
A Moment in Time That Remains Unnoticed

Everyday at 6 a loud Croak from outside his window woke him up. No one was ever waiting for him and everything was the same as the day before and the day before that.

XiaoHongHua · Kỳ huyễn
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1 Chs


A loud croak woke the boy up from his peaceful slumber. 

No one was there to wake him. 

No smiling mother nor father was there to greet him.

In fact no one was even in the quiet house with him. 

Today is the first day he has ever opened his eyes.

No one was there to tell him what he was and what he was to be. 

No one was there to guide him. 

He simply was. 

But he didn't need to be told, he already knew what his purpose in this world was. 

The young boy slowly got up and carefully brushed his teeth and wiped his face.

He stood in front of a mirror staring into mismatched blue and gold eyes and neatly combed back his curly, chocolate, brown hair.

After deeming he was presentable enough he headed downstairs slowly and cautiously. 

Downstair's no one was waiting for him but a plate of pancakes, set on the table still steaming and waiting for him.

He ignore it and headed out.

There, outside a sleek black car waited for him.

He got into the car and stared at the window that separated him and the driver, if there even was  a driver.

The boy sat stiffly as the car drove him away from the two story house he had came out of.

The secrecy passed by in a blur as the car drove in a constant speed, finally the boy and the car finally arrived. 

They had just pulled up to a pristine, shiny, white daycare. 

The boy knew he was only 2 and this was where he was suppose to be.

But he felt much much older.

So so much older. 

In bold print the words "Applebees Nursery" stares down at the boy. 

He entered by himself with no one holding his hand, as the car slowly pulled away. 

There was no one sitting in the drivers sit. 

No greeted the boy when he pushed open the door, the recipients too busy strolling though her phone to even notice him. 

A bright, clean, and too white hall greeted him. 

Several rooms stretched out.

He slowly continued forward and made a left turn. 

He knew where he needed to be. 

"Room 124" the plague on the door greeted him. 

He quietly entered the room and took a sit closest to the window and waited...

and waited...

and waited...

Finally someone else entered the room. 

A short, thin woman with short and messy, mousey brown hair.

Dusty blue eyes darken with fatigue. 

She entered the room and took a sit in a desk in the lonely corner. 

The woman's eyes glaze right over him.

The boy continue to sit quietly, almost as if waiting, as the woman pulls out a cigarette.

Smoke drifts throughout the room and the boy's face curls up in disgust as he continues to quietly wait. 

The woman's eyes drifts up to meet the boy eyes.

The cigarette drops on the desk and the woman scrambles to put it out. 

She stuffs it out with the palm of her hand but it was too late. The cigarette had already burn the light wood a dark, angry brown.

"Your here quite early honey, class doesn't start until 8." Her high pitched voice was as sweet as honey and as fake as a fraud. 

The boy nods, he knew he was here early, earlier than most people.

"Well honey let me-"

"You were smoking."

He saw no point in dancing around the issue and directly confronted her. 

There was nothing to deny and the woman's face twisted up in anger. 

"Be a good boy now and don't tell anyone" she stalked closer as she uttered each word. 

"And what if I do?" The boy dared.

"Then something very regrettable will happen and no one want that to happen. Right honey?"  At this point she was right next to him and any closer, they would be touching. 

"There are several signs in the vicinity, stating that smocking is not allowed on daycare grounds." the boy stared at at her fearlessly, after all it's not like she could do much to him. 

"And what will you do about it?" the woman's smile was as poisonous as her words and just as harsh. 

"I could-" a large hand grab him before he could finish.

The woman was now grinning, a feral smile that might have looked sweet had she not been so bitter and choking a child with her two hands. 

"I wonder," her voice was light "would anyone even care if you are gone or not?"

The kid stayed silent, not that he could do much against her anyways. 

The hands squeeze even tighter around his neck.

"I hate you little brats, always thinking you're above everyone else just because your daddy has some money to send you to daycare." Her voice pitched, mockingly.

Her eyes were unseeing and cloudy with insanity. 

At this point the kid vision has started to blur however he had no trouble understanding what she was saying. 

Slowly his breathing stopped and the last thing he saw was the dawning horror on the woman's face as she finally realized what she had done, eyes clearing up. 

He wasn't too worried. 

After all, he did say there's nothing much she could do to him and he meant it. 

A loud croak from the window greeted the boy as he slowly woke up, and once again, for the second time that day, the boy got out of bed and started preparing for the day. 

The young boy slowly got up and carefully brushed his teeth and wiped his face.

He stood in front of a mirror staring into mismatched blue and gold eyes and neatly combed back his curly, chocolate, brown hair.

After deeming he was presentable enough he headed downstairs slowly and cautiously.

A ugly bruise on his neck slowly faded away from his neck as if it never been there in the first place. 

It was Monday again.