
A New Overlord in Town

Ten thousand years, the Tower has lain without an Overlord. Ten millennia, the world had known relative peace, aside from the random creatures of Grimm wandering the land and a few other lesser evils, like Salem. Ten thousand years of waiting for a new Overlord to come, and bathe the world in true darkness. Ten thousand years of... Absolute boredom driving Gnarl mad! (The Rewrite Is Here!)

Twisted_Fate_MK2 · Diễn sinh trò chơi
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13 Chs



Official Supporters:

Compulsive Reader, The Impossible Muffin

Adeptus Militaris, Wilger

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Dark stuff, this chapter.

CW: Implied (coming) SA.

Skipping the Jaune section will not be judged. Or, if you wish, simply Search for Gnarl. He won't be mentioned after this until AFTER the implications pass. So a good metric, if you wanna skip that bit.


It wasn't exactly a rare occurrence for her to be called out of bed, or at least out her her quarters, after hours and asked to come down into the vault. It was, for obvious reasons, a more subtle- if less convenient for equally obvious reasons - time, so she was by now used to it. Accustomed enough to have a thermos on a little coffee pot with a slit on the side expressly for the purpose waiting, just in case, with a splash of hot caffeine to keep her going. So, nursing it, she stepped out of the elevator and into the vault fifteen minutes later. But, to her surprise…

She didn't see Ozpin standing with Amber at the end of the vault, as she'd expected.

Instead, she saw light from one of the embedded vault doors set to either side of the walkway. And a shadow, stretching out away from it.

"Oh joy." She sighed, "And what on Remnant is this about, now?"

But, even as much as she dreaded this, she forced herself to plod along. And so sincerely wished she'd added some warmth to her coffee. Perhaps when Qrow came 'round again, she could get some suggestions out of him.

No, he'd never let her live it down if she asked. He was a right bastard in that way…

He did have good taste in alcohol, though.

"Headmistress." The man greeted her when she reached him, straightening her sleeping dress and eyeing him worriedly. He leaned on his cane more, anxious, but turned to pay her a comforting smile regardless. "I'm sorry to drag you out so late."

"No you aren't." She chuckled, taking a long drink as he laughed and nodded concedingly. "What is it, then?"

"That." He nodded, and she turned, looking into the normally sealed inner vault.

Inside was armor, set on a black iron rack and covered in spines and spikes, with a tattered but rich red tabard over its chest and a holey cloak that hung down on the floor. Some of it was missing, some of it was damaged, but it still looked menacing. Weapons covered the back wall wall to either side, ranging from short, wickedly curved swords to brutish mauls, chain-maces and a monstrous, pronged trident with a bright crimson gem set into its center.

A gem that seemed to… Brighten, as she stared into it.

"What is…"

"That is a spear used by a powerful force from centuries ago." Ozpin murmured quietly, "What I could recover of his armor, after I destroyed him. And some of his weapons and texts, taken from its home as it felly."

"What you could…" She blinked and flicked him a look, "Personally?"

"Indeed." He nodded, "And with an army, too."

"An army?" Her brows furrowed and she stepped closer, looking to the side walls where books and scrolls filled the space. "You lead an army yourself? Did they know who you were?"

"It was a small force. My personal guard and a few loyal, trusted noble allies." Ozpin chuckled, though it sounded fragile and almost dark rather than amused. She turned to him, one brow raised, and he explained, "It was shortly after the unification of what would one day be called 'the Kingdom of Vale'."

"Ah." Of course, she'd known that, once upon a time, he'd been King Oswald the Great. But even so, hearing about it was… A strange thing. Shaking it off, she smirked and shrugged, "A rebellion, then? Who could stand against you, oh great and mighty Oswald?"

"I was Ozkar, then." He grunted quietly, "This was a couple centuries before even Oswald. I was laying the groundwork, you see, for… Nevermind, it doesn't matter."

"As you say." Curious as she was, she wouldn't push him when he sounded so serious. "What does, then? I presume this… Foe of yours is important, somehow?"

"Indeed." Ozpin nodded, raising his cane and pointing at the trident. "That was his favored weapon. With a gem embedded in it which, fueled by his magic, allowed him to do great things."


"Indeed." He nodded, "And, until yesterday, that gem was dim, brown, and lifeless."

"It was…" She turned to it again and frowned, heart starting to beat just that little bit faster as she murmrued. "That… That should be impossible, though."

"Perhaps." He sighed, "And yet, here it is…"

"And what do we do about it?"

"We prepare." He answered solemnly, turning and walking away. After a moment, she followed behind him, the sound of the vault groaning closed echoing behind them. As they walked, he said, "Send word to Ironwood that we have an S-class emergency on our hands."

"S?" She gasped, "But that's reserved for-"

"If not nipped in the bud," he cut her off, "he will be as bad, or worse, than she has been."

"You can't be serious."

"That spear itself was made purposefully to combat me." He answered, turning to regard her with a hard gaze. "It can drain souls, the source of all our power, and then use it. Imagine, if you will, what my quite purposefully infinite soul would allow it to do."


"Now, don't call them in, too." Ozpin chuckled darkly, "We've enough fires to put out."

