
A New Alternative For A Change Perhaps

When a quiet and cunning person who doesn't talk alot gets killed in a freak sky diving accident and died by not the fall but simply getting hit by a spirit Airlines plane when he was free falling through the air which is both funny and ironic this quiet person then decided to say fuck all the factions imma do my own thing Did I mention he also is a bit if a religious man as well?

DEATH20 · Diễn sinh trò chơi
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Ain't That A Shot To The Head


Life is something people try to cherish, something people try to accomplish all their

goals in one lifetime but very few actually accomplish their goals in their life because they get one chance to do so and their are many reasons why they can't and the main reason is because of death and their are many ways for you to die for example, disease, hunger and thirst but that's just the tip of the iceberg but the more prominent is


And War never changes but their are those who could change how we do things in war because look at humanity us as a species used muskets and swords it then evolved into assault rifles and pistols and then into something that had to be banned something so horrible and indiscriminate to those who survived would either die a slow painful death, die instantly, or to those far enough but is not actually far enough, they would be blind as a bat.

And that something is called the Atomic Bomb and in another universe humanity would have been in an cold war with Russia and its Iron curtain but that's a completely different story because the one I'm telling doesn't really have good ending

You see when the US saw the potential of the atom and its near unlimited power to both create and destroy, it revolutionised the the very concept of energy because in those years to come nuclear powered cars were made, arm wristed computers called pip boys were also made, robots that takes care of your home and family were also made as well to the public it was like a sci-fi movie that came to life but for governments they saw first hand experience of what kind of damage the Atomic Bomb was made to do and what it can do and yada yada enough talk about the past lets move onto the story shall we


'Oh god damnit did I drink my self stupid again like back at my brothers birthday and why the hell can I not remember my name or even my god damn identity except other stuff'

I groggily opened my eyes and when the light above me hit me in the eyes I close them and slowly sat up but then I heard a very scarily familiar voice

"You're awake, how about that. Woah, easy there, easy. You've been out cold for a couple of days now. Why don't you just relax a second, get your bearings? I'm Doc Mitchell, welcome to Goodsprings. Now, i hope you don't mind but I had to go rootin' around your noggin to get all the bits of lead out."

I then felt I was being helped up to sit up properly then I opened my eyes to see

Doc Mitchell now just sit down and handed me the Reflectron from the game and then time just paused for me as a system screen just popped up with my face being shown and I knew that this for me edit my face and I was curious and decided to look through all of the hair styles and beard styles I kept how I look and was pretty average all things considered but being average in this world but decided to go with the [Blast Back] and the [Rough Beard] then i chose [Blue eyes] and did a little more modifications to my face and I think it turned out well and after I pressed confirm time resumed and Doc took the Reflectron from me looking satisfied that nothing is out of place

I was then helped up to stand then was led to the Vigor Tester Machine and time again froze around me and a Amber screen showed up with the SPECIALs

Strength: 5

Perception: 5

Endurance: 5

Charisma: 5

Intelligence: 5

Agility: 5

Luck: 5

I decided to go full gunslinger then become a rifle man/big guns and maybe be a melee build or an unarmed build on the side and after some thought and consideration I think put the points in the best way for it

Strength: 4

Perception: 3

Endurance: 4

Charisma: 3

Intelligence: 10

Agility: 8

Luck: 8

Now as I pressed Done I thought I would see time continue and the Doc would take me to the living room to ask me questions and the traits thing however the skills selection just popped up

Certainly! In Fallout: New Vegas, each SPECIAL stat directly affects the starting value of associated skills. Here's how the starting value of each skill would be affected by your SPECIAL stats:

- Unarmed: 14

- Melee Weapons: 14

- Explosives: 13

- Lockpick: 13

- Survival: 14

- Speech: 13

- Barter: 13

- Medicine: 30

- Repair: 30

- Science: 30

- Guns: 26

- Sneak: 26

- Energy Weapons: 26

'Oh crap I think I have the mod that makes character creation much faster by doing everything at the Vigor Tester but wait if the mod for character creation is actually here and downloaded does that mean that my other mods also were downloaded into this world ok but let's focus on the skillS and what to tag'

