

You awake to screams of terror and the sound of chaos all around you. You leap up in a panic, only to fall down as nausea rushes to your head. As you groan in pain a thought appears in your mind.

'Who am I' you wonder. Despite your earlier panic, you feel a growing calm settle over you as a memory comes to the forefront of your mind.


Two humongous balls of light glowed in front of you. They shone brilliantly, yet no harm was done to your eyes. As you stared they glowed brighter and brighter, as shockwaves rippled through your body. Words came to your mind

"We are the Primes. Our sole purpose is to maintain the functions of this multiverse. Due to the threats, the multiverse faced, our creator gave us power. This power, while allowing us to protect the multiverse, increased our...existence, and thus made it impossible to interfere in the natural order of a world."

You could not speak, could not move, you weren't sure you were even breathing.

"Our creator gave us the solution to such a problem, an avatar. Avatars are mortal beings, such as yourself, who are offered great power as long as they carry out the orders given to them."

"You are a special case, you have already died in your universe with no hope of coming back to life. Because of that, we can offer you more power than usually granted, as well as a greater reward upon completion of orders given."

You felt a shift and found yourself moving again. You realized you had no memories of who you are except for a name.(N/A). You stared into the glowing lights, they were silent, yet you felt as though they were waiting for a reply.


"Good. As per protocol, you shall be given the abilities of the one tentatively referred to as, The Main Character, of each universe you travel to. You will keep the abilities of your past exploits while gaining new ones."

"Should you ever feel tired of life, you may be granted eternal slumber at any moment."

You paused. Then nodded as though it were nothing important.

"Your first mission is to kill Alex Mercer, eliminate Blackwatch, and destroy any and all forms of infection throughout the world. You have 10 years to complete this mission."

"You are entering on Day 1 of the Infection."

"Complete the mission and you shall be rewarded."

The lights then blinked out of existence as darkness encroached upon you.


Your head swam as you awoke yet again, the noise of chaos still blaring your ears.

A steely will folded itself over your mind. You only had one goal, and that was to complete the mission before the deadline.

Well then, that's that. I've tried writing before and failed horribly, so I would appreciate any and all suggestions for a new writer. I love prototype and I still long for a third game, this was originally going to be about that but I decided to change it. So yeah. Bye?.

GED_VANcreators' thoughts