She pursed her lips and nodded tensely - he was right, of course. They did not need them sticking their noses into things.


Close to eleven than half past ten, the old man sent him on his way with a few hundred lien that Jaune tucked into a pocket of his trousers. It was good pay, for how little he'd had to do. Mostly, he'd spent the night on a stool, glaring down anyone the old barman pointed his way. Most were twice his age, and twice his size, but every single one heard 'Hunter' and looked at his sword and backed down. Which was a weird experience, for someone who'd spent more of his life being picked on than not, usually by his own sisters. But he wasn't about to complain.

Far from it - it was kind of fun watching grown men duck their heads and shuffle by him like a five year old being sent out into the hall.

Outside, the streets were dark and empty. And cold, with a chill wind whistling through icicles and pipes and filling the quiet avenue with whistles, warbles and other ghastly sounds that made him anxious. But, hand on the hilt of his sword, he took a breath and murmured a self reassuring, "Just the wind."

And turned to head up the street.

As he passed through, the town seemed to… Change. From the nice, broader street he'd come in on into tighter, more confined pathways that even cars wouldn't be able to get up without blocking the way. It was tighter, and dirtier, too. Trash cans were left out in front of the more rundown buildings, loose bits of trash scattered around them. But at least they were empty, and the walkway was well-paved. And beside that, when he looked up another road, he could at least see some paths wide enough for vans to get up.

But he was following the old bartender's directions, so…

"Hey!" He heard a man shout from somewhere up ahead, "Get on back here, darlin'! Just wanna talk!"

Scowling, he rolled his armored shoulders, checked the strap of his helmet, and picked up his pace, following the sound of the man cat-calling until he could hear others laughing. And then, following that until he could hear something else. Something that made his anger burn up in his veins.

"Please." A woman said, voice just barely audible, "S-Stop. Do what you want to me, but-" He rounded the corner and heard her finish, "Leave my brother alone."

Three men were crowded around a woman in tatty clothes, large rabbit ears drooped down along her head. A smaller figure was curled up beside her, and she had her arms around him, eyes flitting between the uniformed men. The guards, he realized, just as her eyes fell on him and widened. But not in hope, he realized.

In fear.

One of the guards followed her gaze, met his, and his bearded face spread in a smile as he turned, waving towards him, "Hey-o! I heard we had us a Hunter 'round here. What brings you 'round here?"

"Exploring." He shrugged, closing the distance until he stood only a couple feet away and flicked the woman a look, and then each of the other two guards as they, too, turned to face him, circling around the downed Faunus so they couldn't get away. Quietly, he asked, "What about you?"

"Enforcin' the law." The first guard grunted, stooping and dragging the woman up with a powerful, gloved hand around her thinner arm. She was young, he realized - probably only around his age.

"What'd she do?" He asked, amending after a second, "What'd they do?"

"Indecent exposure." The guard chuckled, grabbing the shoulder of her ratty green dress and yanking it off. She squawked and covered herself, but even so Jaune got an eyeful of grey underwear and frowned even more deeply. "Boy sassed us and caught a club."

"Yeah." One of his friends chuckled, hefting a black, wooden club and resting it on his shoulder. "He'll be fine, though."

"Assumin' she's a good girl." The last sneered, resting a boot on the man's back. The woman struggled to turn, opened her mouth to say something, but he just leaned his weight on the boy and grunted. "You bein' good now? Hmm?"

She flinched, ducked her head, and dropped her arms in answer, and the first guard laughed, "There's a good girl. C'mon, not your first rodeo. Just gotta, heh, ride it out, eh?"

"Yes, sir…"

"What's your name?" He asked quietly, rolling his shoulders reflexively to ease out the muscles.

"M'names James-"

"Not yours." He snapped, waving his Gauntlet dismissively when he blinked. "Yours, girl. What's your name?"

"R-Rose." She answered, blinking at him, "Rose Hare, S-Sir."

"Rose…" An image of Ruby flashed, unbidden, through his mind. In the same situation as Rose was, now. Blinking tears back, avoiding their eyes- Terrified. Of him. Quietly, he asked, "Is this… Normal?"


"For this town." He explained, "Is this… Normal?"

"The hell're you talkin' to her for?" The first guard, James something or other apparently, asked. Shoving her into the waiting arms of one of his fellows while the last straightened and eyed him warily. One hand drifted down and around, towards a leather satchel at his side, and Jaune eyed him more warily as James went on. "What, you one o' them animal lovers?"

"I asked a question." He grunted, "I want it answered."

"And what if it is?" James asked loudly, flicking looks to either side of the street. Jaune turned and blinked, watching faces watching them through slats in windows. Scowling, James said, "We're the law here, Hunter. You cross us, you'll swing. Or worse."


"We call it 'ice fishing'." The man holding Rose laughed darkly, "Tie ya up on on one o' the poles holdin' up the pier. Let the water have you, legs down. Isn't that right, lil miss?"

"It is…" She nodded, terrified and embarrassed as the man's hand wandered away from her stomach and up.

"So, you back down," James went on, smiling grimly, "or we put you down, have our fun, and send you all three ice fishing."

