

Prepare for a wild ride as Katashi Shuuta, a regular boy, stumbles upon a supernatural secret that upends his life. But forget typical ghost stories; this is a rollercoaster filled with real magic, demons, and angels, all set on turning his world inside out. As Katashi unearths hidden mystical realms and unearthly threats that threaten global catastrophe, he faces a pivotal choice: cower in fear or rise to the challenge. Katashi, no coward, resolves to protect our world from sinister organizations bent on darkness. His mission? To become the mightiest force in the mystical society. Get ready for an electrifying journey where reality blends with fantasy as Katashi Shuuta takes on the supernatural, battling for a brighter, safer future. Can he navigate this perilous sea of hatred to embrace love, or will darkness prevail?

LeFattyBoi · Kỳ huyễn
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36 Chs


Shuuta clenched his fists, and Hikaru gritted his teeth. The name "Asmodeus" hung heavy in the air. Asmodeus, the Lustful sin, was the sinister mastermind behind the Lust Art and Lust Curses, weaponizing the darkest desires of the human heart.

"I see, Shuuta, we should report back to fath-Umm… The principal to let him know," Hikaru started, but then he turned to Han, a look of desperation in his eyes. "Please help my sister… I don't want to lose another loved one."

Han was lost in thought, a complex expression crossing his face.

"Fine," Han finally relented, but his help came with a condition that raised eyebrows.

Hikaru immediately went into a floor dogeza-style apology, and Shuuta watched, perplexed by the mysterious request.

After the agreement, Han returned to Memorial High, but his presence was met with a sea of skeptical, inquisitive gazes. Shuuta couldn't help but feel the weight of being a Mystic in a world that misunderstood them.

As they made their way back, a familiar voice echoed through the hallways. "Oh look! It's the guy who loves maid outfits!"

Shuuta, astonished, turned to the source of the voice. "You still remember that!?"

He found himself torn between amusement and embarrassment.

"Seriously?" he muttered.

But the distraction didn't last long as Han dropped a surprising condition on the table. "If you promise me a date with Noara, I'll oblige."

Shuuta was baffled. "Seriously? Aren't you married?"

Han cleared his throat, cutting off Shuuta's thoughts. Hikaru, however, seemed to be going along with it.

"Come on Shuuta, let's not pry any further," Hikaru encouraged him. "We agreed to your condition."

Shuuta squinted his eyes suspiciously at Hikaru's intentions. What exactly was he planning?

As they walked to the infirmary, they were met by Kurumi, the sweet, small maiden, and the mature yet alluring woman who seemed to make Han blush.

Kurumi glanced at Shuuta, and Hikaru directed his attention to Noara, speaking in hushed tones. Shuuta couldn't make out their conversation, but he trusted Hikaru's judgment.

Then, an unexpected sound shattered the room's calm—crack! Noara had broken a coffee mug with sheer force, leaving Shuuta bewildered. He had no idea what Hikaru had said to provoke such a reaction.

Noara wore a dark expression, while Hikaru maintained his calm demeanor. Shuuta sensed a deeper, unspoken tension between them.

They were talking about the most exclusive sake bottle in the city, an elusive treasure known to only a select few. Noara's interest was piqued as they discussed the "Akuma no sake," the rarest and most valuable drink, capable of leading people into immense debt just for a taste.

Noara placed her hand on Hikaru's shoulder and fixed her intense gaze on him. "Seriously? You can find it? Do you know how long I've looked for this damn thing?"

Hikaru nodded, a subtle but genuine smile on his face. "If you agree with my terms, I'll provide the exact location. As a gesture of generosity, I'll get you the 'Akuma no sake.' The rarest and most valuable drink that leaves most people in debt just to acquire it."

Noara couldn't help but gulp, sweat forming on her brow. She had always dreamt of taking even a sip of such a bottle. Noara wasn't an alcoholic, well, maybe just a little, but she wanted to indulge herself and relax with a drink. Now, the promise of the "Akuma no sake" was enough to entice her into whatever adventure lay ahead. And perhaps she was also thinking about becoming a part of the Ogawa family.

Noara had a blissful face as the discussion continued, and Shuuta was left wondering what they were talking about. The mysterious nature of their conversation had led to Noara's mug being shattered into pieces.

Her initial elation shifted into defeat as Hikaru revealed the conditions she needed to meet to secure the coveted bottle of liquor.

"Hey there... Han, it's been some time," Noara said tersely, her tone less than inviting.

"Y-yeah! How long has it been? A week?" Han replied with an almost goofy enthusiasm.

Shuuta couldn't help but comment comically, "That's not long at all!!"

"Noara laughed sullenly, "Your bad memory hasn't changed..."

Then, Noara proposed going for a drink, reminiscing about the incident in Balibu and the mysterious paper. Han, caught in her spell, was eager to oblige.

"S-sure, so...when are we going?" Han stammered, flustered.

