
A new start in Re: zero

He wanted a new start. A new life. A new beginning. To live peacefully without conflict. That wish was granted and he was given a new start. But his not alone in starting from zero

Vortex_Luminos2v · Tranh châm biếm
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2 Chs

Companion and future plans

Natsuki Subaru couldn't believe it, he had just experienced the dream of many Neets.

He had been isekaied into a fantasy world!

To say subaru was thrilled, would be a bit of an understatement, he was both happy as well as excited. This feeling is quite natural in Subaru's mind.

Heck, if one was thrown into a new world filled with fantasy and what else, they must have a great role to fulfill. Like beating a demon lord!

But to Subaru, what was truly important to him is that he got a new chance to become more than what he was back in his home world.

This was it, this was his chance to make something of himself!

With a goal in mind and determination to boot, Subaru was prepared to journey towards greatness. After all, he was chosen for a reason.

(A/N: If only he knew the difficulty of the game he was playing.)

But first, he needs to get a better understanding on where he was exactly. Looking to surroundings, and noticing some odd stares directed in his direction, he finally noticed someone else besides.

It a was what he perceived to be a teen with black hair and wearing quite an expensive looking suit, along with a black hooded coat with a silver flower embroidery on the ends of it.

But what caught his attention the most were the large case on his back and the rather obvious shopping bag in his hand.

He also appeared to be depressed for some reason. Due to the fact that his hand was covering his face in a manner of expressing frustration.

Subaru came to the realization that this guy was also like him, isekaied into this world for a purpose or something of that sort, and judging by the language on the bag, he was also japanese.

'Maybe this guy will become a sort sidekick or traveling companion or probably my partner?'

Subaru thought it over and decided to first introduced himself to his new companion, but flinch when the teen remove his hand and gave him one of the coldest and indifferent expression he had ever experienced.

His cold dull silver eyes bore into him, giving him the feeling as if a cold sharp blade was right at his skin.

His body tensed and shivered, he could feel his chest straining, and he felt like he would collapse.

Fortunately, before Subaru could react, the teen walked away and left.

Calming himself and steadying his heart beat, Subaru was finally able to get his wits together.

'Jeez, what was up with that dude? Was he perhaps angry that he wasn't the only one isekaied? What selfish and greedy guy!'

Subaru tried shrug it off and go on his merry wat, unfortunately, the shiver he felt still permeated.

'Seriously, what was up with that guy.'

==(Kei's Pov) ===

Kei coldly looked at the disaster magnet in front with contempt. Some might argue that he shouldn't pin something like that to someone he just met.

But unfortunately for those who don't truly understand the weight of being associated with him.

He couldn't care as he didn't want to do anything with him and the events around him.

Kei decided then and there that he wasn't going to be dealing with any of that mess and promptly walked away, ignoring the cautious gazes directed at him by the people around the area, making sure to go as far away from the teen and hoping to never crossed path with him.


After walking far from the direction of the main character and finding himself in a less busy section of the city, Kei began to relax a bit and manage to find seat and rest for a moment to plan out his next course of action.

But as he laid the grocery bag on his side, Kei noticed a peculiar thing.

A pair of white long bunny? ears with purple tips.

How he didn't noticed this was probably due to the small turmoil in his mind regarding his situation.

Surprised and a bit cautious at the new addition on his bag, Kei warily and carefully opened, and what peaked its head, was a creature. A very familiar creature from a game he played, even without its purple, white and blue mantle.

A mix of a fox, squirrel, cat? with white fur and some purple highlights, it bore its blue beady eyes at him, and what it spoke cleared any doubts on his mind on the identity of this small beast.



'How is this possible?'

Kei was questioning his current circumstance as he stared at the small beast currently sitting on top of his right leg, the small beast staring at him as well.

Kei couldn't help but sense that there is a certain expectation in the small creatures eyes, but Kei digress at this at the moment.

The all too familiar little creature was none other than the 'tamed' form of the beast of calamity.

Beast II- Primate murder.

Or better known, as Fou.

He racked his brain at his situation with ideas an questions regarding this peculiar situation he was in, with the most prominent, and most important question at this very moment being.

'What did this entail on the state of this world if a beast of calamity was here?'

Kei gritted his teeth when a wave of dread crept unto his mind, his situation was appearing more dreadful than he could begin to understand.

As if sensing his dropping mood, Fou jumped off his leg and dove into his bag, and seconds later, pulled out a small tied up letter on its mouth.

Seeing the letter, Kei extended his hand to the small beast who gave it with a *Fou*.

Opening the note, Kei read the note's contents, and felt as if a small wait was lifted out of his shoulders.

Before promptly tearing it into small pieces and throwing it into the air with the wind scattering it.

What was the content of the letter that made him do this exactly?

[Dear unlucky scrub, your situation is hilarious to me, but to at the least reassure you, I will not be interfering at any thing that is happening on the request of a cute, what do you weebs call it? A yes!


On her request, I will, along with the rest of us, will no longer interfere on this, so don't worry and just do your own thing.

And if you don't believe me, then I will promise it along with the others. We keep our promise sacred.

Oh, she also added a few things for you to make it easier on this, what are they you might ask?

Not telling! That is for you to find out! Kuhahahaha!

Also, she decided to give you a companion, it doesn't have its powers, no easy mode for you.


Your going to be needing what she gave! Good luck! Tata! And there are no crossovers!

From one of the guys is who decided to mess with her for a bit.]

That was practically it. Rage was simmering inside him but he took a few deep breaths to calm down and think this through calmly.

Who are these people?

What do they mean by messing with a Kohai?

Why was he here exactly?

Why is this 'Kohai' of theirs helping me?

And further more, what was going to happen in the future for him to be receiving help from her?

A suffocating sense of foreboding filled him, but he shook his head to calm down.

He had the feeling that trouble and disasters will mainly happen here in Lugnica.

There was also the problem with the legitimacy of their word, but Kei felt as if that wasn't going to be a problem in the future.

Maybe because the problems at this moment are what he needed to focus on.

Kei decided then and there that he needed to get the hell out of this kingdom if he has any chances of living a new life and achieving his goal.

Luckily, he already had a place in mind to avoid this mess.


That place was his safest bet in both achieving his goal and getting out of this mess.

With a goal in mind prepared, Kei looked at the creature that was going to be his new companion.

He looked at the little beast, said beast was looking back at him as well.

"I believe you already know that you will be accompanying me correct?"

Fou nodded its head. Kei, finally having focused his mind, found the gesture quite cute.

Extending his hand, Kei offered a small genuine smile. Although it didn't have its powers, he was quite content with having a companion.

"Then, I will be quite delighted if you accompany me."

Fou looked at the offered hand and *Fou* before running up the offered appendage and sitting comfortably on his shoulder.

After letting out a tiny chuckle, Kei refocused on his goal again, finding a small problem with leaving Lugnica and heading to Kararagi.

And that was money.

He was currently poor in this world, which he had to admit, was a new experience for him.

He began to think of ways of gaining some cash, before coming up with an idea.

Around him were the gazes he previously ignored, with his focus being on the ones that held quite a lot of greed.

Looks like he found some cash.


A/N= So what do you think of this second chapter? Personally I kinda found it a bit much on some aspects.

But tell me what you think, and leave a review.

Also, no morons who put a one star just cause.

See ya next time.

Also check out the my other book, [Stories and ideas mashed together.]
