

2 Years later

It's been 2 years since i was born . This world is different, more different than I thought , apparently I became a devil , my new home is in the underworld , it was hard at first to understand everything, to adjust to the new lifestyle , and now I think of the old days, when I was a child, in my old world, at this age I would have started the training but now ? Now i live my childhood like a normal child ... well .. not really normal .

Not much has changed about me , i'm still a genius , a prodogy as people call me ... i started to walk when i was 7 months and i started to talk when i turned 1 in age , amazing right ? To have a child so smart would sure make your parents proud . Well ... not mines , they were scared at the beggining and then started to adapt , calling me a prodigy , they took me to the doctors , to see why i can do all of this , same response : A prodigy child .

My father was proud , having such a smart child , he always brags about me when he goes to work , same could be said about my mom , it doesn't bother me , not at all , they are always happy when they come from work , asking for my needs , giving me everything i want , i have a good family , and i should thanks to that Voice for giving me this new chance .

Itachi Pov

Itachi : Father when are you leaving for work ?

Kenji : In 1 hous , me and your mom need to there sooner. Lord Zeoticus is celebrating his daughter's 2nd birthday .

Itachi : It's Rias Ojou-sama birthday ?

Hana : Yes , and we must to hurry , Kenji let him to eat . Do you need anything my dear Itachi ?

Itachi : No , i'm ok . I will read today

Kenji : You read everyday , and from what i heard you started to practice something , do you want to tell me what ?

Itachi : Just some Martial Arts , nothing serious

Kenji : Hahahaha that's my boiii , very soon you'l be a strong devil

Hana : Kenji !!! Don't encourage him , his only 2 !

Kenji : He is 2 but he is verry smart and athletic , if he can practice from this age , he should do it , it would only awastehis potentional if you are not going to allow him

Hana : Hmm ... *sigh* verry well , but be careful , am i understod Itachi ?

Itachi : Yess mama , i will be careful

Hana : Good , now eat , both of you !!

Itachi & Kenji : Yes ma'am !

3rd Pov

After the dinner was ready , Hana and Kenji prepared to leave , until Kenji got a phone call from Lord Zeoticus , telling the to bring their son too , he said it would be a good experience for his daughter to have a friend . At first they were hesitant , they knew that people were curios about Itachi and perhaps in the future become part of their Peerage but Zeoticus told them to not worry , nothing like that would happen , they were always in good terms , his Father was the head of butlers and maids while his mother was the personal maid of Rias mother

Itachi stood with his father and mother as the main doors were opened , all three of them entered , everyone was working , doing everything they could to make it perfect , from what he heard Lord Gremory was a perfectionist , they walked in the great hall until they saw three figures. One was a handsome middle aged man that looked younger than he should be, he had long red crimson hair tied into a loose ponytail with a black hairband, his eyes were bright blue he also had a short red stubble beard on his chin, he was dressed in a fancy white suit and underneath a black shirt with the collar sticking out from the white suit. Next to him was a beautiful young woman that Itachi could have sworn was in her teens, if he hadn't known about how devils like his own mother could use magic to make themselves younger he wouldn't have believed anyone if they told him how old this woman really was. She had brown spiky hair that reached slightly beyond her shoulders, her eyes were violet and she had quite the curvy figure and her breast size rivaled that of a certain slug queen Itachi used to know back in his days in his old life, she was dressed in a white dress. And just between both adults was a little girl about Itachi age, she had her mother's hair style but her father's red crimson color and her eyes were bright blue as well, she was dressed in a red dress

These were Lord Zeoticus Gremory, his wife Venelana Gremory whom originated from the Bael clan, and their daughter that was just as old as Itachi , Rias Gremory the next heir of the Gremory family as her older brother had become the new Lucifer, King of the Underworld. She had a look of curiosity which you would expect from a child, with a hint of excitement.

Zeoticus : Ahh it seems you finally arrived . (He said with a smile)

Kenji : Yes m'lord , we are sorry for being so late , but your request took us unprepared

Zeoticus : I'm sorry to hear that , hope that it was not a bother

Kenji : Not at all my lord . This is Itachi , our son

Itachi : It's a pleasure to meet you Lord and Lady Gremory ( He said with a bow )

Venelena : Oh my , such a handsome young boy and so polite ( She said with a smile ) . This is our daughter Rias , we are hoping that you two can become friends in the future . Say hello my dear .

Rias : H-Hello .. ( she said quite timid and incorrect , she was 2 after all , not everyone had itachi mind )

Itachi : Hello Rias-ojou sama , i hope that we can become friends ( he said with a smile )

Rias : I h-hope t-that too ( She said with a smile and quite a blush on her face )

The rest of the day passed just normal , being asked questions by the people , playing with Rias and the rest of her friends , quite normal , until Rias brother arrived . The Great Maou Lucifer , The Crimson Satan , he was like a younger version of Zeoticus , but much more younger and handsome , happy to be on his sister day , talking to his family and the people , there was the other Maou . Ajuka Beelzebub , he is the Chief Advisor for the Technology Department and the creator of the Evil Pieces system and the Rating Game. He is the former heir to the Astaroth Clan and comes from the branch family of the Astaroth Clan. Both the great Maou were here , it was a special day after all . Everything was going smooth until . Itachi attracted the atention of Ajuka , seeing him come with Lucifer , he just prepared himself and waited ..

