
a multiverse fanfic

oke pls read this ---------------------- -this is my first fanfic oke so pls don't take it srsly pls. -now i shall name the mc ...bob uch- oh wrong name well lets skip that for now -it's about a man who died and met god (yep) he get his wishes and go's on his way or does he. ------------------------------------ -i will make no promises that i will update often...bc of school stuff and i'm lazy (yeah shocking) the first chap isn't out yet bc i'm gonna make it extra long like 5000 words long. -oh yeah english is not my first language don't say i didn't warn ya. -oh yeah that thing that has to do with copy something i forgot just imagine it here -->(here............................) -have fun reading when i post my first chap. -if the person who made the pic wants me to remove it pls tell me.

blue_sage · Tranh châm biếm
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10 Chs

new life

"this sucks"i said looking around to find out where i am.if you don't know what's going on yet ...neither do i.

i went to bed last night after playing some games with my grand-daughter.then woke up in an unfamiliar room. i tried to move my body but it just wouldn't move.i got scared thinking i got paralyzed from my head down.so i cried out for help

whaaaaawhaaaaa~(baby crying sounds)well i didn't hear how i sounded because i was panicking.until something picked me up.i looked up and saw a gaint of a lady humming while gently rocking me back and forth.

that's when everything clicked in place.i somehow died and got reborn.i mean...i don't know what to say really.i read some novels about reincarnation,but i never thought it would happen to me.i hope my family's okay.

I started crying.i wasn't happy with my past work.never got to feel the love of my parents because they died early when i was a baby,because of that i went to an orphange,not the normal kind oh no the kind where they sell the children for money.

i was 6years old until they sold me. the people that bought me brought me to a secret base of somekind where they trained us.yes us i wasn't the only one there other kids my age where there too.

they trained us for couple of years to be ruthles when when killing.my first kill was the hardest but after that it became natural just like breathing.

they would send us on all kind of missions some took month's to complete others took days.one day they send me and another 3 people on a mission.to set explosive's in a not so secret base.that's when i saw my chance to escape.

i didn't wan't to kill anymore i was sick of it doing it.i was waiting for a chance to escape,after waiting for years. i got my chance and i took it.

when we reached our destination i killed the 3 other people, put the bombs in place with the 4 dead body's one was a fake and detonated it.after that i went to lay low for a while.i went to a different country after a couple of weaks.the organization thinks i'm dead and i like to keep it that way.



"come on chipmunks your mom said dinners ready lets go inside"i said as i picked my youngest kid up like a bag of patato's.walking to the house laughing.

it's been 30 years since i left the organization.and i coudn't be happier.i spent over 8 years traveling the world looking at different places.

after that i got tired of it and went to settle down in france.at the age of 30 i met my wife at on of my rich friends party.she was beautiful and still is.the first time i saw her i just stood there frozen for 30 seconds staring at her.good thing i was in the corner.after that i went to introduce myself.things escelated from there and now we're happily married for over 20 years and have 3 children one boy and two girls.(A/N:this actually happend to me not the married thing nope still to young.idk how many min past but i just froze like nothing was more important than looking at her.(i wasn't into anime at that time :) )


so here i am laying besides my wife after playing with my grand-daughter.we had a big feast the whole family showed up.my son who became a whealthy business man.my oldest daughter became a famous clothes designer.and my youngest became a photographer.

when they where kids i wanted to hold them and never let go,but now look at them all grown up.and the two oldest even have kids of their own.i was so happy when they told me i was gonna be a grandpa.

but everything must come to an end i felt it.i'm dying...at first i was sad because i won't see my family again.why say that because if there is a heaven and hell i'm certain i'm going to hell.

i didn't forget about my past.buried it yes forgot about it never.i told my wife about it she still accepted me,i'm so glad she did.

laying on my bed hugging my wife.("i think this is it for me angela" )i thought with some tears running down my face.angela feeling something wet dropping on her face looked behind her and saw her husband crying."what's wrong"she asked worried seeing him like that."nothing just thinking about all the happy moments in my life..."i said hugging her more tightly.

