
A Mark at First Bite

“I am Celeste Luna, the illegitimate daughter of the clan’s Luna.” I barked bitterly, landing gracefully on the ground. “I highly doubt that I am your mate. I am just a nobody. The only way out is a mark from my mate. Thanks for ruining my time off. Go find your real mate.” Walking away from him, he was my mate but he deserved better. Running into the kitchen, my shaking fingers spun my hair up into a bun. Tying an apron around my waist, I set out silver platters. Applying foundation on my face, the red lipstick glided over my lips. Shaking out my nerves, my bloody worn white flats clicked out of the kitchen with a tray of the first appetizers. My breath hitched at the sight of the done up reception hall in the main log cabin of our village, Genovi eyes met mine, confusion twisting his face.

Yvette_Francaise · Kỳ huyễn
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52 Chs

Chapter Twenty-Two: The Cave of it All


The icy morning air lashed at my cheeks, her real smile flashing back at me. Her black leggings cupped her ass so well, it took everything not to slap away. Her black tank top floated away from her, the red water bottle swinging in her hand. Holding the fifty pound bag on my back barely felt like anything, her small overnight back dangling from my shoulder. Spinning around, she looked so free. Childlike wonder twinkled in her eyes, this was the break that she needed. The image of my old man and her getting along flashed in my head, and how she basically cured him in a single day. She was a miracle worker, my old man not that different from me. For months after the Tammy incident, I hid much like he would have. Resting on a rock, she reached out for me. A gentle breeze blew my black sweat pants around, her fingers gripping my black hoodie.

"Thank you for camping with me this weekend." She sang happily, wrapping her arms around my neck. "You are the love of my life, Novi. For a couple of days, it will be just the two of us. Soon enough our family will grow to four family members. I am so excited to be having these puppies." Pressing my lips against hers sensually, our tongues danced in each other's mouth. Feeling her body up against mine, my inner wolf begged for me to take her. Her hand slid down to my stiff cock, her dainty hands stroking it with a devilish grin on her perfect face. Getting down on her knees, her fingers danced along the waistband of my sweatpants. Using her teeth to pull down my pants, her palm cupped my balls. Wrapping her sweet lips around my thick girth, moans of euphoria flooded from my lips with each hearty suck. Flicking her tongue underneath the sweet spot, my whole body twitched.

"Celly, if you don't stop I am going to cum." I groaned gruffly, my hand grabbing her head. Winking up at me, she refused to stop. Going faster, her fangs brushed the side of my thick girth.

"That's the goal, Novi." She teased playfully, stroking me. "You really are a big boy. I figured this should cheer you up a bit." Before I could protest, her sweet lips wrapped around me. Taking it all in, a shiver of pleasure shot up my spine. I wasn't going to last much longer if she kept this up, her tongue swirling around the top as she stroked where she wasn't sucking. Unable to hold it anymore, my hot seed slid down her throat. Helping her up, she licked her lips.

"You taste so good." She beamed proudly, my trembling hands pulling my pants back up. "Now let's get to the cave before nightfall. More is in store up there." Stunned, her surprise made my inner wolf yip with joy for the first time in a couple days. Following her up to the mountain, she waited until I was at the mouth of the cave. Pulling her up, she stumbled back into my arms. A fit of laughter burst from our lips, storm clouds gathering outside. Rushing into the cave, a tuft of her white fur still sat on the cold ground. Smiling to herself, the fur shimmered in the flames of the fire that I started. Dropping the bag from my back to the hard rock, she leapt into my arms. Snuggling into my chest, her love was just what I needed right now.

"Can I ask you something?" I queried curiously, watching take a step back to set up the king cot that I had brought. "How did you know how to handle my father?" The distant look in her eyes frightened me, her shaking hands playing with the hem of her tank top. Motioning for me to sit down next to the cot, I was not prepared to hear what she said next.

"I used to hold secret funerals when my tyrant family would just kill clan members for no reason." She explained numbly, staring into the rain. "They would just toss them in the ditch. So after they all went to bed I would get the family together and go deep into the woods to bury their loved ones. I would say the prayers, and embrace each family member. I did have a small group of followers, but I told them to be mean to me so they didn't get in trouble." Tears streamed from her eyes, my hand wrapping around hers. Was her whole life tainted by death?

"I am sure they all loved you for that." I replied weakly, not knowing what to say. "I wish I was there to help you. Thanks for taking care of my old man. He would have been lost without guidance." Poking the fire with a stick, the silence only being broken by the crackling of the fire. Chuckling to herself, she shook her head.

"Thanks. I also did all of the books, and managed the operations." She informed me calmly, tossing another piece of wood into the fire. "My favorite days when I went hunting by myself. I was in charge of getting the meat as well. The woods became my second home. Nature doesn't judge you, just watches. It was nice to just be alone. Sounds sad, I know. That all changed once I met you." Clutching her close to my chest, her fingers grabbed my sweatshirt. Underneath the calm, a wild storm brewed.

