
A Monkey King In Multiverse

Jin-Senshin is an average man with a bad past, only a good looks guy who dies for some reason. A mysterious voice transmigrated him to a world with Jin-Mori's powers as well as a system to travel to other worlds. "I will be the one who stands above the others while they look down on me." It's a harem fic but not huge, about 3-4 per world except for Genshin Impact where I might add a little more. Neutral MC, not necessarily nice or bad, does what he wants. For the other fanfic, it's a drop because DxD honestly tires me. Worlds : Kengan Ashura (he will leave the world and come back to it later), Perfect Half (Yeah, I know, it's a pornwha, but why not ?), Genshin Impact, God Of Highschool... OC World : Maybe a mix of several Slice Of Life, but it's up to you. -????????? MC is the cover character with green-blue eyes and similar musculature to Ohma Tokita but being a bit more defined (Kengan). 1,5k~2,5k words per chapter The elements of this fiction do not belong to me except my OCs and some personal details. The cover doesn't belong to me either

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12 Chs

Kengan Ashura - 11 : Jin-Senshin VS Kevin Morow

*7:45 PM*

Senshin sat in a restaurant as he enjoyed his meal which consisted of a juicy steak with extra rice. A simple dish is enough to keep him in the mood as his fight draws near.

After paying the bill, he got up to leave for the arena with his hands in his pockets. Simply dressed in a white T-shirt and black pants, he didn't care to fight like that.

About ten minutes later, he was in front of the usual abandoned location as he went to meet the guard.

"Yo ! Have a nice day." He said after passing the guard.

Walking a bit before seeing Mio's office, he knocked Nyoibō out of his ear to avoid confusion on how he took it in combat, taking it now will avoid a problem.

"Good evening, Mio-san, I hope you will bet on me for tonight." He said with a slight smile. "I've already prepared for battle, can I go to my lane ?"

"Good evening, of course as long as there is nothing to report. Good luck with your fight."

She said ignoring her guest.

Senshin also headed for another hallway on the right to find himself in a small locker room containing a TV that showed the arena. Sitting down in the chair, he had a calm and serene expression but a slight stress crept into his heart.

What if he loses this fight or gets seriously injured ? Just imagining it made him subconsciously quiver in frustration, for some reason he couldn't imagine himself losing a fight. As if it was the greatest humiliation for a simple exchange of blows.

"I didn't think I had such a big ego myself... No, I have to be confident in my abilities. I'll defeat this guy and see if I can go to another world until the tournament or before that."

He finally got up as he saw that his time had come. His muscles relaxed, all the pressure he was holding dissipated to leave a cold individual ready to act.


"Today, we will welcome our two fighters for tonight !" shouted the announcer excitedly.

The two concerned walked towards the arena as they met face to face. On the left, there was the man who was going to be Senshin's opponent.

A man in his thirties of average height, muscular with a rather tanned skin color dressed in black pants without shoes while being bare chested. He carried two metal brass knuckles.

"On the one hand, we have Kevin Morow, former English boxing champion. Since joining the Eagle association, he has won 15 fights without losing and nicknamed the Undefeated !! 177 centimeters for 97 kilograms."

"On the other, we have the one who surprised the spectators in his first fight. Jin-Senshin, 1 win for no loss, standing 185 centimeters and 93 kilograms, will he be able to defeat his opponent this time around ??! We'll find out soon !"

"I announce the start of this duel, GOOO!!!!"

Both in guard position, Kevin with his right arm forward at a 60 degree angle and the other shielding his face.

While turning a little around the set, both watched each other to find an opening. Senshin is finally the first to act as he runs towards his opponent. He wasted no time and directly used his martial art, the opponent was strong this time.

{Renewal Taekwondo : Hwechook}

His left foot rose to hit the man's face but the kick was stopped by his forearm. Kevin replied with a straight punch to the leg still blocked by him.

Senshin pulled his leg back lowering his whole body before doing a 180 degree movement with his body rubbing his foot on the ground.

{Renewal Taekwondo : Lowest Hwechook}

His kick connected to the ankle, the man didn't flinch in pain but in turn kicked Senshin's face which sent him flying a few meters away.

Jin stood up as he wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth keeping his serious, the opponent didn't seem to care about the blows or didn't show it outwardly at least.

He then ran directly towards him ignoring the blow he was about to receive. A small smile formed on his face before disappearing from view of the opponent.

{RE : Bo-Bup / Ground Drawer}

Senshin reappears on the left side of the man before delivering a low kick to the knees, causing the opponent to squeal in pain as he turns to deliver a rush of punches.

He blocked or dodged the blows but when he took these fists on the arms, the pain was present. Blood even flowed from the fingerprints left by brass knuckles.

He finally swung a left reverse kick up, Kevin was about to make a counter as the leg didn't reach his head, but instead wrapped around his left arm.

{Renewal Taekwondo : Hoe Grab / Spinning Top Kick.}

His other foot kicked Kevin's face in a 360 degree motion as his opponent fell to the ground while Senshin watched the slightest movement.

Ignoring the blood pouring from his mouth, the man straightened up instantly then closed in on Senshin in guard position before throwing a jab that was deflected by his left forearm supported by his other hand.

Seeing the opening, Kevin swung a left hook. His fist connected to Jin's face as he stepped back while having his face arched.

After a few seconds, blood began to flow from his mouth as his cheek gradually swelled.

