
A new magical life

When Naomi gets killed by accident, she is shocked to realise that she is not dead. But when she does not recognize her own body or the people in her surroundings, she understands that something is not right. Instead of being in her own country, Naomi finds herself in a world of magic, stuck in the body of a princess. While trying to figure out how to survive in this new reality, she also has to find out how the real princess died. Then there is the problem of how she is supposed to be one of the best magicians in the kingdom. And to top it all off, there is a prince who everyone seems to think she is madly in love with.

Tessy918 · Kỳ huyễn
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2 Chs

A strange awakening

I must admit that dying wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. It was definitely not nice, by any means, but I just thought that there would be more to it. What I didn't expect however, was that death would feel so much like life.

I look at the silky blanket covering me. It's a nice green and very expensive looking. Actually, everything is this room looks expensive. The wine red carpet, the crystal chandelier hanging from the roof, the big closet with flowers cut into the dark wood. Even the small table looks like it belongs in a castle, and I shouldn't even speak about the gigantic bed in which I'm laying

As I continue to appreciate my surroundings the double doors to my right open, revealing a young girl. She is clad in simple yet elegant clothes and her light brown hair is tied into a bun on top of her head.

"Excuse me princess, but your father would like to speak with you. Are you feeling better?" The girl asks and I can't do anything but stare at her.

What is she talking about? Princess? I look around the room, excepting someone to step forward and tell me it's a joke. Maybe I'm still alive and my parents are trying to pull a prank on me because of my actions.

"Haha, very funny. You can come out now mom, I know I messed up, you don't have to shove it in my face." I say as I sit up, flinging the warm blanket to the side. But when I catch sight of my legs I stop. Instead of my usually lightly tanned skin-colour, my legs are a milky white.

Quickly I stand up, looking at my arms. I didn't notice before because I was busy appreciating the room, but now I see that they too, are different. It can't be that I've been in a coma and become pale. I stand up, walking a few steps and then stop. This body not only looks different, it feels different.

"Princess, what are you saying?" The girl asks, clearly confused.

"This is not my body." I whisper.

"Excuse me princess, what did you say?" She has started fidgeting with her clothes and I can see that she is alarmed by my strange behaviour.

"Where exactly am I?" I ask, louder.

"You are home, in Iastar, are you still unwell? I'm sure your father will understand if you choose to rest. He knows how that your health has been bad these past days." I nod in answer and turn back to the bed, sitting down. I need to think.

"Then, I will inform the king about your wishes. Please call on us if you need anything princess." The girl says before bowing and walking out of the room, closing the door behind her.

As soon as I'm alone, I jump up from the bed and walk up to a set of drawers placed against the white- and gold-painted wall. I open the first one, hoping to find a mirror but the only thing occupying the small space is a book. My gaze lingers on it for awhile, poking my interest and curiosity, but I decide that it will have to wait. I have more pressing issues, like finding a mirror. The next drawer contains brushes, tiaras and different types of jewelry. I open the third and last drawer. There, under a white piece of clothe lays a small, golden-framed mirror with a delicate handle.

I pick the thing up, not wasting any time as I look at my face. My suspicion is confirmed when I see the small nose, pink lips and long, thick, black hair. But I'm captivated by my eyes. They are framed by dark, thick lashes and while the right one is a soft gray, the left one is purple.

"She is beautiful." I say as I gently touch the face in the mirror. "but what am I doing in her body?"

The question lingers in my mind as I start pacing in the room. From what the young girl said before, this person is a princess and the past few days she has been ill. Did she die? But how did I end up here? Ahh, there are so many questions!

If anyone figures out that I'm not the princess, what will they do? I think it's better not to find out. For now, I will just pretend that I am suffering from memory loss, because of the illness. I can figure it out. This might be another chance for me to live a better life.

Looking down at the nightgown I'm wearing I scowl. Who wears an old fashioned piece of clothe like this? It looks to be from the 17th century. Wait, if I remember correctly, the girl said I'm in Iastar. There is no such country that I'm aware of. Does this mean I'm something else, like in a different dimension? The possibility makes my head spin and I quickly sit down on the bed. I don't even know my own name, how am I supposed to act? Maybe it's just like being in another country. This place can't be that much different, can it? I guess there is only one way to find out. But before I leave this room I must try to find out more about the princess I'm supposed to be.

My eyes turn to the drawer where I saw the book. It looked like a dairy of some sort. maybe it will give me some clues.

Standing once again, I take the few steps to the furniture, opening it and grabbing the book before returning to the bed.

It's a bit worn out with a plain, brown cover. Opening the first page reveals neat writing and even though I shouldn't be surprised, I notice that the words are foreign to me. But what surprises is that I understand them. I can read the strange language.

"This goes beyond my comparison." I mutter, taking a moment to process the discovery.

When I feel like I have come to terms with this newfound ability, I start reading.

Day 1

I have just spoken to my father. He was wondering about all the trips I've made to town lately. I know he would not be happy if I told him the truth, so instead I said that I was looking for a gift to my mother. He accepted the lie, but I could tell he is still suspicious.

I know that I should have never contacted that man, but now that he is aware of my problem, I can't back down. If only I hadn't used that spell.

I stop reading. Spell? As in magic? No, that can't be right. But before I can continue reading and find out, there is a knock on the door.

I close the book and shove it under my pillow. I then lie down and throw the blanket over me.

"Yes?" I call out.

"Naomi, it's me your father, may I come in?" A dark male voice sounds from the other side of the wooden doors.

I feel panic settle in my stomach and I take a few deep breaths. Just try to act normal, I think to myself. Whatever normal is.

"Yes, it's okay, you can come in." I say and the door opens.