

Prepare for a wild ride as Katashi Shuuta, a regular boy, stumbles upon a supernatural secret that upends his life. But forget typical ghost stories; this is a rollercoaster filled with real magic, demons, and angels, all set on turning his world inside out. As Katashi unearths hidden mystical realms and unearthly threats that threaten global catastrophe, he faces a pivotal choice: cower in fear or rise to the challenge. Katashi, no coward, resolves to protect our world from sinister organizations bent on darkness. His mission? To become the mightiest force in the mystical society. Get ready for an electrifying journey where reality blends with fantasy as Katashi Shuuta takes on the supernatural, battling for a brighter, safer future. Can he navigate this perilous sea of hatred to embrace love, or will darkness prevail?

LeFattyBoi · Kỳ huyễn
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36 Chs

Space and Time pocket!

Shuuta's scream of "What?!" nearly ripped his lungs out, echoing down the halls, leaving his fellow students puzzled about the source of the commotion.

"I respectfully decline!" Shuuta swiftly rose from the bed and bowed to Noara.

Noara burst into uncontrollable laughter, her petite hand covering her mouth. "Silly boy! That wasn't even the condition!" Her laughter, unusual for someone in her position, was contagious. A mischievous grin graced her face. 'I won't stop teasing you...'

Relieved, Shuuta let out a sigh.

"My, my...do you dislike Mikazuki that much? It's disheartening since we're sisters. Are we really so unattractive?" Noara flashed a coy smile as she approached Shuuta, extending her hand to touch his chest. Her finger trailed downward, reaching a place that took him by surprise.

Hikaru, watching the scene, couldn't help but frown. It was the first time he had seen Noara act like this. 'This woman is up to no good! I should intervene!'

As he readied himself to step in, his eyes widened in disbelief.

"Hey...what are you-" Shuuta's protest was cut short by Noara, who playfully placed her finger on his lips.

Hikaru couldn't believe what he was witnessing. 'What in the world am I watching?'

'Can't you put an end to this torment?!' Shuuta wished he could scream, but he found himself strangely enjoying the unexpected attention.

"Hey...Noara, please stop. It's getting awkward." Hikaru, unable to tolerate the situation, finally voiced his concern.

Noara cast an ominous look in Hikaru's direction, her eyes glowing with a demonic intensity. Hikaru immediately averted his gaze and scratched the back of his head, retreating toward the door.

"Alright, I'm leaving. Good luck, Shuuta-Kun." Hikaru made a hasty exit, slightly embarrassed by the encounter. 'Well, it seems Shuuta is quite special after all.'

If Shuuta had heard Hikaru's thoughts, he would likely retort with a blend of irritation and frustration, "How does that make me special?" He'd probably say something like that.

As Shuuta helplessly watched his potential savior leave, Noara's mature and sultry smile returned. Shuuta, feeling increasingly nervous, couldn't shake the sense that he was in grave danger.

Suddenly, Noara's hand moved toward her blouse and, with a fluid motion, she removed it. She also discarded her skirt. Shuuta, who still had some self-respect and decency, quickly covered his eyes, his face turning beet red.

"What are you doing? You pervert!" Shuuta protested, his embarrassment growing as he heard the rustling of clothing before him. He desperately tried to divert his attention elsewhere but couldn't help overhearing the faint sounds of garments being removed, his heart pounding uncontrollably.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Noara asked innocently, her smile taking on a villainous quality that seemed right out of a hot-blooded manga.

Shuuta tentatively peered between his fingers to see Noara, and he was left utterly speechless. She was clad in armor, looking like a formidable warrior. Her long silver hair cascaded over her well-endowed chest, and her sleek leather dress and matching hood exuded an air of elegance. The white crosses at the hems of her dress and a thigh-high slit over her underskirt added a touch of style. Shuuta's eyes widened in amazement at the ornate plate armor resting on her left shoulder, and she also wore leather gloves, with a massive sword hanging from her slim waist on the right.

"What do you think I was doing?" Noara laughed playfully as she sheathed her sword at her waist.

Feeling his frustration boil over, Shuuta angrily retorted, "I feel sexually harassed! I'm calling the cops!"

"Come on, silly-Kun, follow me," Noara said, gesturing with her hand. She sketched something in the air with her fingers, causing the room to light up brilliantly.

