
A Monke's Multiversal Chronicles

Chained before those who made his life a living hell, Ras The 4th, the only survivor of the Monke tribe, is to forever be showcased, humiliated, until his time will eventually come. Will he be able to make his escape, out of this hell hole? To enact his revenge? To slaughter every last one of those filthy vermin? To achieve his goals he must train and get stronger. And get stronger, he will. However, something that will thwart his goals and forever make him a hypocrite happens during his stay in that pain-filled place... Obligatory disclaimer: Every and any characters not created by me aren't mine. The cover is not mine and belongs to its respectful owner, tell me if you want to take it down.

Ritol · Tranh châm biếm
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6 Chs

A Monke's New Abilities

My vision was hazy, my head hurt, and the muscles all over my body were sore from all the walking I did.

It seems I regained my sanity, compared to one hour -or was it a week? I didn't know how much time I was lying unconscious in the hot sand for- ago, when I was in a strange sense of deep concentration, in which nothing could seem to wake me up, apart from the enormous earth wall right in front of me that barred my way.

And now that I focus on it, I could feel something across the wall, however it was a very faint feeling, so I just put it in a corner of my mind, deciding to investigate that later.

Who knows, it might be one of the powers Nass mentioned, that comes along with me being near the original Monke's bloodline? Well, I'll figure it out in a bit, because I'm going to climb the hell out of this wall.

A gigantic wall, which may or may not hide the first signs of civilization in this new, and from what I've seen so far, probably hostile world. Which probably has the key to discovering one of my powers? Of course, I'm going to get there and look at what's inside!

Ít was also to see if this world was inhabited by those damn humans… But I rapidly cast away that though, after all, what was the chance that a random world, in the middle of the vast multiverse, was populated by the race that disgusts me the most, right…?

Well, I'll give in to my paranoiac side just this once and check for human presence.

The problem remained, this wall is massive and apparently smooth, with no supports to climb whatsoever. The solution was easy enough to find however; if there are no supports, I just have to create them myself.

So I did the easiest way to create them, punching the wall so much a hole big enough to be grabbed comfortably by my hands and feet.

Of course, it was easier said than done. My knuckles were bleeding and hurt like hell, but I didn't stop just because my hands were stinging a little bit. You can say what you want, but I wasn't that whiny.

I soon found myself in that kind of trance I experienced while walking here. Nothing could distract me from my task. I punched and punched, until the cavity was large enough. I then put my foot in it, and proceeded to make another one, only this time it was higher than the last one. The pain was certainly there, it was ever-present. I let it hurt me, not much I could do about it; however, I never stopped punching.

I repeated this process over and over, losing all awareness of time, making hole after hole, climbing over those holes I made, approaching the top ever so slightly, which at first seemed out of my reach no matter how much effort I put in, was now before me.

Me, The one who single-handedly carved holes in a rock-hard wall with just my fists, of which the knuckles were completely deformed and covered in blood.

I finally reached the top. After the Ancestors knows how long, I finally touched the top with the tip of my fingers. The sense of fulfillment I felt, the pride, knowing that everything I went through had a meaning and that my efforts were rewarded.

I did not know how long it took, just like I did not know how long I walked. It seemed as if that concentrated state made me lose track of time, letting me perform actions repeatedly without letting anything distract me, not even the pain that comes along with punching stone without a care for the damage I might receive.

The sheer potential of such a thing is mind-boggling on its own. I shiver thinking of all the training I could now do, without having to worry about my fatigue for example.

This is however not the time to train, but to take in my surroundings and explore this foreign land.

I drag my body to the other end of the wall, which I now see is forming a circle, surrounding something…

Once there, I gawk at the seemingly made of sand city…? No, it wasn't made of sand.

The houses were made of sand colored-stone, they were all so tall they seemed to be towers instead, but were however all creepily on the same level with flat roofs and glass-less windows, which all the more seemed to accentuate the gigantic sphere of stone with an odd symbol plastered in the middle of it and even more windows surrounding it. I, strangely enough, could make out what it said, "Sand".

'It really fits the setting," I thought to myself.

I shifted my attention to my immediate surroundings, and found out that there were stairs going from the wall all the way down to the city, and even though they were a little farther than my position, it didn't bother me.

I took the stairs, that seemed too small considering my body and in the blink of an eye, I found myself in a completely deserted city, if it wasn't for the feeling from earlier resurfaced, even stronger than before…

It felt as if every building had some sort of "light", and in some of them, I could even feel two, or three of them. The interesting thing is that their "intensity" was not the same, I could feel some of them were stronger than others, while some were on the brink of going out.

I decided to explore the streets, and find out what exactly lived here and ask about what was stored in those buildings, as it would finally give me the answer I seek, about whatever this ability detected… because I'm sure as hell those lights aren't normal and that only I could feel them, since when I look at the lights, I could still feel them, but I couldn't see them; which meant It wasn't something tangible, but rather a concept.

I roamed around a little more before finding yet another light, belonging to the stronger kind, that was however not in a building, but in the middle of the street, unmoving.

I rushed towards it with all my might, all the while wondering why I had gotten faster before remembering the "training session" I had earlier today, which reinforced my arms by a good amount. With renewed vigor, I continued running with all of my four limbs, fingers half flexed to shift my weight towards the ground through my knuckles. It's a way of running the Monkes are used to employing, as it allows us to move efficiently while not being that bothered by our weight.

Soon enough, the light was right behind the corner, and after taking a deep breath, to brace for whatever it is, I was right in front of it. Or more like, in front of him.

That's right. He wasn't an object. For it was a human child.

He had red spiky hair, an otherworldly cute face, and was wearing a sort of light brown cape, with dark blue pants and black sandals.

It was true the child was otherworldly cute, however, his cute face was ruined by dark circles around both of his eyes, and most importantly by the tears that were pouring down his face, soaking the stone-carved street edge.

Proofread by the discord member @Lonely! Thank you very much, my man.

If you want to join my discord, don't hesitate to ask for the link in the comments!

Until next, my dear readers.

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