
A Mercenary In The End Times

One day, one seriously fucked up day. That's all it takes to break a man, but some men are made of sturdier stock. They won't break that easily, Markus is one of these men and this is his story GENERAL CONTENT WARNING! This story covers serious topics including but not limited to. Graphic depictions of violence, An exploration into the depravity of the unrestrained human psyche, Depression, and Strong language. If you are under the age of 18 or otherwise sensitive to any of the aforementioned topics, I must ask you to seek out another novel to read

The_Watchdog · Kỳ huyễn
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2 Chs

Like lambs to the slaughter...

As Markus stood still, holding his breath from sheer fright everyone around him began to panic. This panic was only compounded by the lights in the classroom flickering before the bulbs burst, scattering broken glass across the floor. The building was old and as such there weren't many windows to allow sunlight inside.

A growl comes from the hallway, followed by slow lumbering footsteps

In the dim light of the hallway, a repulsive creature emerged from the shadows. Its twisted, warty green skin was marred by oozing sores and covered in a foul layer of grime. Its beady yellow eyes gleamed with malevolence, and a twisted, toothy grin revealed jagged, yellowed teeth. A noxious stench wafted from its hunched form, as if it carried the very essence of decay. The which they recognized as a goblin's gnarled, filthy fingers ended in sharp, dirty claws, and its tattered, foul-smelling rags barely covered its grotesque, emaciated body. This loathsome creature exuded an aura of repugnance that made even the bravest among them shudder in disgust. In the goblin's grimy hand, a rusted dagger gleamed with neglect. Its blade, covered in patches of heavy corrosion, bore witness to countless acts of treachery. The hilt, wrapped in filthy cloth, provided a precarious grip for the wicked creature.

"Oh shit! What the fuck is that?!" One of the girls in the back shouts, spurring the goblin into action. With an ear-piercing screech it lunges at the professor, stumbling over a desk in its rabid pursuit. The professor screams as he lobs his cup of scalding hot coffee at the beast, but he sadly missed. The cup smashes harmlessly off to the side of the goblin as it leaps into the air and crashes down on the professor's chest, knocking him to the ground. Incessant cackling comes from the goblin as it begins to slash the man's face with its dagger, each swipe of the dull rusted blade opens a nasty jagged gash.

Screams filled with agony fill the classroom as the goblin changes its grip on the knife, beginning to plunge the blade into the man's side. Over and over again it stabs the professor in nonlethal areas until it grows bored some thirty seconds later. At that point it gives a final dismissive grunt before plunging the blade into the man's heart and giving it a twist as it retracts its weapon. 

The people in the class all let out a collective gasp of shock when the beast stabs once more and turns to look at them, clearly its bloodlust was not yet satiated.

Without time to waste Markus quickly skims through the text on the newest pane that had appeared in front of him

[New skill unlocked: Barked Order]

[Mana cost: 10]

[User shouts a single command that those within a 10 meter radius are compelled to follow]

[Effect lasts until the order is carried out to completion or targeted individuals expire]

Thinking quickly Markus looks around him, luckily the people nearby were sturdy enough to do the job.

[Activate skill: Barked Order]

"Surround it, knock it to the ground, hold it down and beat it's sorry ass until it stops breathing!" Markus shouts out in a loud authoritative voice uncharacteristic for the young man. As soon as the words left his mouth, five of the students closest to the beast sprang into action. The man with the axe was first, barreling towards it like a freight train and slamming his boot into the goblin's ugly mug

Brackish and lumpy purple blood oozes out of the creature's now broken nose, two others surround it one a woman with a muscular build and tanned skin takes hold of its legs the other one a man with an ordinary build and pale skin wretches the dagger out of its hand before holding down the goblin's arms. Raising his axe above his head Zeke slams it down on the goblin's chest, cleaving a deep and bloody wound into the greenskin exposing its now cracked ribcage. 

The wretched goblin starts to writhe and squeal pathetically as the final two people begin stomping on its head and chest, all the while the axe man keeps hacking away at the beast's joints and other weak points along its body. All in all the fight, if you could even call it that, took only 45 seconds before that goblin breathed his last ragged wheezing breath. Another of those glassy panes appears in front of Markus' face.

[Congratulations on vanquishing your first monster User, as you have just witnessed all achievements accomplished by your subordinates are conferred onto you. As such you can reap all the benefit of your company's hard work, but be warned even the most experienced of captains are useless without the company of hardy swordsmen]

'Oh great, now I have to deal with more people. Fuck this and fuck whoever is orchestrating this fucked up game' Markus thinks to himself before steeling his resolve. Giving a small smirk Markus walks over to Zeke and pats him on the shoulder. "That was some mighty fine work you did there, what do you say we team up? All I know is some whack ass shit is going on and we'd do better together than apart." 

Zeke looks up from the mangled corpse with a confused look on his face, the hand grasping the axe shivering like a soldier with shellshock. "I-I... W-what just happened?! O-One second that that thing burst in the room and now I'm on top of it!" The man was positively freaking out, and his panic was quickly starting to spread to Markus. Markus sets his hand on Zeke's shoulder "Just calm down man, I'm sure it's just the adrenaline wearing off. Let's get you sat down" Markus was familiar with the steps of guiding someone through a panic attack, having done it many times before.

It took a good five minutes to calm the man down, and a further twenty to soothe his nerves and assure him he in fact wasn't a murderer since he did what needed to be done to ensure the safety of their class. From the hallway they can hear a multitude of screams, slashing blades, and breaking glass. People dying like lambs to the slaughter.

Sorry for the delay, I've been very busy lately

Have some ideas about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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