


It was her.

One of Hollywood's famous actresses.

The beautiful blonde diva - Adrianna Peterson, was looking stunning as she always did on the red carpet, adorning a forest green strapless body con dress with a pair of sunshade, and an expensive looking purse was held firmly in her hand. And I on the other hand was speechless, starstruck and dumbfounded. I'd never met a celebrity before. And there was I, standing in the same room as an A-list celebrity.


As I looked at her, I wondered why she was here. I wondered if there was any relationship between her and my boss. Maybe they were dating - I assumed, but there wasn't any article by the paparazzi that she was in any relationship, same as my boss. In the whole of America, my boss - Mr Bastille Norman was the only famous person who hadn't been entangled or seen with the opposite sex.

There were even article claiming he could be a closet gay.

Then I thought about it again, and if truly they were dating it wasn't any of my business. I was mainly in that mansion to work and earn a lot of money.

"Who are you?" Adrianna asked again with a straight face, removing her shades from her face. I instantly composed myself and waved at her, unable to get actual words out of my mouth. "Yeah, it's nice to meet you too, but who are you?"

She furthered closer to me as I stood by the staircase, her eyes emotionless as she questioned me.

"I'm Mary. . ."

"I didn't ask for your name," she said, folding her hand across her plump chest. "What are you doing in Bastille's house?"

"I'm new employed," I told her before adding, "I am the new maid here."

She nodded and came closer to me, leaving only a few inches between us. And believe me when I say that I was not comfortable with how close she was to me. Being at her front made me feel nervous.

"Lick my shoe."

"What?" I looked into her baby blue eyes, shocked by what she'd asked me to do.

Perhaps I didn't hear her well_ I thought.

"Yeah, you heard me right," She deadpanned, her cat eyes as emotionless as a wicked stepmother. "Lick. My. Shoe." She repeated, taking her words slowly.

I took my hand to my face and cleaned my eyes. I wanted to be sure I was seeing right. I really wanted to know if it was the same Adrianna Peterson which I'd always watched on TV, I really wanted to know if she was the same person standing right at my front because she seemed way different from the Adrianna I watched on TV. I thought she'd be nice, all smiles; like she always was on the red carpet. I didn't know she was. . .her personality was rotten.

Opening my mouth to say something, I was cut off by Adrianna's loud laughter. I was discombobulated by her sudden change in behavior. A second ago she was staring at me, her eyes withholding any emotions, but right at my front at that moment, she was laughing. Really hard.

"You should have seen your face," she said in-between her laughter, while I was confused as Patrick in SpongeBob. "Honestly, your face was damn funny."

I didn't say anything as I just watched her laugh. I was utterly speechless.

Had she been joking with me?

"I'm sorry," She told me as her laughter came to a halt. "I was just kidding around with you."

"Oh," Was the only thing that left my mouth.

"I am Adrianna Peterson," She introduced herself like she needed to. I mean, who didn't know her. A-list Hollywood actress. The beautiful diva. The lady who had stolen the heart of many, with seventy percent of teens in the country crushing on her. "And you are."

I smiled. Happy that I was mistaken about her character, and she was indeed nice. "I'm Mary Suarez," I bore Maria's last name. "And I am a big fan."

"Awww," She awed, stretching out her hand for a handshake and I took it quickly without thinking twice about it. "Nice to hear that you're a big fan."

I blushed, glad to be shaking the hand of Adrianna Peterson. It was something millions would pay willingly to do, and I was shaking her for free.

God bless Maria.

"Is Bastille home?" She broke the handshake, hung her sunshade on her clothes and moved up the stairs. I went along with her also.

Once we got to the living room upstairs, she plopped down on the single seater cushion - which Mrs Peterson had earlier sat on.

I didn't know what to do.

I didn't know if I should sit, so I just stood.

"Why aren't you sitting?" Adrianna asked, and I took that as my cue to sit.

After I was seated, I couldn't stop staring at Adrianna as she brought her phone out of her purse and began scrolling through it. All my life I'd only seen her on the TV, in magazines and on social media, but there she was, seated at my front.

"Is there something on my face," She asked, taking her gaze up to my face.

I was quite flustered that she'd seen me staring at her. "No, nothing is on your face."

"I thought as much, because i checked it before coming down my car," She placed her phone on her lap. "Also hope you aren't sad about my behavior towards you earlier?"

"No, I wasn't."

She heaved. "Great, I was scared that I might have made you think of me wrongly."

"No, you didn't," I know I lied, but what was I supposed to tell her? That I had mentally assumed that her personality was rotten?

Hell no.

"Well, I was just getting myself charged up for a new role," She continued talking. "So how was my act? Did I execute it well? Did it look real? Feel free, just tell me what's on your mind."

"Yes," I nodded. "You did."

Smiling, she flipped her long wavy blonde hair to the back, saying, "The role is basically a college bitch who doesn't give a F about anyone or anything. Y'know, those who always feel entitled."

She dumped that information on me and I was confused as to what to say in response so I just replied, saying, "That's nice, when would the film be out?"

"It's actually a Netflix series. I really can't give much about it yet, but it'll be out by next year."

"I can't wait." I really was anticipating watching the series. Especially knowing that Adrianna was going to be there. All her projects were always great and entertaining, and I wondered if Cole Sprouse would be in her next project. The two of them together in a series would be a mega hit, so I decided to quench my curiosity by asking. "Is Cole Sprouse going to be on it?"

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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