"You don't have to pretend to be okay." I chuckled softly, petting the top of her head. "We are all here for you." Leaping from my arms, she shifted through her overnight bag. Pulling out a four pack of sausage, roasting sticks shimmered in the flames. Sticking a sausage on the end for me, her delicate hand passed me the stick. Saying nothing, the birds sang happily. A small black bird danced in front of us, her smile falling. Knocking me to the cave floor, a wave of black energy flying over us. The fire flickered out, her dragging me down the mountain. Rocks tumbled past us, several hunters chasing after us. Digging around her boots, several knives sat in between her fingers. Flicking her wrists, a knife landed in the tallest one's neck. Dropping to the ground, she pinned me behind a rock.

"We need to lose them. How well do you know your woods?" She inquired seriously, glancing behind her. "This is going to be a cold night, as if this damn rain is going to help us. After we kill them all, we will go back to our cave." Horror widened our eyes, cold sweat dripping off of her brow. A cold muzzle dug into the back of her head, the heel of her foot slamming into his arm. The crack of his arm breaking the still air, the gun dropping into her hands. Pressing it into his forehead, the bullet smashed through his forehead. The hunter dropped to the ground, my fingers wiping the blood off of my face. Fear paralyzed me, my mind wondering who the hell I married. Stealing the trap wire from the dead hunter, she darted through the sea of trees. Wrapping the wires around the trees, a mixture of horror and confusion twisted my face. Pointing to the tree, we both climbed up. Loosening the wire for just a moment. All but the head hunter came in, her slender hand yanking on the wire. Vomit threatened to come back up, their bodies collapsing into a pile of blood and guts. A man with gray slicked back hair looked up at us, his blue eyes twinkling with joy.

"Hello Mrs. Celeste, are you going to come with us freely, or are we going to do this the hard way?" He taunted cruelly, aiming his gun at us. "I will admit you are rather clever. Oh forgive me, I forgot my manners. I am Jasper Hellsing, an expert monster hunter. We need to wake up the three immortal beings and you are in the way. Point is, I need your life sweetheart." Heavy raindrops dripped down his black armor, his cocky grin pissing me off.

"Why would I come with you voluntarily? You realize that I can outwit you all day long." She retorted sarcastically, rage burning on his cheeks. "You are a simple human, and I can outrun you any day. Hit me with all you have." Cold sweat drenched my skin, his finger pulling the trigger. Cutting the wire, the wire cut all of his bullets in half.

"Where the hell did you learn all of that!" I demanded with disbelief ripe in my voice. "You aren't an assassin, right?" Laughing to herself, this was not funny for me. Her lips parted in protest, inky blackness dying his eyes. A steady stream of curse words flooded from her lips, panic all over her face.

"We have a problem, he's a vampire." She explained urgently, looking up at the moon. "We need to survive the night, and hope the sun cooks him." Rolling my eyes, of course she didn't have a plan. A growl rumbled in my throat, another bullet whizzing by our heads. Grabbing her by the shoulders, a million thoughts were running through her head.

"How come you don't ever have a plan?" I snapped hotly, her necklace glowing. The branches creaked behind us, Benji and Amelia shooting daggers at us. This was strange behavior for Amelia, tension tightening her face. The hem of her black leather skirt fluttered, her red blouse dancing in the breeze. Benji dusted off his black long sleeve shirt and black pants.

"Why are you after our mark?" He growled through gritted teeth, Amelia snarling down at Jasper. "We were supposed to take care of it so you are safe. What are you doing in the woods anyways? Won't Susie yell at you until her face turns blue?" Tears welled up in our eyes, both of us not saying anything at first.

"She died of cancer." Celly blurted out, dodging Jasper's attacks. "So she can't even if she wanted to. We came out here to camp to get away for just a hot minute, and I guess your friend found me. Also could you not be a dick for ten seconds! I know that you are a fucking heathen, but simmer your ass down!" Benji's face reddened with rage, his fists clenching. Nails grew from his fingers, blood dripping onto the branch underneath him.

"Who goes camping!" He roared back at me, a veil of her magical energy blocking us from his attacks. "One of these days you are going to get killed!" Grabbing her shoulder, she slapped my hand away. Her fangs grew over her lips, her emotional limit met. Throwing a pine cone at his head, he caught it mid-throw.

"Werewolves go camping because nature is our real home, jerk!" She screamed hotly, her voice cracking. "I just lost one of the most important people in my life, and you don't have the heart to care. I know your blood is cold, but that doesn't mean you have to be can icy bastard. I have seen icicles warmer than you." Where did my caring Celly go? The two of them went at it, a black ball of black energy flying towards us. My inner wolf whined with annoyance, the noise getting to be too much.

