
A Beating Of A Decade

POV Change - Moka Akashiya

Sitting on top of the rails on the roof, I looked at the sky that was quickly darkening and showing the moon in all it's glory.

It shone down upon me but despite the light...I'd never felt so lost and in the dark.

Concerning my emotions, that is. What I feel for Tsukune...is more than just something for his blood, isn't it? But he's been so nice to me and I don't want to ruin it all by asking for more when I already ask for his blood like a pest everyday...

"Ahh!" giving a shout of frustration, I messed up my hair before I heard a voice in my head.

[Why are you giving yourself so much grief over something so simple?] the voice asked in it's usual aloof tone, [It's only the buddings of a little romance. It'll hardly end the world, Moka,] she said and I could swear I felt her roll her eyes at me.

"B-but!" I tried to get out but...I couldn't think of anything to refute what she said. She was right that it was only feelings - what harm could they do?

[I mean, if you don't hurry up and chase after him, that Succubus will come and take him away, and the both of us don't want to lose such delicious blood, now do we?] the voice teased and I felt myself go red and yet I also felt myself get a little angry at the implications of the voice inside the rosary.

"I don't just like his blood!" I found my shouting despite the rosary's voice being in my head, "I like so many things about Tsukune, other than just his blood! Even if it is super yummy!" I said with a red face that only got redder as I carried on, realizing just how defensive I was being.

[...I didn't say you didn't like other things about him,] the voice teased even further and I found my blush spreading even further as my face felt like a furnace was under it, heating it up, [But what I said does hold true. If you don't secure him now, the Succubus will. Maybe that fish-senpai will get to him. Who knows. What I do know, however, is that if you don't get him someone else will. Do with that information what you will,] the voice said, telling me some surprisingly helpful advice.

But just as I was about to speak, I heard a voice from behind me, "Speaking to yourself, Moka-san? I didn't know you had such cute quirks," I turned and saw Gin-senpai. Smiling I waved at him before answering.

"Oh, I was just thinking aloud. What are you doing up here anyway, senpai?" I asked and despite the weird feeling I got from him, I shrugged it off as something that might be to do with his monster side.

Some monsters were just naturally creepy and gave people bad vibes but in the end they can still be good people!

[Idiot! His Yoki is rapidly going out of control! He's going berserk, get out of there!] the voice from the rosary shouted but I reacted too late and found Gin-senpai's arm wrapped around my shoulder.

...This doesn't feel nice. Not as nice as when Tsukune does it.

As I tried to struggle free without hurting him, Gin-senpai started to speak, "I'm obviously up here for you," he spoke with a wolfish smile as his grip tightened, "I've fallen for you, Moka-san, and I can't stand by and let you go to such a guy as Tsukune! He's a dense brute! I bet he doesn't know what to do with women! I bet he's a virgin!" he started to shout and yell utter nonsense no one cared about and giving up on not hurting him, I pushed him away with the only thing that couldn't be sealed away in the rosary:

My vampiric strength.


He rocketed away before colliding with the shelter and walls that surrounded the staircase to the roof. But it seemed my worry about hurting him had been misplaced for more than one reason as I heard him laugh, "Hahahaha~! You're really making me fall for you, Moka-san! Such a strong woman could never be satisfied with that Tsukune.*"

(*A/N - Hmm, because he totally didn't overpower and pull you about like a ragdoll. Just take this as Gin lying to make himself feel better.)

"What are you talking about?!" I gave a shout, "Why are you even doing this, Gin-senpai?!"

"Why am I doing this? What am I talking about?" he growled and as the dust cleared from the impact, I saw his body thrumming almost as hair began to sprout from his body, "Look up, Moka-san! There's a full moon out tonight and for monsters like me...it makes us lose control something fierce!" his muscles started to bulk up and his uniform was beginning to rip in places, fur sprouting out of the gaps, "I just can't stop myself when you're looking so utterly delicious right now! I'll console you after this, so, don't resist too much otherwise I'll have to hurt you real bad!" he said before the fur started to sprout across his face.