I decided to tag Guns, Speech and Barter since I wanted to be a Charismatic Gunslinger and I think this is good

- Unarmed: 14

- Melee Weapons: 14

- Explosives: 13

- Lockpick: 13

- Survival: 14

- Speech: 28 (Tagged)

- Barter: 28 (Tagged)

- Medicine: 30

- Repair: 30

- Science: 30

- Guns: 41 (Tagged)

- Sneak: 26

- Energy Weapons: 26

After that I pressed Done and the Traits Screen Popped up so I decided to go with Good Natured and Wild wasteland since I find the Wild wasteland trait to be hilarious and fun to have since you could simply be one day minding you business and then you get jumpscared by a flaming Yao guai that is on fire after taking some suspicious drugs from a tribal and I took Good Natured since the traits only drawbacks are just lowering weapon skills such as Energy Weapons, Explosives, Guns, Melee Weapons, and Unarmed but I don't care much about any of these except for Guns but that's just an annoyance since it just takes 5 points from the weapon skills but since I have Tagged Guns It just took off 5 leaving about 36 in Guns really

After completing that no more screens popped and time resumed the Doc said 

"Well I'll be damned maybe them bullets did ya some good after all"

then he said to follow him and I did and he then handed me things that I think belonged to either the original Courier 6 or just some things from the Doc to start me off

"Here you go some of your stuff but some of my old stuff in this box I hold too just in case since you have been found with no weapons and just some regular clothes Oh and here, this is my old pip boy from the vault I was from but I don't need this thing anymore so you can have it you can simply use the Pip-boy to store and note stuff down by scanning and depositing and for the storage part you must have an item in hand for the item to store same goes for your clothes and I would feel mighty uncomfortable with you in just underwear and a shirt"

I took the Pip-boy 1st and put it on then the pip boy just jabbed something into my arm which I grabbed my arm in a bit of pain and looked at the Doc for an explanation

"Oh I forgot to mention that most if not all Pip-boys have a DNA security system which only allows the person who put it on to use it and to take it off and the pip-boy will destroy its circuits incase by using a small unnoticeable bomb within itself if the user is dead or has his Pip-boy removed"

I just looked at the Doc in Disbelief that he didn't mention this to me before I took it then the pain vanished and I just started moving my arm around to adjust the weight my arm felt

I then took out an armoured Vault 21 jumpsuit from the box and looked at the Doc who just responded with

"What? you simply thought that I was a simple vault dweller with no experience well I'm afraid your wrong, but since I don't need this stuff and you can have it along with some of my weapons I put here in this box"

I just simply rose an eyebrow and took me a minute to figure out how to use the Pip-boys storage space and also saw I could only carry about 190 pounds so I only took a weathered 10mm pistol and all the ammo for it since for ammo the Pip-boy has actually no limit weight to ammo and after that I took some of my things like the note from the Mojave Express and my 9mm pistol I even had permission from the Doc to make some stimpacks from the chemistry set and I was able to keep the now repaired 9mm submachine gun I found on top of a crate

Before I left the house I decided to jog my memory along of the base games story

"Hey Doc before I leave I want to know who found me and dug me up?"

"Oh curious are you well some old friendly robot around here found and dug you up at the Goodsprings cemetery"

With that info in hand I then left the house and later fell into thought since I was now in the Fallout universe filled with scary crap such as Deathclaws and most terrifying and annoying shits of them all Cazadors oh how I hate those little FUCKS in every playthrough I have either a flamer or a heavy incinerator on my character wherever I go

When I have to deal with those insects bug buzz buzz motherfuckers if there was a word like an N word but for Insects I would say it in thier faces the moment I even see 1 only for Cazadors of course cause I got manners and shit for the other insects like the giant worker ants anyways I saw Victor and decided to give him a message to send to house since I plan to gain his trust