"Oh ? That punch didn't knock you out. Interesting, show me more of what you're capable of." Kevin smiled with interest as he charged at his opponent.

Senshin remained standing, a slight flow of air forming on his right leg as the man was about to give him jabs,

His senses were at their height, his heart racing as the adrenaline slowed him down. His keen eyes finally have an opening, his foot lifted off the ground vertically.

{Renewal Taekwondo : Dragon Sign Hwechook}

The kick had hit Kevin right in the lower jaw and he didn't have time to defend himself, Senshin immediately chained another attack while his eyes were blazing wildly.

{Re: Bo-Bup / Baekdu}

"Haaaaaa !!" Senshin roared as his left knee kick hit Kevin's midsection heavily, then rotated 360 degrees in the air before directly hitting the right eardrum.

{Renewal Taekwondo : Hwechook}

Kevin fell a few feet to the ground, his breathing rough and heavy as he tried to get up. These two kicks there gave him a great impact in addition to the previous ones. Blood spilled from his forehead as well as his mouth as he smiled.

"You are very strong but your blows are not powerful enough to knock me down, otherwise I would already be the one lying down now." His right hand rose to point at his opponent's belt. "Why don't you use your weapon ? That should make things a little more interesting."

"Ohhhhh !! Kevin Morow challenged his opponent to a weapon duel !! But what is Jin-Senshin's weapon ?!" The announcer was screaming as the onlookers just watched curiously.

Senshin said nothing but understood what the man was implying. He had a lot of wounds and his fatigue was starting to show, his punches became slower and slower as the fight progressed. Renewal Taekwondo is very powerful but if there is no strength and endurance behind it, things get tough especially against such a durable guy.

'He was able to take several combos with ease... I'm going to have to use Yeoui now, although I wanted to continue this fight with my fists, no choice. I can't show all my cards here.'

His hands went behind his back as he grabbed Nyoibō who was attached to his belt. Returning his weight to a higher level, 100 kilograms, he began to twirl the stick in front of him before charging at Kevin.

He swung a first shot vertically, as he suddenly increased the weight to 400 kilograms to do more damage.

Kevin reached out his arm to block the staff but to his surprise the very hard object hit him on his right arm as he quickly retreated taking distance between him and his opponent.

'Damn, why is that stick so hard and long ?! My arm is numb even though I barely touched it!' The shock wave sent from the stick through the arm was very powerful, he didn't expect this stone to be so hard.

Senshin had put the weight back to its origin before it hit the ground, he ran directly towards his opponent leaving no respite.

The two began to give each other several blows, Kevin occasionally dodging the stick giving counters in return. Senshin made sure to land punches without failing to injure his opponent, he no longer touched when he increased the weight above 200 kilograms as it was noticeable just with speed.

Senshin kicked to the right side as he was stopped by his opponent's right hand. His stick was about to make contact with his stomach but Kevin grabbed him from the side as his face contained a smile.

"You can't move your toy and your foot anymore, that's the end isn't it ?" Kevin dropped Senshin's foot as he stepped forward to clear his way in front of him.

For Kevin, it was winning. His opponent didn't have time to move and use his staff, his left fist swept to form an uppercut as he was about to punch his opponent...

"Indeed, this is the end." Calmly retorted Senshin

{Renewal Taekwondo : Bo-Bup}

To his surprise, the opponent disappeared from sight to finally land behind before kicking his spine hard.

"ARGHHHH !!!" Kevin cried out in pain as he fell to the ground as Senshin glared at him mercilessly before swinging a vertical stick kick, knocking him flat on the ground before delivering another horizontal kick to his back, aiming to crush him to the concrete.


The ground was forming slight cracks as Kevin's head was buried in the concrete, blood was starting to spill from the already injured face which is now covered in liquid.

Senshin struggled to stand, fatigue overwhelmed his body but the pain forced him to stay awake. This fight was won thanks to this guy's weakness : His back.

He saw him constantly protecting his back, it was surely his main weakness and he managed to exploit it by winning this fight without using his ultimate cards. He also took the opportunity to improve his experience and his mastery.

His t-shirt had tears just like his pants, bruises caused by the brass knuckles that could not completely pierce the skin of certain parts of his body. Blood ran down both sides of his forehead, his arms covered in bloody marks and legs containing several cuts.

"KEVIN MOROW IS UNABLE TO MOVE AND GETS K.O !!! JIN-SENSHIN WINS THIS FIGHT !!!" The announcer was happy and excited that the new fighter had won again, the audience was still in shock but not as much as yesterday.

'Hehehe, so he did. I really didn't expect him to win this fight, where did he even get that stick from ? Despite that, these injuries need to be healed quickly...' Nana had been watching the fight from the start as she smiled happily but couldn't help but worry about Senshin's condition. Anyone who could see that he was barely standing.

On the other hand, the beautiful woman being present at yesterday's fight was also amazed but smiled as if she had won an award.

'He won again, I was right. This man has great potential to become a Kengan fighter, I will try to contact him in the near future. I cannot let such a pearl slip away.' She thought with a satisfied look.

The audience finally saw the still standing contestant fall to the back. He had fainted from fatigue, Nana had a relieved sigh when she saw the regular breathing despite the distance.

'You won this fight, Senshin. Be proud of yourself, you are a strong man.' A smile formed again as she praised the man for his victory.

He owed her another dinner after all...