I backed up in fear as I saw his jaw begin to elongate and turn into a snout as two ears grew out of the top of his head, looking very canine-like.

I know exactly what he was. A Werewolf.

But just as he was talking, an aura which I can only describe as unholy appeared behind him. A pale arm, bulging with black veins reached around and the hand of the arm clamped around Gin's snout. The werewolf in question seemed shocked in place, his hairs sticking up on ends like quills and he was...shivering?

"Oi," a deep voice came from behind Gin and despite knowing who it was straight away...it just didn't feel right. The voice was devoid of any of the gentleness I'd heard from it ever since I met him, "What the fuck did I tell you, you dumb dog?" the hand's grip seemed to be increasing as even from over here I could hear the bones in the snout creaking and cracking.

Gin, from the pain, seemed to get knocked out of his shivering as he growled. But just before he could reach for the hand with his deadly-looking claws, the arm and hand bulged, ripping through the uniform with ease before Gin was lifted into the air.

Which is when I got a look at Tsukune.

His blazer and shirt were ripped in places, allowing me to see the bunches of black veins under his skin. His face, originating from his eyes, was covered in the black veins and his eyes were bright red and filled with blood. Though that didn't stop me from seeing the metallic grey eyes that were so human yet so inhuman at the same time.

Then Tsukune slammed Gin into the ground, sending cracks across the roof for dozens of meters, practically covering the whole roof.

Slamming his foot down on Gin's chest, Tsukune leaned down and his face, already in a frown, morphed even further into a frown, his blood dyed teeth showing themselves.

I didn't feel scared of Tsukune at that point. Nor did I feel scared of Gin either, now that Tsukune was here. What I did feel however...was worry for Tsukune. His body looked like it was tearing itself apart by being in whatever form it was in right now.

"Tsukune..." I whispered but whether by purposeful ignorance or actual anger, Tsukune didn't hear me.

. . .

POV Change - Tsukune Aono

Anger. That's all I felt when I looked down at the true form of Gin.

"I said I'd break your legs, didn't I?" I asked him rhetorically and before he tried to be a smart ass and answer, I picked him up by his neck before walking to the side of the roof. Hoping up onto the railings which croaked and groaned under our combined weight, I held him over the edge, "Well, honestly, I'm not gonna do that anymore," I said, my voice twisting further and further under my own rage as my vision was beginning to go red. Whether from anger or from the burst blood vessels, I didn't know.

"I'm just gonna break you in general, now," I said before hopping off of the railing and placing Gin under me as we began to fall.

His eyes widened in horror and he tired to thrash around, trying to escape...but it was useless, I had his throat held in a vice-grip. But I avoided pressing against his arteries too much. I wanted him to feel the impact not pass out before we hit the ground.


We hit the ground and a crater was instantly formed while Gin spat out a mouthful of blood that had no doubt come from internal damage. But not letting up just because he'd had a 'little' fall, I pulled a fist back before slamming it down on him.

I punched and I punched, until his snout was pointing the wrong way and squashed.

But it wasn't enough. My anger demanded more pain.

Bringing a leg up, I slammed it down on his arm and with a audible and loud crack, his arm hung limply and he roared in pain, somehow still conscious.

Then a blast of energy came from him as he roared out with enough force to nearly shatter my eardrums while also shattering the windows on the side of the school we were next to. I was blasted backward through a wall and then another wall before finally finding myself embedded into a third wall.

The pain didn't stop me. It only fueled me as I pulled myself from the wall, making it crumble.

Walking through the holes in the walls, I ripped my shredded upper uniform off as I felt my muscles wriggling and convulsing as they were pumped even further by an unnatural amount of blood. Yet there was something else being pumped into my muscles as well...some sort of energy. Similar to the energy that came out of Moka when she took off her rosary.

But such thoughts were soon drowned out by my anger as I came outside to see Gin's body rapidly healing the damage I'd done to it.

"You done?!" he roared, "Then it's my turn!" he shouted before disappearing, my eyes unable to track him.