"After school, that's if my boss doesn't need me... I am a very busy woman after all," Noara replied, giving Han a wink and a seductive smile.

Han, still flushed, nodded rapidly and coughed into his fist, glancing at Hikaru as he waited for his cue.

"Hikaru-Dono, I owe you my life. Now, let me at least ease up her curse," Han said to Hikaru.

But the mention of the curse led to more questions from Noara. "Hold on just a second, You can't cure the curse?"

Han was hesitant in his response, creating suspense in the room. He explained that this curse was no ordinary one—it was laced with lust mana, requiring complex remedies that included a possible heart transplant.

"The demon did say that Asmodeus was her father. That the only way to release her was killing him," Shuuta chimed in.

This revelation left everyone deep in thought, and Noara's gaze was fixed on Han as a glimmer of hope emerged.

"There is another way..." Han began.

With rapt attention, the room hung on Han's words. The possibilities he introduced kept them intrigued.

"It is a bit too much though... How old is she?" Han inquired.

Noara wore a mischievous grin, sending a meaningful glance at Shuuta, who was now feeling awkward and blushing.

"She has to—" Han began.

"WE KNOW!" both boys yelled in unison, making Kurumi, the innocent maiden, wonder what all the fuss was about.

Han chuckled and then disclosed one of the alternative solutions. "It's alright, that was one of the other ways..."

Curiosity piqued, Hikaru insisted, "Other? Tell us all of them then!"

Han obliged, describing the possibility of learning Sin Arts to dispel the curse. However, he made it clear that mastering these arts was no easy feat. Shuuta was left questioning the wisdom of acquiring such dark knowledge.

"Learn Sin Arts? You can do that?" Shuuta inquired, his curiosity piqued.

Han nodded and provided more information about the process, detailing that only those with a significant reservoir of mana could handle the dark arts. He drew an analogy with filling the ocean with a cup of water, explaining that one needed a tank large enough to hold the immense power of the Sin Arts.

Shuuta and Hikaru couldn't help but ask, "Who on Earth would try to master Demonic powers? If it's that dangerous?"

Han had a surprisingly calm answer. "Well, I come from another world called Hiroyama, where the strongest Mystics rule over the land. We are the closest thing to demons."

Shuuta couldn't resist asking, "Isn't that dangerous, Han? It's demonic powers... There should be some downside... right?"

Han acknowledged the potential dangers. He explained that while most Mystic abilities could be learned, there were exceptions. Bloodline abilities, for instance, were inheritable and could not be taught to just anyone.

Shuuta couldn't help but ask about his own Devour Magic. "What about my Devour Magic? Can anyone learn it?"

With uncertainty about his own heritage, Shuuta wondered if the power was part of his family's lineage. However, his Mystical partner, Hanako, couldn't provide any answers regarding the nature of the ability.

Han, finally, addressed Shuuta's question about learning Devour Magic. "I don't know, maybe I can teach you? Just to see if it's a bloodline ability."

Shuuta was eager to learn more about his abilities and discover any connections to his enigmatic father. "Please, let me do this! I want to know if my magic is from my dad!"

Despite his hesitations, Han eventually relented, revealing the unique and challenging nature of learning Mystic abilities.

As Shuuta pondered his decision, Han leaned in and whispered something that shocked Shuuta to the core.

"W-W-W-W-W-WHAT?! YOU BASTARD! ARE YOU PLAYING WITH ME?!" Shuuta burst out, his anger manifesting with exaggerated fury.

"Calm down, kid. It is not a joke. It is how it works," Han assured him.

However, Shuuta was not having it. "HELL NO! GO FUCK YOURSELF!"

"You can maybe teach your kanojo over there." Han showed a bit of anger at Shuuta's retort.

Han's calm but frustrated response caught everyone's attention, and his suggestion that Shuuta could teach his "kanojo" left Shuuta in a dilemma. Shuuta hesitated, his thoughts racing between the attractive boy and alluring woman in the room.

"Don't you dare... I'll kill you," Han warned with a menacing look.

The stress became palpable, making Shuuta bite his nails. Hikaru chimed in, offering to help, a proposition that left Shuuta conflicted.

"Of all people..." Shuuta mused, skeptical of Hikaru's intentions.

Ultimately, Shuuta decided to go through with it and walked up to Hikaru. He placed his hands on Hikaru's shoulders, declaring his decision with newfound determination.

"Screw it! You'll be the one," Shuuta announced, and with that, he leaned in for a passionate kiss.

The room fell into stunned silence as the two attractive boys locked lips. Kurumi's reaction was a mix of shock and intrigue, while Noara couldn't help but tease the situation.

"Whoa…he actually did it," Han said, his eyes as wide as saucers.

Hanako, however, was less amused, expressing her own desires, "It should've been me!!"

