
A New Opening

You’re new to UA and you meet him. Katsuki, moving from England was hard, but maybe he can change that?

ariamairis · Thanh xuân
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10 Chs

Chapter 4 : Feelings?!

After you talked to mina a lot came into your head, "so maybe he does like me, but i don't know if it would out since i haven't really been able to look at the future we hold, if things come on this path." all of a sudden bakugo comes back in and you're on your bed, he climbs up next to you in a way asking if it's okay to hold you, you nod and he lays his head on your chest, you hold him close playing with his hair again and before you know it he's passed out, or so you thought, "bakugo if only you knew how i feel about you, everything you do makes a fire burn in me but i don't know how to tell you," you felt his smile immerse on his face, but you kept talking thinking he was dreaming, wondering what about. all of a sudden your phone goes off and it's Midoriya, "hey i heard about melody are you okay?!" "yes im fine i promise, can you tell the guys not to come in here, bakugo fell asleep" and midoriya with his pure mind assumed he fell asleep on the floor away from you and told the guys.

Kirishima POV

Midoriya came up to me and sero telling us not to bother y/n and bakugo since he's asleep. i look over at sero and we know what's going on, the way bakugo talked about her there was no way he didn't feel something toward her, he thought he was in love melody until she came around. i wonder, is he softening up? "hey sero, come with me." we started walking toward my dorm and planned out how to get them to confess to one another. we figured it out and texted y/n "Hey can you come to the commons?" "not now kiri, if i move he will wake up. and i don't think he's slept in a while" yeah no i knew it, this is definitely gonna go the way i thought.


you hear your phone buzz and it's Kiri, he asked you to go to the commons but you didn't want to wake up Bakugo so you said no, soon you feel his arm wrap around your waist and you try to move away slightly "no no don't move stay, let's take a nap, im sleepy." "awe okay fine, only for a little" he moves up and pulls you in closer, and soon you were fast asleep, with his arms around you and his scent drifting toward you, he made you feel safe, in the place you never thought you could. you were always at risk but he didn't know that. you nuzzle into his chest and allow yourself to trust that it'll be okay.

Bakugo POV

before i knew it she was asleep in my arms, i heard everything she said about me, i don't know yet how i feel, all i know is i don't want anyone else to have her. i look at her closely admiring her every feature, noticing the bags under her eyes i pull her closer and tell her she can sleep soundly, without worry. "you're so beautiful, everything about you, i know how insecure you are, but to me, you're perfect. i still don't know everything about you, and i want that to change but for right now, i just want you close to me," i say it softly and i know she can't hear me, but this just feels right. all of the memories between me and her come flooding into my mind, every day sitting together to eat, everytime we went out, when she first came to this school, and i was so rude, but if it weren't for the way things played out, she wouldn't be here in my

arms would she.. right before i end up falling asleep i get a text from kiri, "yo you awake or nah" "yes what is it" "when you can meet sero in his dorm" "okay whatever dumbass."

After some time passes i fall asleep and i have y/n pulled close, she's so peaceful and i can't let her go, ever.