"Shut the fuck up!" I shouted over the chaos, everyone towards me with daggers shooting from their eyes. "There is a big ball of energy heading our way, and you idiots are going to get us killed." Rolling her eyes, Golden energy swirled around her arms, blood pouring from her nose. Aiming towards the black ball of energy, the force of them clashing knocking us off of our branches. Branches smashed into our bodies, my fingers grasping the large branch five feet off of the ground. Catching her, Benji caught Amelia. Setting them down gently, Jasper charged at us. Kicking up a cloud of dirt, Gregory and Declanos smashing into him. Bones cracked next to me, her white wolf exploding from the cloud of dirt. A snarl curled on her snout, drool dripping from her lips. Launching into the air, Jasper spun a silver blade in his palm. A loud whine echoed in the air, the knife quivering in her leg. His arm hung from her teeth, blood dying her fur black.

"Celly, come back." I called out desperately, black blood soaking her fur. "Don't move so much, or the silver will spread." It was too late, a mangled Jasper hung in her mouth. His arm scraped the ground, blood spurting from his throat. Dropping him to the ground, she limped into the trees. Chasing after her proved fruitless, her paw prints getting less graceful. All of us stopped, a broken Celly laying on the ground. Her fur danced in the breeze, a wheezing whine alarming us. Relief washed over me, Declanos jamming the needle into her leg. Tears streamed down my cheeks, her body covered in bite marks and scratches. Tossing her over my shoulders, the puppies kicking with distress.

"I need you to get our things from the cave." I ordered sharply, running back home. "Can you call my father to meet me when he can? Right now, I have to get her home to get her cleaned up. Thank you for the cure. Also you are welcome to come back with me when everything is done. Thanks again." Trees flashed by me, her matted fur soaking my neck. Leaping over the wall, my people watched as my boots pounded up to the bathroom. The silver poisoning was dealt with, she wasn't in the clear. Rummaging through the cabinet, my quaking hands wrapped around the herbs she used before. Scanning my mother's notes, her body returned to normal. Horror widened my eyes, the scratches and bite marks covering her skin. Setting her down in the tub, Tammy rushed in next to me. My quaking body didn't allow me to grind the herbs properly, every single emotion driving me insane. Shoving me to the side, she measured out the proper amount of herbs. Whipping her head towards me, a snarl curled on her lips.

"Get the water going, idiot!" She barked angrily, grinding the herbs to dust. "Hold her head above the water." Not needing to be told twice, panic gripped my mind as I turned the water on. Holding her above the water, Tammy tossed the herbs into the warm water. Both of us watched in wonder, a bright light blinding the two of us. The light died down, all of her wounds were sealed shut. The scars would remain, her eyes fluttering open.

"Holy shit!" She cried out hoarsely, grasping the sides of the tub. "What happened? I don't remember changing. Something was wrong when I changed. I lost control, and then the first werewolf started howling in my ears. After that he showed me images of dead werewolves, the blood pooled underneath me. It was so scary, then your mother emerged from the flood of blood. She blamed me for not helping her live, but what can I do?" Burying her face into her palms, sobs wracked her body. Tammy scurried out leaving just us, my heart breaking at the sight of her breaking down. Scooping her up in a dry towel, her fingers gripped my sweatshirt. Tears flooded from her eyes, this probably being the first time she actually cried for herself. Drying her off, a long sigh poured from her lips as I laid her down in bed.

"You are just finally crying." I comforted her gently, my hands cupping hers. "It is okay to not be okay." Clutching her close to my chest, hearty sobs shuddered her body. Everything exploded, a shrill wail shattering the still air.

"I am so sorry." She wept softly, her fingers gripping my sweatshirt. "I should be taking care of you. I have to st-" Pressing my lips against hers sweetly, she melted into my arms. Shaking my head, she seemed so small right now.

"You can cry. I don't even think you have had time to cry. So hide for as long as you want, and I will feed you periodically." I promised her tiredly, my vision blurring. "I promise to protect you. What is your first wish?" Turning to leave to get her some dinner, her hand wrapping around my arm.

"Can you stay with me? I feel so cold." She whispered in a defeated tone, goosebumps popping up on her skin. Peeling off my clothes, I crawled in next to her. Wrapping my arms around her bump, she refused to look at me. Shame dimmed her eyes, my arms attempting to turn her towards me.

"Please look at me. I want to see your beautiful face." I pleaded softly, her flipping over in defeat. Tucking a loose piece of hair behind her ear, she looked like a small child ready to crawl back into her shell. Saying nothing, gentle snores told me that she was sleeping. Choosing to stay awake, her head snuggled into my chest. Celly, I promise to protect you.