The kiss was followed by an explosive display as Shuuta fell to the floor with a smoking head. The sudden commotion led Kurumi to express her concern, and she followed Shuuta to the bathroom.

As Shuuta's world revolved around toilets and soap, the others focused on more serious matters.

"Now, let me end Shuuta's miserable life," Hikaru stated, his eyes cold and determined.

But before he could act, Noara suggested checking his menu for potential magic compatibility. Hikaru did so and was met with a strange message: [Incompatible: Denied;%#^*Not of Abbadon]. The cryptic message left Hikaru confused.

Hikaru questioned the meaning of this message, but Shuuta's return to the room led to an explanation.

"Uhhh…no, I'm not compatible with his powers," Hikaru replied, still puzzled by the message.

Shuuta couldn't help but let out his frustration at having given his first kiss in vain. "You…If it wasn't for the fact that you're stronger, I would have killed ya right here, right now."

Han, amused by the situation, disregarded Shuuta's threat. "Anyways, I'll be doing my part now. Time is love, and my love is right here with me."

"Noara chuckled and asked, "Aren't you married?"

"cough Well, little missy, this is going to be a tad uncomfortable. It might sting quite a bit, so I hope you don't pass out," Han warned Kurumi in a manner that was far from comforting.

"Eh? Aren't you supposed to say nice things?" Kurumi replied, feeling uneasy with these less-than-reassuring words.

Han initiated a ritual, employing candles and various eerie-looking items such as pentagrams and what seemed to be animal parts. A foul odor hung in the air, causing everyone in the room to wrinkle their noses.

Shuuta couldn't help but think, 'What kind of demonic ritual is this? It feels like something out of a horror movie.'

Hanako, however, seemed rather impressed by the authenticity of the ritual. 'That might look cliché, but it's an actual ritual, Shuuta. My knowledge on demonic and paranormal subjects is quite extensive, considering my spectral nature.'

A mysterious circle rune encompassed the bed where Kurumi rested, emanating a blinding white light.

Kurumi's reaction was far from subtle as she wailed in pain, clutching her chest and exclaiming, "Waaah! What is this! My body burns! It burns!"

As Kurumi's suffering intensified, Hikaru clenched his fists. 'It's for her own good… I can't stop the ritual.'

Shuuta watched closely, trying to absorb every detail of the ritual for potential future use. But he couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt as Kurumi's cries filled the room.

After a grueling minute, Kurumi finally calmed down, gasping for air and whimpering.

"Now, with this, her curse is more stable," Han explained, his eyes shifting to Noara. "Don't forget that it's still active. I've managed to reduce the effects of the curse considerably, but that doesn't mean you won't feel it."

He then turned to Kurumi. "Remember that, missy."

Kurumi nodded, tears still in her eyes.

Hikaru asked, "Did it hurt, sis? Are you okay?"

"Y-yeah, it just burns a little…that's all," Kurumi replied.

Noara thanked Han for his work, winked at him, and dropped a hint about meeting at Auburn Street, known for its upscale and expensive stores.

Han broke into a sweat, acutely aware of the difference in wealth between him and most Mystics. He clenched his fist, determined to meet the demands of his love. "Sacrifices shall be made," he muttered, his thoughts filled with images of his hard-earned Hiros being claimed by a love he adored and a less-pleasing witch resembling his wife.

Kurumi, now on her feet, felt her newfound power surging. She wondered aloud, "I can feel my mana surging! How? I wasn't able to use any. Will I be able to fly now? hehehehe Now I'll be able to kill you, Shuuta!"

Shuuta flinched at her mention of killing him, "You're still going to kill me?"

Kurumi grinned and exclaimed, "Yeah! Just you wait! I'll overpower you in no time!"

Their friendly banter brightened the room, making Kurumi more approachable and energetic than ever.

Shuuta reflected on the changes in Kurumi. 'I don't mind you wanting to kill me, as long as you stay true to your feelings. Yup, that's the real Kurumi alright… I wonder if the curse helped her emotional state…'

Shuuta then announced his intention to report the situation to the principal. Waving farewell, he exited the infirmary, leaving behind a scene filled with newfound hope.

In another location, a boy sat across a formidable man, swirling a cup of tea. He had news for the man, and his calm demeanor conveyed the seriousness of the situation.

"Kurumi is safe now, and there are no more imminent threats. Additionally, she can feel mana now. Han is in the infirmary as well, should you need anything from him," Shuuta reported. He enjoyed the aroma of his tea as he spoke.

"Han is still here? I see. Please bring him to me. I have many questions," the man said, crossing his arms and deep in thought.

"Consider it done. I'll take my leave. If you need anything else from me, don't hesitate to call. I'll be more than willing to help," Shuuta assured him, placing his cup of tea back on its saucer and standing up.

With a note of hesitation in the man's voice, he finally revealed his request: "Good job, Shuuta. I do have a request..."

Shuuta was left dumbfounded. "Huh?"