
Keyleth and Vax'ildan

The door opened slowly... The first thing I noticed was the druidic antlers that adorned the head of a red-haired woman. Freckles spotted her white face as green eyes regarded me nervously. Wisps of her red hair swept down in front of her face, coiling just below her luscious lips. Her garbs were various shades of green, a leaf motif dominating the edges and finer detailing. As noted by me before, a large set of stag antlers were affixed to a headdress that had the look of tree bark but completely green in colouration. Besides the antlers a band of silver sat comfortably on her head, a tiara of station no doubt, embedded with a amber crystal that slightly glimmered in the sunlight of Pelor that suffused the room. (Author Note: Pelor is the sun but also the god Pelor)

Anxiously she entered the room, her attention being divided between me and my newly made wife and her own other half. Speaking of that little devil of a man, well, he was smiling at his girl's antics as he strut inside the room.

"U-um hello...!" Keyleth's voice was at first rather unsteady, lacking in confidence, but as I digested it I could sense some strength there... A backbone that was more stout than many peoples'. 

"Hello Keyleth, it's nice to meet you!" I stood up and walked over, my dress being that of a light purple mixed with dark purple. My hair was in a semi-decent bun at the nape of my neck, allowing only a few segments to languidly dangle down the front of my face. Walking up to her I held out reached out for a hug, my arms softly extending out. Awkward as she was, she took the hug in kindness, her head rotating just that slight touch that I could tell she was looking to Vax for answers.

I broke off the hug and smiled somewhat.

"Vax'ildan certainly has taste in choosing you as his source of affections. Come, sit, I made breakfast for everyone... We have some business to discuss." I guided them each to their chairs, ensuring that they were comfortable and had drinks. Lilia, The Raven Queen, couldn't resist anymore and had started to eat the bacon and eggs before her, washing it down with some orange juice. As I sat down in my chair a smile grew on my face, seeing her begrudgingly scoffing down her food.

'Yeap! My food is great...'

"Umm... Y-you know my name, somehow, c-could you give me yours please?" Keyleth nervously played with her cutlery as she attempted to pierce into a piece of bacon only for it to slide off back onto the plate; her voice squeaking out amongst her movements.

"Ah, sorry. I am Silviana Solaris, Co-Ruler of Tempest, Demon Lord, and also the wife of the Raven Queen, Milim Nava and Shuna Solaris."

The fork on her plate made a large screeching noise, her eyes locking with mine whilst comprehension started to do its thing within her brain. Vax'ildan was no different either. He had stopped chewing the piece of bacon within his mouth as soon as I dropped my titles. Both of them were one-for-one mimicking each other's actions. 'They're so cute!'

"U-um. Tempest?" Vax was the one to break the silence as he swallowed the bacon quickly, half choking before asking his question.

"A new nation near to Vasselheim that came from the world of Tensura."

"A new world!? What was it like? Was nature sentient there? How many moons were there?"

Keyleth unloaded a bunch of question excitedly after hearing of Tensura. It seems that no matter what the conversation was about, as soon as you speak about nature, she was sold. My wife chuckled a little whilst continuing to eat her food, glancing between me, Keyleth and Vax.

"Some parts were sentient. There was one moon. It was a very wonderful place, despite me not being able to really explore it fully."

Vax pushed into the conversation as more of what i had said fully conveyed itself to their minds.

"WAIT!? You said wife to, my, god...?!?!" He stood up and stared at me with wide eyes, completely shocked and stunned, wishing for answers to his emphatic query. Keyleth simply sat there stunned for a bit, staring off into space as she no doubt got caught within her own thoughts.

"Yes, in fact, she is sitting right next to me. Lilia, honey?"

My wife rolled her eyes before straightening her posture and forming the raven feathered mantle of her position, the white mask being made within her hand as she rose it up next to her face.

"Hello, Vax... Keyleth..." She nodded towards Keyleth who looked as if her mind had just been blown. Not only that, I could sense resentment from Keyleth radiating towards my beautiful goddess. It was as if she was pissed that she had poached her man away from her. To be honest, I sympathised with her... But she was wrong if she thought she could harm her in a physical way; not that she would do that, but I was prepared just in case.

"H-A... W-H... What is going on...???"

"Hahaha, please sit down again Vax." He followed my direction and sat there flabbergasted, glaring questioningly at me.

"Where to begin...? Ah yes... You see, once upon a time, I was a god of death. A being of immense power and responsibility. I sat upon a throne made of fate itself and oversaw every ounce of Exandrian existence. My brothers and sisters would squabble and as their older brother I would break up these fights, delivering punishments and time-outs when needed. But, life as this being was dreadful. Processing every death, seeing every ounce of someone's life and then judging them for their transgressions and choices... Became... Painful. Life lost its lustre and my soul slowly started to darken into an unbearable miasmic smudge." I took a small break to drink some orange juice, Keyleth and Vax listening intently to the story.

"This continued for thousands of years, until, I met a woman who was utterly fascinated with magic. She had begun delving into Necromantic magics and Occult areas in the schools of magic. Her beauty, divinely profound and her soul naturally stunning to me... I decided to have conversations with her, befriend her and come to know her as my closest confidant."

"Lilia was that woman... But still, despite that connection I had felt, the darkness crept further into my heart and soul. No longer could the feelings of inner-hatred and self-loathing be contained... Thus I made a decision to end my suffering, to pass the torch onto someone who I trusted beyond anyone else. Lilia..."

Tears slipped from Keyleth's eyes somewhat as Vax watched my wife with increasing fascination. His eyes screamed sympathy but also had hardness in equal proportion. It seemed that he had the idea that the Raven Queen was setting him up for her position soon... Whether this was true or not, I wasn't completely sure...