"i love you and the children so~so~much"i said looking into her eyes.after a couple of hours staying a wake.i went to the kitchen and wrote a letter for my 3 chipmunks and my wife.after that i went back into bed with my my wife "goodbye"i said and everything went black



looking at the person who picked me up.she had dark brown hair and light green eyes.she looked fondly at me until i felt tired and passed out.

i woke up again looked at my hands and they were still small"so it wasn't a dream...i really was reincarnated or is it reborn,meh i don't care"i said contemplating why i'm here.i can hear someone coming in the room i'm curently in.

looking up i saw the same women staring down at me"oh so your already awake sochi"said the women smilling at me.i just smiled back laughing cutely while raising my hands up trying to grab her.i could understand her because (1)i went to japan once.(2)i was into anime.she lifted me up walking out of the room.from what i could see the house we're in was pretty big.

when walking by some people i had to hold myself from not laughing when looking at them.looking at their hair style some where oke others not so much.when we reached our destination i could hear people talk about how their goddess gave birth to 2 healthy young boys.

well it didn't concern me much so i just left it at the back of my mind.my mother who was talking to another women about work i guess i coudn't listen.i just wanted to take a nap again and so i did."so what does it look like in the main building i heard you got a job there!"asked the women excitedly looking at my mom with envy "it's nothing to be excited about i'm just a lowly servent serving the goddess mika"my mom replied but that didn't seem to stop her friend from asking more questions."did you see her? did you see her children ?? does she really have horns on her head or does she have rabbit ears???"mika asked this time with sparkels in her eyes.

"well i did see her once when i was passing by the garden once"my mom said thinking about something."is she as beautiful as they say she is?"mika asked.

"kaguya-sama was beautiful more than anyone i ever seen"my mom replied to her friend while looking at her sleeping son.they would be staying near the main building now that she is serving her goddess.she would just have to find a babysitter for her son until he's old enough to be on his own.he was only 4 months old after all.


uum yeah i kinda figured out which world i'm reincarnated in now.i mean it's not hard when you mom tells you about the the rabbit goddess story everytime you go to to bed.

so here i am crawling in the main building looking for that same goddess.i learned to crawl a couple weaks ago.everyone called me a genuis which i kinda liked.but on to the main topic if kaguya is real then i want to meat her.even if she kills me it won't matter to me that much i wasn't born in canon naruto so i will never see the main characters of naruto except hagoromo and hamura.

i don't know why no one spotted me yet i guess i'm just lucky.coming on to the courtyard i saw her with 2 little bundels in her both her hands and a servent next to her.i just sat there on the ground looking at her she was beautiful.i just stared at her for a minute.then she looked my way seeing her stare at me she seemed suprised for a moment before giving the baby's in her hands to the servent and walking my way.

("shit what do i do.i didn't plan this far ahead!")i panicked in my mind before i could do anything i felt her picking me up."and what are you doing here little guy"she asked me.i just stared at her before laughing cutely like any baby would.but my mind was anything but calm("don't panick!! you got this,don't panick you got this!!")i kept repeating it in my mind.before i could even think properly i grabbed her horns with my tiny chubby hands...("i'm dead so so dead")i looked at her thinking she's gonna kill me.

at that moment my mother seems to come out of no where"please forgive him goddess-sama i will take full responsebility for his actions as his mother" my mother said to kaguya.i let go of her horns and put my hand in front of my mom so she could take me from kaguya hands.

she took me and looked at kaguya who didn't say anything up until this point"you are dismissed for the day"kaguya said turning around walking to her sons.my mom released a sigh of relieve.we quickly left the building and we went traight home.

when we reached home my mom just hugged me and cried telling me how the babysitter came to her and told her she couldn't find him.she left work to look for him luckily she went passed the courtyard and saw him in kaguya's hands."i know you don't understand me sochi but please don't scare me like that again"mom said with tears streaming down her eyes hugging me tighter.

