
A Mechanic in Doomsday

A deadly virus was released upon the world, bringing with it the apocalypse. Vast forests, mutant animals, zombies, and people with extraordinary powers. A new era of chaos. One day, Jiang Liushi woke up with a strange entity in his mind called Starseed. A dark technology that gives him the ability to excel in this new world. His most important function? Assembly and mechanical optimization! Using the Starseed to travel the world with an Adaptive Mobile Fortress (AMF) and creating incredible technologies, Jiang will survive the end of times! *NOTE: This is just a fanfic, a story with modifications. All rights belong to the original author.*

StrongerBrother · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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15 Chs

Chapter 14: Expanding Control

After Jiang requested an analysis of the materials found in the workshop, it didn't take long for Starseed to respond.

[Material analysis completed.]

"Star, I want you to develop weapon models that we can build with these materials," Jiang instructed.

The space was filled with typical mechanical workshop equipment—wrenches, pliers, welders, screws—along with various gas cylinders. Normally used for repairs, but with Starseed, Liushi could use them to create equipment.

Starseed processed the request and promptly presented its suggestions.

[Possible weapon models with available materials:]

1. Portable flamethrower.

2. Screw launcher.

3. Combat axes.

4. Defensive shield


Jiang pondered the options presented by Starseed. The flamethrower would certainly be a great tool with extensive damage, however, the consumption would surely be equally large. Moreover, it would be somewhat inefficient for long-range damage.

The screw launcher is also a great choice; the damage caused by the impact of a screw propelled by the pressure of a gas cylinder would be substantial. In addition, it could be used at greater distances, unlike the flamethrower.

"Star, are the materials sufficient to build both the flamethrower and the screw launcher?" he asked.

[Affirmative.] Starseed responded immediately.

"Great. Then, we'll make both." Liushi declared.

[Understood, host. However, considering the evolutionary skill awakened by the host, I theorize that your power can exponentially increase Starseed's construction capability. Would you like to try?]

"What should I do?" Liushi asked curiously. He thought Starseed would use the integrated workshop with AMF to build the weapons, just as it had done with the exoskeleton, but since Starseed says he could use his powers to construct the equipment, that's great.

[I will integrate my creation capabilities with your ability, so you will be able to visualize the construction plans. I will guide you on how to use your ability.] Starseed explained the process.

"Alright." Liushi nodded.

Then, Liushi closed his eyes while projections formed in his mind, showing the structure of the equipment he would create. Extending his hands, almost instinctively, electric arcs jumped from his hands and connected to the materials on the table.

As Liushi focused, the electric arcs began to emerge smoothly from his palms. The dark workshop was illuminated by a dance of sparks that intertwined with the metals and components scattered on the worktable. Each spark seemed alive, with an energy of its own, as it infiltrated the structure of the tools and materials.

The gas cylinders, screws, and metal sheets began to vibrate lightly, under the command of Liushi, guided by the mental projections provided by Starseed, the materials aligned and molded. The screws moved with millimetric precision, screwing in and securing themselves at predetermined locations, forming the skeleton of what would be the screw launcher.

Simultaneously, the gas cylinders were reconfigured, their valves and piping being rearranged to compose the main structure of the flamethrower. The metal sheets, precisely cut by the electric arcs, formed the protective casing around the cylinders, ensuring that handling the device would be safe and effective.

As the process advanced, the air around Jiang buzzed with the energy of the electric arcs, creating a spectacle of light. The final arc, charged with greater intensity, sealed the final connections of the devices, ensuring that each component was firmly integrated and functioned as an extension of Liushi himself.

Once the work was completed, the new equipment rested on the table, now completely transformed. The screw launcher displayed a robust and functional finish, while the flamethrower boasted a wild design. Liushi, with a sigh of satisfaction and exhaustion, stepped back to admire the result of his creation.

"That was amazing..." he sighed excitedly. A smile rising on his face, the feeling of being able to control and shape mechanical structures was incredible, but he also felt as if his energy was like a battery.

He used his energy to shape the materials, and depending on their complexity, the energy expenditure could be greater or smaller. But just by breathing, he could already feel his energy recovering.

Holding the screw launcher in his hands, he examined its design more closely. While Starseed showed the technical information of the weapon in his mind.

[Screw Launcher:]

-Model Name: Improvised Bolt Driver

-Ejection Speed: Up to 80 meters per second

-Impact Force: Approximately 80 joules per screw

-Magazine Capacity: 15 screws

-Effective Range: 50 meters

After checking the screw launcher, Jiang picked up the portable flamethrower. It was a more rudimentary device than commercial versions, but it should be sufficient for immediate needs.

[Portable Flamethrower:]

-Model Name: Basic Flame Unit

-Flame Range

: Up to 5 meters

-Tank Capacity: 3 liters of fuel

-Fuel Type: Diluted gasoline


"Perfect." Liushi smiled satisfied. The screw launcher had less power than a firearm, but by itself was efficient for dealing with zombies and even people. The flamethrower, on the other hand, could be used to deal with multiple nearby targets, its flammable power would be very large.

After finishing checking his new equipment, Xiaotian's voice sounded from inside the minibus. "Brother Jiang! The food is ready."

Xiaotian said she would prepare the food, after he said he would check the workshop and see if he found anything useful.

Picking up his weapons, he opened the door and entered the minibus.

As soon as he entered, Xiaotian was setting the food on the table. She looked up with a smile. "I used to cook for my sister, so I made some things, I hope you like them, Brother Jiang."

"What are those things?" she asked curiously, seeing the appearance of the weapons in Liushi's hands.

"They are... some equipment that I built with some tools I found." Liushi explained vaguely, as he stored the weapons.

"You really are good at building things, Brother Jiang." Xiaotian exclaimed surprised, knowing that he built those tools in the short time he was out of the minibus.

"I just have some skills. Let's eat, I'm starving." Liushi laughed, dodging the topic, as his stomach growled with the smell of the food.

Dear readers, I would be very grateful if you would give reviews for this story. Just to let me know if you're enjoying it, it would make me happy and it would make me want to keep writing. They can give ideas or suggestions.

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