
PROLOGUE: Her Darkest Hour

The cold drips of water cascaded from her ash brown hair down to her barefoot feet as the shadow of darkness devoured the scintilla of light that is only left in that room. Only her sobs can be heard in that middle of the night. Her body is shivering. Her heart is slowly shattering, breaking into pieces.

Shame, fear, regret, loneliness and pain these are the words she only knew and can feel at her darkest hour.

Her heart's slowly sinking deep into the ocean of unknown. She felt like the world is upon her shoulder. All she could ever do was to fall on her knees and cried until her breath runs dry.

"Why?" she cried.

Minutes later, with her knees and face on the ground, she saw a silhouette of someone walking towards her. Her sobbing grew even louder and louder as she saw the man walking closer and closer to her.

"Forgive me. I don't deserve you," Ashriel cried out.

Then the man whispered something to her. Words she never imagined hearing of.

On that moment, Ashriel knew only one thing. Her life will never be the same again since that night.


Hello! I am Athena. Thank you for reading this novel! God bless you!

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