief. She said yes didn't she? Thank god! Now they won't ask me about a mother ever again!

But wait.

That would also mean...

I would have a wife or a queen in the eyes of Tempest.





I will have to introduce her to my people as well. I think that would cause Shuna and Shion even more distress. Although, perhaps it would stop them from trying to put me in all these frilly dresses. Yeah, that would be good.

'Okay, well before you do that, please wait until we are back at my... I mean o-our house.'


Time to turn back to my girls, who were just staring cutely up at me.

"Well m-mama will be here soon. S-She said to go home and she will be there soon." Their reaction to this was the cutest thing I have ever seen. Their smiles widened and possessed an amount of brightness and radiance that outshined the very sun. From that moment I felt my heart stop....

Well if I had one.

But either way, I vow to keep those smiles on your faces and potentially make them even brighter. Failure to do so does not matter to a parent. All that matters is that you attempt to do your very best.

And so after recomposing myself, we headed back home. Of course my home is now different from what I had before. The reason is because I moved it somewhere else, near the outskirts of Tempest. I was debating whether I should create descendants for a while anyways due to [Anos].

And even though I didn't come to a conclusion whether I should or not at that time, it didn't stop me from dropping a different house there in case I should create them.

The house was bigger and no longer Japanese style in theme. It was the kind of house you may see a rich person own probably as a summer home instead of main house. It was much, much bigger than my previous one.

Now, they were just born about 3-4 hours ago, and they were not born in our home but rather my office. So they didn't know how it looked on the outside or inside.

But upon seeing our house they were stunned with amazement seeing it. They ran up to the door to see the inside, is what I assume.

The door was unlocked, so in the end they made it inside with no resistance. They were ready to run all around the place but I had to stop them.

"Wait girls! Your mama is about to appear, so don't you want to meet her first?" They instantly ran back in front of me.

"Of course!"

"We will get to see mama!"

They both seemed very excited to meet their mama for the first time. I guess it's time for them to meet her.

'Ciel. You can manifest now.'

{... Understood}

The next thing I knew, there was another body in front me identical to my own. But it started to change, I guess that means Ciel is inhabiting it and is taking her own form.

In about 10 seconds her transformation was over. And I have to say the change was drastic. So drastic that I myself could not stop blushing from her beauty! She had long white hair tied into a ponytail. And eyes as blue as the sky.

'Oh god! Why can't I stop?'

While I was busy trying to calm myself down, I felt two hands release me and run in her direction.

""Mama!"" Shinsha and Shalsha both ran to her and wrapped her up in a big bear hug.

Ciel on the other hand, was blushing and what I believe to be nervous. She probably thought not once would she be in this situation.

Mustering up the courage she began to speak to the girls.

"H-Hello G-Girls." She gave off a nervous smile as she addressed them. Their response was to just a wide mouth smile completely showing their teeth.

But for a second I believe I saw Ciel blush even more. Probably persuaded by that smile. Yeah, thats it.

As I was about to take my leave, Veldora came rushing in and instantly started screaming

"Rimuru, we have a problem!!" He screamed as he started shaking me. It seemed to startled Shinsha and Shalsha as well, so I have to put a stop to his nonsense. Grabbing his shoulder and putting some pressure onto to stop his shaking and I began to question him.

"What is wrong?" He seemed a little bit afraid upon my response. Why? Because I don't have such a friendly smile upon my face. Nevertheless he began to speak the reason.

"My sister! She will be here soon! I sense her coming this way!"

'Sister? He said he has two of them, so that answers half of it I guess. While I know he is afraid, why is that my problem as well? His sister knows him not me, so I fail to see it.'

{The reason why it is masters problem as well is because, as a True Dragon master is now in possession of his own dragon factor. Due to this, other true dragons when in close proximity will sense others near them.}

Oh. I see. Then I guess this truly is my problem as well. But then again she still doesn't know me it might be wrong no matter the circumstance to come here for me right?

"Looks like we have no choice but to receive her." I said. This further caused Veldora to worry.

"What do you mean "Receive Her"! Rimuru we cannot let her come here! She may torture you too!"

Hmm, I cant let that happen can I. What would there be a need to torture me for? I haven't done anything.

*Knock! Knock!*

There was a knock at the door. I think I know who the visitor is. As Ciel had said earlier True Dragons can sense others when in close proximity. And I definitely feel another one on the other side of that door.

I turned to try and find Veldora.

But he was already gone.

'Damn! He has told me his sisters tortured him. But it couldn't have been that bad, right?'


I felt like Ciel was about to say something, but she canceled that thought.

Well. I guess it's time to greet her.

I went to open to door to welcome our guest but to my surprise there were two people.

One was a man with long crimson red hair and red eyes. He was wearing a shirt? Or at least I think, whatever it is it does not cover his abs.

The second person was a woman. One with long white hair tied into twin tails. She is wearing a blue dress with blue boots.

"Greeting Rimuru."

Said the red hair guy. I don't know how he knows me but judging from the amount of his aura I can measure. He is not to be underestimated. I turned back to see my girls behind Ciel, hugging her legs.

I might have to fight this bastard for scaring them!

"How do you know me?" I questioned.

"Hoh! Thats easy. Milim asked to borrow some souls from me not that long ago for some guys evolution. And you are the strongest presence here, so I figured it was you."


So Milim got the souls for my evolution from this guy. I didn't have to kill anyone, so just how much did this monster have?!

"So it was you. Or was it the woman back there?" The white hair woman began to speak.

"Was what me?"

"Not that long ago, I sensed the birth of a new True Dragon in this forest. I can sense that you, better yet all of you have a Dragon Factor."

I guess that is understandable. Shinsha and Shalsha were born from me, so it makes sense that they share my race as well. And with Ciel we have the same soul, so I guess when shes in her own body you can sense one from her as well.

"That was me. You can thank Veldora for that."

(Don't mention me you fool!)

I received a [Thought Communication] from Veldora. He really is scared of his sister isn't he. I wonder if I should out his location.

"Oh, so I have a new little brother?" She gave off a sadistic smile as her Haki grew a bit colder. Though I have gotten stronger and completely resistant to cold, I cant help but feel it somehow.

"You wouldn't have inherited any of Veldoras traits have you?" The Haki grew even colder as it was seemingly directed only at me.

"O-Of course N-Not." I stuttered. Instantly after giving my answer the cold sensation backed down as if it never existed.

"That's great! I wouldn't want to punish another sibling." She said.

I let out a sigh of relief as she said this.

'Shit! Veldora did say that they are scary. Now I know why.'

"Anyways, may I ask why you two are here?"

"First question I have for you. Why are there even more True Dragons? All in one place no less." The crimson haired man asked with a not so friendly smile across his face.

'This may take a while.' I thought as I heaved one last sigh.