

"Ahvroon" "Ahvroon" The sounds of the war horns blasted throughout the village and miles into the surrounding area before canceling out.

In the village people could be seen scrambling about. Men fortifying large barricades, women and late teens were escorting children to the town center before heading off the front of the village.

It was a rare scene for such a quiet and remote village. The usually peaceful place was bustling with activity. Frantic people scurrying about like the world was on fire.

"Damn beast. Why has the raid come this early?"

"All fighters take care of your family then group up in front of the village.. there is no time to waste!"

"This is bad Rabbit I have to go. Take soka and find shelter in the town center hurry!!"

"Mm- mommy I'm scared. What's happening?"

Cry's of confusion and anxiety could be heard in every corner of the village. The "Beast Raid" a terrifying event had fallen upon the village earlier than expected, catching them by surprise!

In the front of the village stood over a hundred figures the youngest were around nineteen while the oldest shockingly were hundreds of years old. They all stood with grim expressions. A calamity has appeared. Wether they could survive this event was unknown.

As tensions were rising a burly looking middle aged man with red hair and fierce black eyes stepped out to speak. He was the village chief.

"This is not the time to be frail my friends. we all knew this day was coming sooner or later. Stand strong for it is our code and our oath to the ancestors. We must stand firm and hold the line. We can't let the beast step a single foot into the village!"

The chief looked over the group giving them a deep and solemn look before continuing to speak.

"Behind you all stands our children, our homes, and our fut-."


A deep and powerful roar encompassed the group, cutting off the chief from his rallying speech.

They all glanced towards the forest with unease. Hundreds of red eyes filled the underbrush. Cruilty and a craze for anarchy could be seen from deep within them. As they approached closer the silhouettes of their bodies appeared, showing off their large statures and wolf like appearances.

"Thud" "Thud"

The ground trembled as they walked walked. Their every step caused the ground to sink. The villagers grew vigilant, raising their aura's to the peak in preparation for war. Qi of different colors could be seen rising from their bodies. A grim silence Pervaded the battlefield. This was the calm before the storm.

"Rrraaagh!" The tremendous roar rang out again, booming throughout the area like thunder. Like a reaction to the call the beast began to move!

large hulking beast started to charge. Rapidly advancing towards the tense villagers. Closing the distance In a matter of seconds. The Beast began to pounce, flexing their hind legs the size of tree trunks! Before taking into the air leaving imprints in the corse ground from were they took off.

Mini battles started to break out all over. It was madness, as man and beast entangled in a fatally and fierce dance were there could be only one survivor!!!

In the middle of the carnage the red haired village chief waved his crude large axe, slamming it down onto the incoming beast slicing them in half. Blood splattered everywhere, as the axe pulsed with a menacing dark Qi. The chief's heart Started pumping rapidly as it was filled with adrenaline. Taking no time to rest he charged forward like a raging bull taking on more than fifty wolves at once!!

All around the battlefield men and beast falling dead left and right. Bloody and vicious battles erupted as neither side was willing to give in

A few meters away stood a couple standing back to back surrounded by the beast, a few dozen laid dead by their feet. Gapping wounds covered the man showing deep into the skin exposing the bone! His green Qi seemed to regenerate his body as it covered over him. But more and more wounds kept surfacing as the beast attacked wildly. On the other hand the women was lightly wounded, as she was agile, moving like the wind. Her dark Qi around circled around her feet as she displayed a set of foot movements. Flickering in and out of sight she parried the incoming monstrous claws before counter striking after every blow! Her stark black hair flowing in the wind, exhaustion could be seen on her beautiful face.

Cry's sounded everywhere as the villagers watched their comrades fall. Over half of the villagers were fatally wounded or dead, while the rest were suffering from minor to heavy injuries!

The beast fell very quickly, sometimes even a hundred at one time, but there were just to many of them. Only forty seven villagers were left standing, less than half of the people they started with. they all looked rugged even their Qi was flickering unstably like it was about to give out.

In the area where the couple was. The man was kneeled over waving his hammer around subconsciously as he was no longer able to keep up with the incoming beast. Soon the large hammer slipped from his grasp. Noticing the opportunity a beast swung it sharp claw ripping the man in two. "Sukong" the women screamed. Many emotions on her face as tears filled her eyes. The pain from the loss of her husband caused her movements to stiffen. She began to take on more injuries as time passed. The beast were closing in with a ruthless gleam in their eyes. The hopelessness in the woman's heart quickly vanished as she steeled her determination. gathering her energy with a resolute look mixed with sorrow.

"Kuma please forgive me... you need to stand strong." She whispered as her energy finished building up. A single tear rolled down her cheek as she stared up at the sky. " stand strong my son."


She imploded herself taking out the surrounding beast almost instantly. As the clouds of dust and ash settled nothing was left within a radius of twelve meters, only if one looked close enough would they see a spatial rock necklace on the ground.