Shuuta watched in awe, wondering if this was a form of mystical art. He was filled with excitement, never having imagined that he'd be part of such a fantastical scenario where people possessed incredible powers.

Once Noara finished her hand movements, the infirmary began to rumble, and a hole appeared, as if a secret passage were opening in the room. Shuuta was left with a barrage of questions. Was he going to fight monsters? He wasn't ready for danger. He couldn't imagine being alone with Noara... this was likely going to end terribly.

"Just follow me and see for yourself," Noara said with a coy smile. She entered the closet-like passage.

With no other options, Shuuta obediently followed. 'Tch... I'm not a dog! But yes, ma'am!'

After entering, he was greeted by an expansive room, as wide as a football field and seemingly endless in height, extending up into the sky. The room had a chrome and metallic appearance, filled with strange structures that Shuuta couldn't even begin to describe. They looked almost otherworldly.

"What is this place?" Shuuta asked as he surveyed the bewildering surroundings.

"This is a training space I designed, hidden from ordinary people. Please make yourself at home, as you'll be spending most of your time here," Noara explained, unsheathing her enormous sword and aiming it menacingly at Shuuta's neck.

Shuuta remained silent, his eyes locked onto the threatening blade, beads of sweat forming on his forehead.

Suddenly, Noara vanished from his view and swung the sword at him with lightning speed, striking him square in the face. Shuuta was caught off guard, and the force of the blow sent him sprawling to the floor. He lay there, groaning in pain, clutching his aching face.

"What was that for?! You could have killed me!" Shuuta fumed as he angrily got to his feet.

"That was my intention," Noara said with an arrogant smile.

Shuuta's left cheek twitched with anger, his forehead veins pulsating. His fists clenched, and he tried to control his mounting rage.

"I've always lived by the rule of respecting women, but if that's what you want, you'll get it!" Shuuta's voice was steely, and his pent-up frustration seeped through.

Noara felt a slight shudder in her hand. His anger seemed to be a source of energy for her, and a faint aura briefly enveloped Shuuta, then quickly dissipated. 'Hm...anger may just activate his magical abilities.'

Without warning, Shuuta lunged at Noara, his fists aimed at her face, determined to strike her. Her nonchalant stance appeared cocky to him, and he put all his force behind the punch.

"HAAAAH!" Shuuta roared as he launched his punch towards Noara's face, but his fist missed its target as her head moved slightly, skillfully dodging the attack. She hadn't even flinched.

"What?!" Shuuta's eyes widened, and before he could react, a powerful fist stopped just short of his face. The compressed air released from the impact ruffled Shuuta's hair, and he was left frozen in his tracks. He realized that the punch could have easily killed him.

His body hit the floor, and he sat there in a daze. The experience had left him weak and trembling with fear. Gritting his teeth, he felt utterly defeated.

"Hey, dummy-Kun, I could have killed you right there. This isn't a street fight or a duel. In this world, it's a matter of survival—kill or be killed. It doesn't matter who your opponent is. Always fight to kill!" Noara's voice held a touch of heat as she lectured him.

Shuuta remained silent for a while, contemplating her words. The new reality before him seemed bizarre, and he couldn't yet determine if this secret society was the protector of Earth or a group of individuals seeking self-interest.

This sobering thought led him to believe that he might be in danger. His friends could be at risk, and his determination flared. He was determined to grow stronger, and he couldn't bear the thought of Hanako suffering. He wanted her to have a peaceful passing.

"Please...train me to become a full-fledged Mystic! I have someone to protect!" Shuuta exclaimed with conviction.

"Please, sensei!" He bowed respectfully, gripping his school pants in his hand.

"S-sensei...?" Noara's eyes widened, and she displayed a warm smile, a hint of her pent-up emotions escaping. She quickly regained her composure.

"Of course. I was planning to do that anyway." Noara's smile became more pronounced, and her determined face filled Shuuta with the resolve to become stronger.

Shuuta gazed at her with determination in his eyes, ready for whatever lay ahead.

"Well, don't cry if you almost die." Noara slung her sword over her shoulder, extending her left arm to provoke him.

Shuuta simply smiled and rushed forward.

The two of them spent the entire day in a relentless sparring session. Shuuta was utterly exhausted, his body lying on the chrome floor, breathing heavily.

"Not bad. You nearly landed a few hits. Keep practicing the moves I taught you," Noara commented as she extended a hand to help Shuuta up.