Ajuka : Oh and what do we have here , how are you Itachi-Kun ?

Itachi : I'm ok , thank you for the question Maou-sama ( He said with a bow )

Ajuka : Well , from what i hear you are quite the intelectual one , are you not ?

What he should say to this one ? He can't just go and have smart conversations with the Maou , it would work with his parents and the other people , but Ajuka was genius himself he can't fool him now , he started to think what he should say .. until

Sirzechs : Leave him alone Ajuka , he is only a child , a smart one that's true , but still , only a child , sorry for my friend Itachi , he is quite the bold one

Oh thanks ... mmm don't say it , you are gonna get a headache

Itachi : There is no need for forgiveness Maou-sama

Sirzechs : Ahh i see quite a polite one , tell me Itachi , what are you planning for you future ?

Itachi : I was thinking to enroll in the School , finish , then Highschool , and then to enroll in the army

Both Ajuka and Sirzechs were taken back by his answer , so small .. only a child , about the same age with Rias and Sona .. and yet he already knew what he wants to do in the future .

Sirzechs : I see , then i wish you good luck , and if you ever need help , don't think twice before asking me or Ajuka ( while Ajuka nodded )

Itachi : Thank you Maou-sama

Sirzechs : Well i think you should go with the other children , my sweet Rias-Tan seems to observer that you are not there and she is making quite a mess ( He said with a chuckle )

Itachi : Yes .. i wish you both a good day ( he said with a bow , and leaving after )

Ajuka : He is smart .. that i can tell .. but this smart ?

Sirzechs : For you to be surprised , that really is something .. i think we should wait and see his evolution , i think .. it would be a good sight to be hold .

Line break : 2 Years Later

"Don't worry Tou-sama," Itachi nodded his head to his father, who was speaking to him through a communication magic circle "I found it." He said, looking at his father vest with the crimson symbol of Gremory Household in his hand, which his father forgot him and went to work without it this morning.

"Alright Itachi, can you bring it to me? You know the way to Gremory Residence right?" it was actually hard to not know the way to Gremory Residence because he lived inside their territory, the area for their servants only a mile away from the place, and even from his home, he could see the rooftop of the mansion.

Itachi : Yes father, I will bring it to you right away.

Kenji : Be careful Itachi-kun, your mother would be so angry at me if something happened to you.

Itachi : Do not worry father , i will be fine

Gremory's known for their extraordinary affection for their servants, and as such, they did not discriminate themselves with their servants. In the society where the low-class served the higher-class people, for nameless devils like his parent, becoming their servants were like a dream come true. The Gremory Clan had a territory that was about the same size of Honshu in Japan, and also has a vast number of castles for its kin.A very rich territory, it also had a developed industry.

Guard : Hold on boy , state you business

Itachi : My name is Itachi Uchika , i am here to bring my father vest , he forgot it in the morning

Guard : Ohh i see , you can pass ( He said with a smile , many devil already heard about him )

In short, Gremory Residence was more impressive and incredible than any palace he had seen in his life, both life actually. It took him more than a few minutes to get to the second floor, because there were so many staircases and hallways inside, which going to lead to which he didn't know, but Itachi knew that he would be lost if he wasn't careful.

Rias : Let go of me, Raiser! (When he got to the right hallways, a girl voice could be heard, and judging from the tone, she wasn't very happy "Why are you so mean to me!")

??? : I'm not being mean to you or anything Rias. (It was the voice of a boy, probably not much older than him "And don't try to deny it, you like me, don't you?" )

Rias : I don't like you , you are nothing but a spoiled brat , i like someone else , and he is much more better than you !! ( She said , sending an angry glare towards Riser )

Riser : That doesen't matter at all , we are gonna marry one day , it doesn't matter who you love because one day , you are gonna be mine ( He said with a pervert grin , getting a glare from Itachi )

Itachi : Mhmm .. Excuse me ( He said , surprising both of them , especialy Rias who just hugged him right in that spot )

Rias : Itachii !!! You are here , i missed you so much ! ( She said with a slightly blush on her face and a smile )

Itachi : Me too Rias , me too ( The reason he use honorifics ? well she always gets angry and she insist on calling her Rias )

Riser : Oiiii , you prick !!! ( He said with an angry glaire ) Who in the hell do you think you are ( grabbing itachi by his collar ) !!

Rias : He is Itachi , the one who i mentioned before ( She said while still keeping hold of Itachi in a hug )

Itachi : A pleasure to meet you Riser-sama

Riser : A pleasure ? I will show you what real pleasure is . ( He said while creating a ball o flames in his hands ) hope that you are ready for some pain , you prick !! ( And then started to laugh like a Mad Man )

End of Chapter 2