"You think you can take a Hunter?"

"You think you're the first to start something?" James laughed, "There's a hundred or so of us, and one of you. You go 'round killing us, no matter how it goes, you'll end up in an Atlas prison. You hold back? Too many of us."

"You're right. I can't take you all on my own." He sighed, Mana rushing through him as he reached out for Gnarl and his Minions and turned, extending his arm behind him and drawing Crocea Mors with a quiet little rasp. He held it horizontally between himself and the men, its threat clear, and growled as the anger coursed through him, dark and hot and fiery, "But if she asks me for help, then I'll give it to her."

"If she…" James shot Rose a look as her ears rose and stood on end, looking at him with wide eyes.

"So?" He asked, letting the sword hang lower in front of him while he watched the men. Quietly, in a sudden, desperate need for the answer, he asked, "Do you need help? This won't stop here, but… It's your home. Your life. I won't force you to change, I'm not- I don't want to be that kind of man. But if you say the words…"


"Go on, then." The man holding her snapped, smiling widely, "Say it. 'Help me, help me'. See how well it goes for you."

"I can beat them." He reassured her, and himself, drawing the woman's eyes back to him. "I just need your answer. Ask for my help, and you'll get it. And they will get it, too."

After a long moment, she finally murmured, "H-Help, ple- Ack!"

The man's hand snapped up to her throat, but Jaune was faster. And, with a crack of Mana, he shot the few feet between them and turned, bringing his armored fist around and into the side of the man's head with a meaty 'thwack' that hurled him and the woman both back a step. As they collapsed, he turned and brought his sword up to sweep aside James' swinging club. He stepped in and brought his fist up as the man was turned away, and his armored fist caught the man on the outside of his elbow.

It caved in with a heavy 'crunch' and the man screamed as he crumpled to the side, clutching the ruined limb.

Finally, he turned, growling-

And froze, face to barrel with a heavy, metal revolver in the third man's hand. The man smiled and chuckled as Jaune straightened and let his arms drop.

"So," the man laughed, bobbing his head at the unconscious man from Jaune's first attack, "get his cuffs, and-"

"And what?" He asked quietly, watching the two Faunus behind him scurry back, towards James' downed, groaning form. "You'll arrest me? Send me off to Atlas?"

"Nah." He smiled, grin widening into a feral, nasty mess, "Nah, I'm gonna cuff you, make you watch me have my fun with little miss 'Rose', and send you both ice-"

His head snapped to the side and Jaune staggered back as his aim went off and a shot ricocheted off his helmet, sending him reeling. He stumbled on a spot of ice and fell, pawing at his helmet while his forehead throbbed from a bruise blossoming across it. Even through all the layers protecting him, a bullet still hit hard enough to hurt, apparently…

"A-Are you okay?" He heard the woman gasp, straightening his helmet and looking up into her wide-eyed, terrified face. He trailed a look to the prone man, his head resting at a woefully unnatural angle, and felt his stomach turn. But she spoke before he could dwell on it more, drawing his gaze back to her, "We h-h-have to go! Before more-"

"No." He growled, pushing himself up and raising his Gauntlet, Mana burning through it once again. "You asked for my help. And I'm not done yet."

"W-What do you mean?" She asked, wrapping her arm around her brother when he sat up and pressed into her side, clutching his bloodied head.

"A Faunus friend of mine sent me here to help the people here." He explained, raising his fist and calling out, "I asked you if you wanted my help, because it's more than just a fight in the street. It's…"



Gnarl felt the pull on his core as every Minion did and smiled, raising his stick high over his head, "Our Master calls us to conquest! To liberate the pathetic little animals! Take the town and, ugh…" He rolled his eyes and let his stick drop, dropping his voice and sighing, "An… Don't hurt any of the civvies, I guess."


"But why not?"

"No fun!"

"Oh, stuff it, you gits!" Gnarl sighed and snapped loudly, waving the forward, "Go on, I dunno… Burn some stuff, crack some skulls, uh… Find some shinies!"



"Fire and shinies?"

In a chittering mass, they all rushed off, their cheers only drowned out by an alarm as it went up a few moments later. The alarm didn't matter much, though. The guards outside were overwhelmed swiftly and, digging out access cards the guards carried because Grimm would never think to so they could get into the settlement. The guards, he was certain, wouldn't stand much chance, so Gnarl eased himself down on a log and smirked.

"Ah, conquest…" He smiled, tapping his finger on his staff, "I wonder, shall we sack? Burn it all down and withdraw, slaves in tow? No, no, he's not there… Perhaps a simple expansion then? Boring, but useful."

While he muttered to himself, people screamed in terror, guards fought and were beaten down, if not killed, by the Minions and his Master advanced on the big house the mayor surely lived in. It was a nice show, at least, even if the aftermath would be…

Oh so boring!

…but better than nothing, he supposed.


Wrote whilst working a twelve hour shift, i HOPE the quality didn't suffer, lol. Regardless, hope you enjoyed it over-all, and next chapter will be SIGNIFICANTLY lighter in tone. But hey, would it be Overlord without a touch of 'implied' darkness undercutting it all?
