
A Master, 5 Students, and Revenge

A Master, 5 Students, and Revenge Revenge is what the Master needs to attain. He took them in, gave his all in training them, but all were utter disappointments. They were a waste of resources and precious time. But, out of the blue, beneficiaries he held dear reached out, he agreed to shelter their child as they moved their settlement to the Royal Capital. 'Him,' he decided, 'he will have to be my saving grace.' He would place all his efforts on him and have him be the one to achieve his lifelong wish. However... would it all work out as he intended, even after all his previous failures? The most glaring fact was that the lad had no combat experience to speak of. No drive to gain what many would kill to learn. His most threatening aspect could be the constant improvement of his toothy attitude. Gin, the sorry sod, has no idea of his oncoming turmoils. ---- @2020 Red Nuru. All rights reserved. This story is also uploaded on Wattpad and Royal Road.

RedNuru · Kỳ huyễn
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44 Chs

6 - °'Feel' the Divinity°

Gin followed Spear lifelessly towards his new room. The young man had returned to the Dining Hall to chase away the other 4 with his Master's curses booming across the estate. When he was done, he had Gin follow him to head back to his room to clean up and have his much needed rest as dinner was prepared.

Gin didn't feel like chatting or even energized enough to be pleasant. The man before him was probably like the fools he had had the displeasure of meeting. He too had to avenge his Master, but Gin was sure he hid behind the noble pretenses of, 'protecting my Master' or 'staying loyally by my Master's side', to run away from his responsibility. If Spear had turned around, he would have met with a withering look from Gin.

Gin missed his simple life right then and there. If anything, he was rather regretful for not insisting to go with his parents to Janln City. He should have listened to his hesitant instincts when his parents came with the news of the shift. He would have probably been better off staying over and managing the farm for his father; he was very capable and his parents knew it. However, his father had decided to place Jani, his second hand, as the supervisor, so he wasn't needed. Also, his mother had told him he would achieve more in the Royal Capital and could make vast connections for any of his future ventures.

What future ventures... Gin stopped and looked out at a slightly open screen that embraced a scene of a small part of the beautiful garden at the south of the Distant Jade. He had never seen it fully, but since he had sold his soul to a demon disguised as an old man, he knew he would eventually see it in its splendor. He only hoped he would be in the right frame of mind by then to enjoy it. Sighing, he lowered his head and continued to follow Spear, who went on talking, seeming to not have noticed his minute absence.

Currently, they were in a hallway with various screen doors acting as a wall, and not a simple entrance, between the inside and the outside where the gardens were. Spear had taken him on a small detour to make his guidance practical.

"Gin, the set-up of the estate is rather simple. Its color coordinated making it easy for you to remember where you are or where you want to go. The deep maroon represents our sleeping quarters, light blue for the servants sleeping quarters, cream for the kitchens, jade for the living area, dining area, and reception hall, and light brown screens for the corridors leading to the training rooms. The second floor is the Master's area, and the third his library, if you are ever interested in knowing more about the Divine Art and numerous other things." Spear spoke smoothly.

If it were any other day, at any other place and time, the word 'library' would have had his ears perked up. But that day wasn't it, it would never be! "Yes, senior," Gin replied dryly.

Spear smiled with a slight turn of his head to look at him, "You don't have to be so down."

"Easy for you to say," Gin mumbled, looking out the open screens again as he dragged his body forward.

"Do you know the one that maintains this large estate and creates its systems?" Spear asked suddenly. He was not at all affected by Gin's downward mood.

"You," Gin answered plainly.

Spear stopped and turned abruptly to face Gin and asked in shock, "How did you know?"

Snorting, Gin shrugged and replied without wasting a second, "With your level of shamelessness, it's only obvious that you would be the one to handle the money."

A burst of laughter behind him had Gin jumping in fright. It was his turn to spin around and stare at Lock in surprise.

"You are quite right about his shamelessness," Lock said with a smile.

"How long have you been there?!" Gin demanded clutching his chest.

"Hm? Quite a while now. Did you not know?" Lock asked with a frown.

"No!" Gin looked baffled. He wondered what she meant by 'know' since he hadn't even seen her in his periphery view, and it wasn't because he had bad eyesight.

Lock looked at Spear with a questioning look. Spear could only shrug in response.

"What? Is there something wrong?" Gin asked, not missing their exchange.

"No, nothing," Lock answered with a smile. "I guess you are too preoccupied with what has happened for you to pay attention to anything else."

"Well, come along! We don't have all day, and Gin must be tired." Spear started moving again.

Gin could only continue to follow reluctantly, Lock sticking by his side. As if remembering the fright, Gin shook his head and body to rid himself of the shock. Lock was right, his mind was fully occupied. However, he had to set his goals on removing, or pushing, the block planted before the route of him being able to follow his own will. Somehow.

"You are right, young Gin," Spear started with a cheery tone, taking Gin out of his rattled state. "I'm the one that maintains the Distant Jade. From food purchase to renovations, all things done with quality in mind, but, most importantly, cheap!"

Father? Gin tilted his head as he looked at Spear, a mirage of his father quickly overlapping that of the young man. His back reminded him of the time his father had taught him about the family business at the tender age of 3; suckling of thumbs and all. Taking him to see the farm every day, demonstrating to him the use of various tools, learning how to count the number of livestock the family had, and so forth. His father hadn't wanted to hire more people and decided that Gin was already at the age of contributing to the business. What are the odds...

"If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask me, but if it's to buy you something, then you can keep that request." Spear smiled like a true host as he stood in front of Gin's door.

Lock shook her head and looked down to see Gin's reaction. To her surprise, he didn't look moved in the least bit. He was somber than anyone she had ever seen facing Spear for the first time.

"I figured as much. Anyways, good evening to you all," Gin said, heading for the door.

"For convenience, your dinner will be brought to you. You can place the dishes outside when you are done." Spear waved his hand.

Gin returned the gesture awkwardly, "Sure, thanks." He had no idea why Spear did it at such a time, but he felt he should reciprocate the gesture. Maybe it meant something important in the Language of the Dishonorable. Gin hoped it meant, 'we will help you escape, do count on us, young Gin', but he doubted it.

Spear paused while looking at Gin, a flash of doubt passed his face before his 'dependable host' expression came back. Gin gave him a questioning look but got nothing in response. He turned to Lock only to see she had already moved away from them, heading in the direction they came from. Spear then turned to follow her, their retreat silent on the wooden floor. Gin, as well, turned away from the two and entered his room, throwing his inquiries to the wind.

"What are your thoughts?" Spear asked Lock as they left the sleeping quarters.

"He doesn't feel nor see it. I'm not sure, but I'm glad none of us had taken him," Lock answered with a serious furrow on her brow.

Spear gave a sharp but short laugh in ridicule, "If you think any of you would have just taken him, you're very mistaken. But... It is truly a wonder, being unable to feel and see the Divine Art. Considering it's almost a sixth sense everyone would have when the Divine Art is used so simply... I believe Master should have more knowledge about this."

It Monday again ;) Hope y'all good and keeping safe \(*.*)/

RedNurucreators' thoughts