Walking up to the blue dusty sand covered Securitron with the screen showing of a happy going cowboy smoking a cigarette and I decided to go the cowboy approach

"Howdy partner it's a hot day ain't it"

"Well howdy to you too partner and I'll say it is indeed a hot day Oh I feel my circuits warming up in my good ole RobCo designed robotic casing"

"Oh so you are a RobCo security model 2060-B Securitron right?" I inadvertently said 

(Science check: 30 Passed) 

(Exp Gained: 15)

"Well I'll be damned you most be one smart Cowboy to have figured that out immediately but yes I am a RobCo security model 2060-B Securitron at your service"

"Well I didn't catch your name, what can I call you partner"

"Oh how rude of me my name is Victor"

"My name is Courier 6 or just 6 for short"

"May I ask why you gave me only a title and not your name?"

"Before I answer can you tell me if you were the one who found me in my shallow grave and dug me up and brought me to the Doc?"

"For your question yes it was me who dug you out of that grave when I found you, you were were not in tip top shape my friend"

"well since you answered my question I'll tell you why I gave you my title and that is because I was told by the Doc that I have some type of amnesia that made me forget who I am and I can only remember up to the point where I was shot in the head"

"Well partner let me tell you this, when I dug you up I saw in your head 2 bullet holes in you noggin I'm just glad you didn't die before I found you"

"Well that nice of you to say but I'll be leaving and before I go, tell house that his delivery will be delayed till I gather myself up and get some better gear"

As I turned my back in left I felt Victor stare at my back as if judging me if I'm worth the trouble of keeping alive since I knew a little to much but decided not to since he still needs or more exactly house needs me

As I slowly walked down the dusty street of Goodsprings I headed straight to the bar I was in thought

'Damn this fucking sun its so damn hot like who thought it would be a good idea to put the thermostat to 1000+ in heat like bro I swear it's etheir god or someone else because god or not I'm kicking thier asses but I most focus, I'll think who to blame later on'

When I got to the porch looking front entrance of the saloon I was greeted with an old man in a chair wearing a straw hat and has a 357. revolver on his hip with a grey [Survivalist beard] next to the entrance of the saloon with a wrinkly kind face I walked past him but I did say a simple hello and he sent a nod at me as form of acknowledgement I opened the door and entered saloon and the first thing that invaded my nostrils was the smell of cigarettes and alcohol but I was taken off guard by the wolf or dog barking at me immediately

"Cheyenne stay ,I'm sorry for my partner here, she gets hostile with strangers unless I tell her not to attack and to come down"

I just gave her dog a simple glance and responded to her

"Oh don't worry, I get it that your partner is only trying to look out for you and its simple as that"

I used the term partner due to her not calling her dog well... dog or pet just partner meaning they have a deep bond like a sibling or parental type love which I don't give a fuck about since I'm after that checkered suit wearing ring-a-ding-ding abandoned orphan piece shit who shot me in the head and I feeling mighty angry even thinking about that fucker

"So have you see a checkerd suit sweet talker come by, since me and him got a score to settle"

She looked at me weirdly till she seemed to remember something

"Oh so your the one that the Doc patched up I was wondering if the Doc gave up on you or something since the last time I talked to him he did say you were shot in the head and I'm guessing the guy you are referring to is the same one with the khan's rigth?"

"Yeah that's the guy, you know where he went?"

I just asked some simple questions since I only ever focused on the modded elements of the game but I do know a bit of the games actual lore and some of the basics and what factions there are and what's happening I the Mojave but I refocused into reality and she answered my question

"No I didn' I'm afraid, since I was just keeping an eye on them a few tables down to hear anything they said since I was just making sure they caused no trouble but I think Trudy migth know but you can ask her later since I got a question of my own and that is if you want to test if your body's working good"

I was tempted to say no but I decided other wise since in the base game she does give me a free [Varmint rifle] rifle along with some free 5.56mm for it as well

"You know what, I'll take you up on that offer of yours"


Words: 2,687