
Chapter 1. The eyes full of hope

A young woman with eyes full of tears is wiping the floor which is wet with spilled coffee . This young woman in her 30 was onces filled with joy , confidence and enthusiasm . Leya is beautiful her brown dreamy eyes , cherry lips and a perfect shape that every man will die for . Beauty does not always means freedom . All Relationship always does not have to be understanding and all partners are not caring . She fell in love with Adam in her college days . He is smart , intelligent and handsome . He is so successful that he reached top position in his office in a matter of one year . With success comes ego . Ego that blinds you that you are great than your partner . She is no less than a dirt of your shoe . Leya is enduring her overprotective , egoistic and bossy husband . Leya always wanted to study more . She wanted to become a librarian. Leya wanted to achieve her dream but it's Adam's dream which was more important for her . He was the love of her life .

"Adam, I got selected for the job of librarian . Please dear let me for once follow my dream . I assure you I will handle both the house and the job . You won't regret this decision. " Leya pleaded him . "How dare you ask me to go to job . What do you think I am rubbing my ass of for you to just embarrass me in front of the society . Shut the f**k up and do your duty as you owe to be as a better wife " , Adam angrily through the coffee mug . It was last straw for Leya she couldn't bear anymore . She sacrificed all her dream for him to reach a successful point ."This is how he would thank me for my sacrifice . His reputation is all that matters to him .Where is the man I loved ". There no respect left for Leya in the eyes of Adam . As she was processing 3 years of brutal marriage in her heart , phone bell rang from the dim living room . Leya took the phone gulping down her tear trying to cover up her despair she answered with a lowered tone " Hello , may I know whom I am speaking too " , "My , dear little one so long I couldn't hear your voice . I am sorry for everything you are going through. My child I know you when you were even born. My dear please come to Suleman street phone book . There so much in store for you that you should know my dear . " The voice was so humble and of an old mam . Leya was so perplexed by this call . It's definitely some kind of scam . But something deep down in her heart is telling her that this no other call this is very familiar voice . I don't know where I heard the same voice . She is trying to make sense of what just happened. Should she believe it or not . Yes , this is no ordinary call this is a call of destiny which will not only seal her fate but also the fate of other four of her kind.

In a beautiful mansion , surrounded by scenic beauty of the hillside view , pouring rain , warm bed with a cup of hot coffee David is standing bedside watching her beautiful wife Amara . Full of unquenched desire . With the memories they created together last night was fresh with its proof all around their bed . Amara , beautiful brown skin , black eyes and straight hair . David , wheatish skin , light blue eyes , brown hair well built body firm enough to break Amara strength in a matter of minutes. "Hubby , did you make this for me , I am supposed to make this for you my sweet heart " Amara said in a shying away. " Why should it be wrong if I make for us, we are partner in crime , forever and ever " , David said while planting a kiss at her forehead. David and Amara are both scientists together working at top firms in a same projects . They are both childhood sweetheart since they were 10yr both their parents being doctors . David was the first one to express his feelings towards her when they both were working for 3 years on the same projects . It's was impossible without both . Soon David found out it's not just job but it's also life that's impossible to go on without her . It's on 4 th year David expressed his desire to her in elevator . The elevator got struck due to power fluctuation . This made two most beautiful hours . He fixed his eyes on her black eyes like dark clouds. Not a word came out that he practiced several hours before the mirror . He took a deep breath and rushed the words at her " will you marry me " . It's was late in the evening lab of the firm was about to close . They were the last one to take the elevator. Amara was shocked in utter surprise tears rolled down. "I was beginning to think you will take eternity to ask this question , my answer is yes David " , " Well I should have started with I love you " , before he could say any further Amara kissed his lips . David was stucked in the middle of warm summer and icy chill that traveled to his brain asking not to stop . Kiss from a random women will just give you temporary flutter but a kiss from the person you love the most will make you lose yourself in her, puts your wall down , makes to want to give her whatever she want ,becomes more passionate, tears also rolled down from his cheek . Both were lost in their deepest moment . A sudden jerk of elevator that pulled them back to their self . "Sir , Mam , I saw you in the morning but you didn't check me out in the evening so I doubted that you were still in the building " , said the guard Mandu . ," Thank you Madhu for reaching us other wise we would have been stuck here for whole day " said Amara .