"mama"i said my first words in this world looking at her feeling a lot of guilt for putting her through that.i didn't mean to do that i just wanted to see one of my favorite characters in the naruto world.i guess being reborn in a baby body made me dumb...i just put my hand around her nek hugging her as tightly as i can.


i'm 5 years old now.my mom quit her job as a servent after that event happend so she could look after me better.she quickly realized how much of a genuis i am.the one thing i realized is i didn't know my father.mother doesn't talk about him.so i just assume he's dead it's not like i care about him.

today is the day i help my mother with some money problems.we're not poor but we're not rich either.but are savings are running low so today i'm heading out to work on the farms to get some money.my mom didn't want to at first but i confinced her to let me work.

oh yeah i haven't seen hagoromo or hamura in the village.i guess they stayed in the main building a lot.meh i'll probably see them before they seal kaguya.do i care about her not really ,will i help her maybe we'll see.the only thing i care about in this world are my loved ones(mom((more will come soon).



"sigh i guess it's time for it to happen"i said under my breath when i saw hagoromo and hamura heading in the forest to help the farmers with their water problem.how do i know about it after years of not watching the anime well it's simple i wrote it down in my personal journal that i always keep on me.even if i accidently drop it no one would be able to read it because it's a mix of languages i don't think they have in this world.

"sigh time to go back home"i said leaving my farm.the reason i'm not scared of them is because i'm immortal...yeah it suprised me to.after working on the farm for a couple of hours i never seem to get tired when i got home.then i thought maybe i did get my cheat like ability.i didn't think much about it when i was a child after i tried everything to look for my cheat but after 5 years i just gave up.

so when i found out i never got tired i experemented on my self. in secret of course.my mother would have yelled at me if she knew.well here is what i found out.

1) .IMMORTALITY : well how did i found out you asked well.i first started to do experiments with my body like seeing how long i can run. the anwser is very long.anyway as i was running when a bear attacked me.yeah a fucking bear!.i tried to run away but he caught up to me and slashed my back with his claws i didn't feel it because it healed instantly but i thought it was because of the adrenaline rushing in me...after he slashed again i put my arms up but that didn't do anything because his sharp claws went right tru them cutting my arms off.i was gonna pass out at the moment bit the i saw smoke coming out of it and BAM...new arms came in an instant.

after that i wasn't so scared anymore.i didn't have a weapon on me because i thought this was gonna be a normal run like always.but that didn't matter.that's when the true battle began.both of us looking in each others eyes waiting for the other to make the first move.

and i did,i turned on my heels and ran as fast as i could, to the village away from him.the bear just stood there looking at me not knowing what it should do.so he left as well.

why did i run well because i didn't have chackra...yet.when i got home my mom got worried looking at my ripped clothes.yeah...i didn't know what to say her i just made up something up to ease her mind.

2) .IMMORTALITY SHARING : when one drinks my blood and has my permission they can become immortal like me.

you know me i tested it first on a small baby fox that i found in the forest.he was on the verge of dying so i wanted to test what my blood could do.that's how i found i could share my immortality.and got a baby fox.

after that i went to my mom and asked her to drink my blood.yeah you could imagine how that went...so after i told her why and showed her proof of my immortality.she was at first shocked and then happy.

hey i ain't letting my mother die without seeing her grandkids first and that's gonna take a long time.plus she wouldn't survive the battle of hagoromo and hamura vs kaguya.

i have yet to find more powers but trust me i have a feeling there's more.i thought walking home to my mom to prepare for the battle that's about to come.my small fox on my shoulders happily sleeping.i couldn't stop smiling.



(A/N: i wrote this when i was suppose to sleep but whatever.it might have somethings wrong with it but i'll edit it tommorow i'm going to sleep now.the next chapter will be out next weak(maybe).shit i just forgot that i have an exam today god...fuck my luck now i can't go to sleep...sigh...goodbye have a nice day)

was it good

was it bad

can you tell me which part is bad i will try to make it better:)

do you want it to be :



no harem?




if you see somethings that i messed up somehere pls tell me i will fix it thatnk for reading my first chapter (ever) goodbye (*˘︶˘*).。.:*♡

blue_sagecreators' thoughts