I felt his claws slash against my chest, shredding the skin. But to Gin's audible surprise his claws barely did anything to the muscle underneath. He bounded back to his original position, a look of confusion clear even on his wolf-shaped head, "What are you?! What kind of monster?!" he roared and I let out a snort before charging at him with everything I had.

Though it proved to be too slow still as I counterattack slammed me into the ground before a flurry of claws went at my back like some kind of angry cat.

Grabbing the ground, I swung my body around, sending my leg out like a blade and taking Gin's legs out from under him as he fell to the ground headfirst. Using the momentum from my attack, I swung my body up as I did a front flip mid-air and stuck my foot out as I came back down.

The centrifugal force plus my own strength and my body's naturally hardness, my foot came down like a 10 tonne sledgehammer and collided against Gin's body, deepening the crater that was created from my divebombing him off the roof. His bones cracked as my own were far superior in both strength and density.

He whimpered as most of his ribs were crushed and I steadied myself before planting a foot right in his stomach, blasting him off and through multiple trees into the graveyards that surrounded the school.

Just as I was about to give chase, I saw a pink-blur appear in front of me.

My ever encompassing anger faded almost instantly, yet I spoke in a gravelly voice as I tried to move past Moka, "Get out of the way, Moka, I'm going to finish him off," I said but the pink-haired vampire just shook her head as she blocked me which frustrated me somewhat, "Moka he tried to rape you--!" I thought she was trying to stop me from hurting him but when her green eyes looked up at me...I could tell she was just as angry as me.

"I'm not trying to stop you, Tsukune...but I'm worried that you're hurting yourself," she put a hand against my chest before quickly bringing it away feeling the unnaturally high body heat I had - friction is a bitch, I guess. Whether it's friction from air resistance or from the blood being pumped through your veins by three hearts - but ignoring that she carried on, "Your body looks like it's falling apart, Tsukune...so let me help you fight him. Take my rosary off and we can take him on together!"

She said and I felt...warm. I thought I'd feel worried or annoyed if I had to fight with someone else but Moka, well, she was the only person I knew who was stronger than me at this school. Silver-haired Moka that is.

And she was right. This moment of clarity had let me realize what I was doing to my body. I'd pushed my body into the second stage of Adrenal Mode. A mode that my body wasn't able to handle. Back in my old world, the second stage of Adrenal Mode was a sort of suicide move.

But with my current upgraded physique, I could actually enter it and exit it without dying. Which was a miracle. I should have burnt up by now but I was alive and well.

Maybe it has something to do with that odd energy...

Exiting the mode, I kept myself in the first stage of Adrenal Mode and the black veins covering my body receded and only the ones around my eyes were kept. My natural healing factor kicked in and I felt that the many blood vessels I'd popped were beginning to heal. Smiling, I brought a hand up to Moka's rosary and grabbed it.

"Thanks for pulling me back, Moka, and thanks for for being willing to fight at my side," I said and she nodded with a relieved smile.

Then I pulled the rosary off.

If the first stage of Adrenal Mode lets him use 100% of his strength, the second stage lets him use beyond his top strength but only for a certain time and at a risk of destroying his body. Kinda like the Eight Gates from Naruto but much less OP.

I know I said I wasn't gonna put out a chapter today but I had the time and the energy, so I thought 'Why not give my wonderful readers one chapter?' Plus, it's my thanks for all the amazing comments wishing my mom good health and hoping she's well! It really cheered me and her up!

Oh yeah, my mom says thank you for all the good wishes as well!

Anyway, I know the MC's lack of understanding when it comes to love is somewhat annoying to some of you, so after this final fight with Gin, I'm gonna have him learn some stuff. 'How?' you ask, well, I got a pretty funny suggestion from a reader, so I'm gonna have him read about it in a Library when he goes back to the human world for the weekend. Don't worry, it won't give him bogus advice - it'll just let him realize what he's feeling.

Mr_Cryptidcreators' thoughts