With her assistance, Shuuta regained his footing and nodded. They exited the extraordinary room, returning to the infirmary.

"Huh?! What time is it?" Shuuta suddenly realized that the clock on the wall hadn't moved. All those hours spent in the futuristic room hadn't passed in the real world.

"Oh, I forgot to mention!" Noara said.

"You can't forget important things like that!"

"Sorry, sorry! And about the date with Mikazuki!"

"Thank you! I'm leaving!" Shuuta hurriedly departed, heading back to class with little interest in hearing about the date.

"Fufufu~ I can't wait to see those two," Noara grinned, ominous vibes radiating from her.

As Shuuta hurried to his class, an ominous presence lurked in the shadows, a sinister grin playing on the face of the entity as Shuuta passed by, unaware of the stalking presence.

In the classroom, Kazuma expressed genuine concern for Shuuta's well-being. 'At least he's a true friend,' Shuuta thought, grateful for Kazuma's worry.

"So, did Noara-san finally take you to the dark side?" Kazuma quipped, a sly grin on his face.

'Never mind. My gratitude was premature,' Shuuta frowned.

"So, what really happened? How did you end up with that massive bruise?" Kazuma inquired, his tone more serious.

"I...I don't know, honestly. It just appeared," Shuuta replied, his face breaking into a cold sweat. He contemplated whether he should reveal the presence of the Demon Lord within him, but the fear of not being believed weighed heavily on his mind. 'Hikaru would probably kill me...'

"What? Did a zucchini slug you at terminal velocity?" Kazuma teased, a mischievous smirk on his face.

Shuuta glared harshly, a mixture of shock and fear etched across his features. 'What did he just say??'

Kazuma chuckled, adding, "But as long as you're okay, that's what matters."

Finally, Hanako made her entrance, taking her seat behind Shuuta.

"Why did you leave me at home, you idiot!" Hanako launched into a tantrum, berating Shuuta.

"I'm sorry, you looked so comfortable that I didn't want to disturb you," Shuuta explained, avoiding eye contact, 'She must have forgotten! That was terrifying!'

"Ara, ara, did you get excited thinking about me?" Hanako asked with a coquettish tone, her eyes narrowing playfully.

Shuuta's frustration spiked, 'So you did remember!'

"I mean, any healthy boy would find me irresistible," Hanako loftily declared.

'I think she has multiple personalities,' Shuuta speculated, noticing her rapid shifts in demeanor. She had transformed from timid to demanding to this...sensual character.

Hanako then burst into villainous laughter.

'Can I suplex a ghost? Well, technically, she's already dead,' Shuuta pondered.

Hesitating only briefly, he gave her a light karate chop on her head.

Kazuma, observing Shuuta's strange actions, raised an eyebrow in confusion. 'What's this guy doing? Is he talking to himself?'

"Hey, are you okay in the head?" Kazuma inquired with concern, his frown deepening.

"Um...yeah! I'm fine. I was just talking to myself...that's all," Shuuta replied stiffly, well aware that Kazuma might be suspicious of him.

"Oh, a mental illness. Got it," Kazuma said, turning his attention away, respecting Shuuta's privacy.

Although he sensed that Shuuta was hiding something, Kazuma chose not to pry further. He trusted his best friend and knew that if Shuuta had something to share, he would do so in his own time.

"Why did you hit me, idiot! That really hurt!" Hanako protested, renewing her tantrum.

"Hey, Hanako, can I tell my friend Kazuma about you? I won't mention anything about mystics, just about you," Shuuta asked, his expression reflecting the internal struggle of wanting to be honest with his best friend.

"I don't see any issues with that, but will he believe you?" Hanako responded with a practical question.

"I...don't know. Actually, forget I asked," Shuuta said, shifting his gaze to the window, contemplating the bright, sunny day.

Determined to become a Mystic and protect Hanako and himself from impending dangers, Shuuta's mind raced with thoughts. He couldn't help but ponder why Hikaru could sense Hanako's presence without seeing her. Could the ability to see ghosts be part of his mystical abilities?

Recollections of his vivid dream came to the forefront of his thoughts, including a familiar voice resembling Mikazuki and the silhouettes of other girls.

'What does all of this mean?' he wondered, as he felt himself delving deeper into this newfound world of wizards. It was clear that challenges lay ahead, and Shuuta was intent on improving his abilities to confront whatever might come his way.

'I need to return to the chrome room,' he resolved.