
The transformation


Just severe pain.

I could still feel the huge incisions in my teeth.

He had left me there.

To suffer.

I don't remember exactly what it was, I just knew it jumped on me and bit me.


If he was hungry, he would finish me off.

Instead he had abandoned me to that terrible agony.

I screamed.

At least I would be dead.

And the pain would be over.

But nothing.

I kept screaming, and inside, I prayed that the agony would end.


He didn't stop.

Time passed, which could be seconds, like minutes or hours.

But the pain did not end.

No animal approached.

I was alone.

Suddenly it became night.

And I felt the pain subside.

I didn't move.

I prayed again that I was dead.

So the pain would never come again.

Days passed.

But no one passed through there.

I stood still.

Sure, if I moved, the pain would come back.

One evening, in the throes of hunger, I felt my body stiffen.

It seemed that even without my will, he could get up.

And, in fact, I found myself on my feet.

But it was a moment.

I fell to my knees in terrible pain.

And then.

I felt my body stretch.

I shouted.

I could only imagine what was about to happen.

But every conclusion was either wrong or insane to me.

Suddenly, my arms and legs began to reach out.

My cry gradually became a howl.

And then, I completely stopped rebelling against fate ...

It was still night when the transformation ended.

I remained perfectly still.

Then, it started raining.

I was hiding under a fairly large oak tree.

The downpour ended.

Then, with a few light steps on my new paws, I approached a nearby pool.

I was stunned.

I was not the kind of wolf I had imagined, black, with shaggy fur and red eyes, on the contrary.

My coat was a chocolate color and my eyes were the usual light green.

I got distracted so quickly.

I didn't notice quickly enough of that other wolf, who jumped on me.

And in a moment everything was dark ...