
A military gacha system in A fantasy world?

Creepthewriter · Kỳ huyễn
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5 Chs

The Fort

Finally calmed down from the heartbreaking news Zeke decided to stop mopping and get a little preview of the massive building he recently placed down.

"Alright, soldiers Set up a perimeter around these woods! I need some food to eat and gathering sticks for fire and hunting animals for food should be one of our first calls to action. Be safe, and if any of you see something unusual return to the base and find me to let me know."

Now that's taken care of, I can finally get a chance to explore this facility. Walking towards the base Zeke observed multiple points of interest. The base had an outer wall surrounding it with metal bars, and if that wasn't enough barbed wire sat on the top waiting to fuck someone's day up. Fortifications aside, one other feature intrigued Zeke.

'Is that what I think it is'

"Iris what is that metal-looking thing on the top of the base" 

"Well Zeke, that would be the new and improved Counter Rocket, Artillery, Motor System. Otherwise known as the C-RAM used by the modern militaries of your world before you unfortunately died. Thanks to ME and ME alone it was also fitted with unlimited ammunition due to it being a "Facility" you placed offering your protection within a five-mile radius." 

'This is… Awesome!'

"That is great news Iris and if you are telling the truth thank you for saving my ass!"

"You're welcome, Zeke."

Walking through the metal gated opening he stepped on the gravel and stone path until he stood inches from the metal slab he figured was a door.

Under his breath, Zeke asked an important question to an equally important problem.


"Yes, Zeke?"

"How does the door open?"


"Yes, Iris?"

"Do you see a little box on the right side of the doorway you're standing in front of?"

"Yes, Iris I do happen to see that."

"Do you perhaps just by chance see any funky symbols that may help you figure out what you need to do?"

"Now that you say that I do see a little hieroglyph of an eye and under it, there is an arrow pointing down at like this silly red scanner-looking thing."

"Zeke, just maybe try putting your eye where it points. You Fucking Idiot I literally gave you a play-by-play on what you need to do!"

"Well jeez if I knew you would be so sassy about it I would have figured it out myself." 

"I hate being tied to you" 

"Sorry, what was that Iris?"

Finding his useless system having no retort he placed his eye in front of what Iris alluded to be a retina scanner. As if magic, the door slides out of the way with a science movie-like noise revealing a lobby with a red carpet leading to a single elevator directly on the other side of the entrance. 

Stepping through the doorway the cold chilled air of air conditioning brushed against his skin. 

'Very nice' Zeke thought to himself

Walking to the elevator door he remarked at the lack of furniture except for paintings covering most of the walls depicting multiple familiar landscapes from home. In the entire lobby, there were only three pieces of traditional furniture besides the paintings, A large couch able to sit multiple people, a coffee table close enough to the table to let people rest their feet on it, and a single office-like water dispenser. 

Pressing the button next to the door caused the beautiful glass elevator to reveal itself. Stunned enough to not be able to speak English, he just quietly stepped in and hit the only other button on the level selector.

Zeke watched as the smooth elevator lowered him deeper and deeper into the earth and as he watched the earth be unraveled before his very eyes he saw something even more amazing.

A comic book scene created itself before him as he looked forward through the class at the massive Batman-like cave. In the far back, almost farther than he could see a giant monitor took up an insane amount of space, and marble floors with pillars sporting a polished gold finish held the ceiling from crossing him. Statues of the atlas were engraved in the very structures holding everything together.

A bright and melodic ding rang as the elevator came to a stop and Zeke hastily walked out. Almost skipping Zeke rushed to the Monitor with glee and excitement. 

"Iris! Can you tell me how to work that thing?" 

Zeke practically begged as he pointed toward the large control panel laid before the monitor.

"You simply walk up and place your hand on the black part of the control panel it will be highlighted in neon blue."

"Thank you, Iris, this is so awesome."

"You're welcome Zeke" Iris responded in an unusually gleeful tone.

Rushing up some stairs to the elevated platform where the controls were he practically slapped his hand as hard as he could on the hand scanner.

Instantly he felt his vision blur as he stared at multiple screens of visions. In each one, different things were being displayed. One of the forests he arrived in. A different one looking at the sky. Some looked at the base he placed and more were resting in unfamiliar places. However, after taking some time he got used to the disorienting displaces of what he presumes are cameras. 

Opening his mouth he quickly shut it as a terrifying being revealed itself. flying far from the base a black silhouette filled the light blue sky. Soaring against the sky at speeds Zeke had never seen before. Zeke watched as the creature continued to fly around for a few minutes before stopping. Chills ran down his back as a voice filled his head.

"I FOunD yOU"