"T-then how did you make it back here?" Keyleth sobbed through her question somewhat as she tried to clear the tears away, leading me to glare at Vax until he started to comfort her.

"Well... When I completed the ritual of ascension for Lilia, I instantly fell unconscious as a being. My soul effectively put my god-like mind in storage as a more human-side of me surfaced. I was reincarnated in a distant world that was at war. Groomed until I was the age of 16 where I officially became an assassin for those in power. My godly consciousness was encased within an alter ego that would slip out every now and then, this ego mainly being concentrated on all of the negative emotions that had been funnelled to me as a God. I naturally became the best assassin on that world... But, by the time I was in my mid twenties the war would change and I would become a mercenary working for money, fighting for whatever side paid me more. It was during that fighting that i was killed by a sword on the end of a firearm." 

My wife was paying full attention now as this was the first time she heard all of this as well. Vax was silent whilst Keyleth simply seemed empathetic for my plights. She was way too kind. 

"After dying in that world I reincarnated once more into Tensura, with the help of my Divine Parents. The rest is history... But enough about me! I am here to facilitate your conversation with my wife. She has something to tell you both, although I do have something to add on."

The conversation lulled for a while after that, all of us eating breakfast moderately as we tried to avoid awkwardness in eating and drinking. Lilia was already finished with hers but I could tell that she was still hungry... So i summoned more food and instantly received a happy smile from her. That smile was lovely for me, but gave Vax a touch of the coughs as he struggled not to choke on his food and or drink. By the end of his coughing fit, Lilia finally spoke up...

"I have been convinced, by my other half" She looked at me before turning back to them. "That the services of Vax'ildan will no longer be required for my domain. He will be resurrected as a living man." Keyleth immediately started to tear up, her eyes already red from the previous bout of crying, now becoming bright red as water slipped down her freckles cheeks.

Vax was shell shocked by this announcement and already started to feel the power of his position fade away. His heart began to beat once more as a bright yellow light, unknowingly, pulsed within his body. I spoke up now.

"To add my part on top. I wish to form an alliance between Tal'dorei and Tempest, a trade alliance. Also, I wish to hire your husband as a consultant for our Ghosts, a spy network/guard network that protects our nation. He will be given whatever gems he wishes as pay; within reasonable terms, and all Ashari people are allowed into Tempest to trade, live and become citizens if they so wish."

This broke both of them as Keyleth hugged Vax desperately and powerfully. Vax, hugging her back, tried to hold back tears as much as possible as he felt his own heartbeat return to him. Besides this act I had convinced my wife to do, I wanted to also do something far more powerful for the two...

"Besides that... Why don't I give you a little present for finally reuniting?" I reached my hand out and pulled upon Green essence. Nature swelled in power within my hands, beyond what was normally possible. Lilia instantly flicked her gaze over to me, noticing the immense power I held at this moment, one that was usually held within a finely controlled cage of my own making. 

"Both of you shall be tied to my own lifeforce. Seeing as how that is infinite, you shall not suffer the effects of old age. You won't be affected by poisons or diseases and your effective lifespan is now infinite so long as you do not get killed or kill yourselves. Along with this boon, your fertility has been strengthened to Human levels... You can now have as many kids as you wish, relatively easily."

Lilia widened her eyes as she bit her lips somewhat. It seemed that she wanted something like that as well, but for our relationship. She would have to wait just a tiny bit for that, the Arch heart being the way that he was.

[Hidden Mission has been Completed]

Goals Completed- Explain origin to Raven Queen, Bring Vax'ildan back to mortality, Mend the gap between Keyleth and the Raven Queen, Give a boon/s to the couple

REWARDS: Vax'ildan as a Servant, Keyleth as a Best Friend, A fragment of Loki's Divine Source (Material for Divine-Forging), Nth Metal Trees (x5)


'Wow, hidden missions...! So basically, do more crazy shit in line with what i truly want and then I can get some cool rewards? Sign me up for that!'

The couple stood up and walked over to me, leaning down and giving me a massive hug as Keyleth tried not to cry and Vax attempted not to break down like his wifey was. To be honest they were too cute for one another and below all of the tension and emo-ness they were just a couple wounded individuals who had been hurt by life. I hugged them back, feeling Kiki's tears on my left shoulder.

"Th-ah-thank you so-so much!" She sobbed on my shoulder harder.

"I will work wherever you need me to, so long as Kiki gets to stay with me."

Smiling as I felt Lilia walked behind them and watch us three I answered Vax.

"You don't need to separate anymore. Your work can be done in the Air Ashari Capital if you wish, we'll just send some trainees for you..."

"I am in... After I meet my sister..."

"Oh! Yeah! Well, why don't you stay with me and my delegation for a little while... I will be wanting to meet with Percival Fredrickstein von Musel Klossowski de Rolo III for some chatting, Allura suggested I meet him."

The two whispered to one another, although it didn't hide anything from me.

"Wow, she got his full name..."

"No one has done that, well, ever...?"

The couple started giggling into each other's ears as I couldn't help a cheeky grin slipping onto my face as I looked over at my wife who was also smiling; thinking I couldn't see her currently. She was way too shy and reserved!

[Daily Mission Completed]

Goals Completed- Meet Vax'ildan and Keyleth of the Air Ashari, Establish Diplomatic Relations with Tal'dorei

REWARDS: Records of Avalir, Records of Aeor, Information on the moon of Ruidus


'Looks like I'll have more reading to do soon...'


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