
A Mark at First Bite

“I am Celeste Luna, the illegitimate daughter of the clan’s Luna.” I barked bitterly, landing gracefully on the ground. “I highly doubt that I am your mate. I am just a nobody. The only way out is a mark from my mate. Thanks for ruining my time off. Go find your real mate.” Walking away from him, he was my mate but he deserved better. Running into the kitchen, my shaking fingers spun my hair up into a bun. Tying an apron around my waist, I set out silver platters. Applying foundation on my face, the red lipstick glided over my lips. Shaking out my nerves, my bloody worn white flats clicked out of the kitchen with a tray of the first appetizers. My breath hitched at the sight of the done up reception hall in the main log cabin of our village, Genovi eyes met mine, confusion twisting his face.

Yvette_Francaise · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
52 Chs

Chapter Twenty-Five: An Old Bullet Comes Back to Bite


Amy danced around me, her robes creating a gentle breeze. Her messy hair bothered me, the only hair brush I found was barely making a dent. Shock widened my eyes, the hair brush snapping in half. Scarlet burned her cheeks, a sense of guilt gnawing at me. She already felt ugly, the hair brush breaking wasn't helping her self image. Snapping my finger, a golden energy floated around her hair. How could I protect a child from the harshness of the world when the harshness of the world kept trying to kill me. So many enemies were chasing after me, my past constantly catching up. The never ending barrage of enemies chastised me, the ability to relax now null and void. Losing myself in my thoughts, her cry of childlike wonder snapped me out of my trance. The snarls worked themselves out, half of her hair literally dead ends. Spinning a pair of scissors in my palm, Novi rolled his eyes as I cut off all of her dead ends. The cut was rough, but it was nothing that Rose couldn't repair. Her brown hair bounced up around her shoulder, spinning her chair around to an excited grin. Wiping off the months of dirt, tears of rage seethed in golden eyes. Dark bruises and cuts covered her skin, my claws digging into my palms. Taking a deep breath, we already killed her abusers. Clearing my throat, Novi watched with concern. Running his hands through his hair, my blood dripping onto the floor. Harming myself wouldn't do, worry plaguing her sweet smile.

"I want to tell you that if you have any nightmares that I will always be there to help you out." I promised warmly, taking her trembling hands. "I can be your rock. I could heal the cuts, but that is about it. Can I have you take a placement test sometime soon? No rush! I promise that it won't be hard. I just want to place you in the right grade or figure what grade to start teaching you. I feel like you are quite clever." A lump formed in her throat, her untrimmed nails digging at the top of her hands. Cupping her hands, instant regret dimmed my eyes. Sighing deeply, this would be unfair. Teardrops crashed onto the top of my hands, Novi wiping away her tears. Rose burned her cheeks, Novi ruffling the top of her head.

"How about we start you in school next year? We can catch you up and get you used to people." Novi suggested calmly, shrugging his shoulders. "I am sure Celly can work with you. How about we get out of here and give you some of the best food I know? Perhaps some clothes for you. Robes don't usually vibe with the outside world." My heart fluttered at how attentive he was already being, his hand hovering in her face. Accepting it cautiously, Rubiana and Gregory walked into view. The two of them pecked each other on their lips, Novi and I watched with wicked grins. Catching us smiling wickedly, Benji grumbled bitterly behind them. Of course, Mr. Broody had a million things to say. His attitude left many things to be desired, my fingers scratching at my neck. Narrowing his red eyes in my direction, the hatred brewed between us.

"Are we parting ways?" Gregory asked tiredly, noting the car keys in Novi's hands. "I wish you the best. Come along Benji, Amelia will rip out my throat if I don't return you soon." Brushing past us, they all climbed up the ladder. Placing her on his back, jealousy flashed in my eyes. Folding up my spells, the strap of my bra smacked me as I tucked them underneath. Novi glanced back at me lovingly, he stuck out his tongue. Shaking off the jealousy, my feet refused to move. Knock it off, I yelled at myself. Scratching my neck once more, this all felt wrong. Unease settled down in my stomach, the rock only growing bigger.

"You coming, Celly?" He teased lightly, cocking his brow. "Don't tell me that you are jealous of a little girl." Gritting my teeth, his free arm clutching me close to his chest. Scarlet burned my cheeks, his lips brushing mine lustfully. My breath hitched, his cocky grin frustrated me. His eyes twinkled at the slight power play, Amy's nose scrunching up in disgust. A devious grin danced across my lips, sarcastic words sitting on the tip of my tongue. A nervous grin met mine, his eyebrow twitching.

"I am not jealous of a little girl." I snapped hotly, cupping his balls. "Keep it up, and you won't get dessert later." Grinning evilly down at me, the battle of wits began. Squirming out of his arm, our attention turned to the ladder. The metallic rungs clanged with each step, the bright morning sun blinding me. Hopping off of his back, she danced around. Wrapping his arms around my waist, the sun bathed his handsome face. My heart skipped a beat, his very touch sending my nerves into a frenzy. Running his hand up my thigh, Amy called me over. Bursting from his grasp, a low growl rumbled in his throat. Helping her into the back of her car, she clicked her seat belt. Hopping into the passenger seat, my arms folded across my chest. Saying nothing to each other, the tension cut the air. Curse my irritability right now. Sighing deeply to myself, the engine roared to life. The tires squealed as he drove back towards home. Awkward silence hung in the air, none of us knowing what to say to each other.

"Perhaps we can stop at Rose's salon, and get some clothes for her." I suggested softly, a tender blush rose to her cheeks. "One more thing. I love you, Novi." Wrapping my hands around his, we must have looked like hell. Dried blood covered my arms, the trees flashing by my window. Sinking deeper into my thoughts, every negative idea crashing the party in my head. The brakes screamed to a halt in front of Rose's salon, her head poking out. A vibrant smile lit up her perfect face only for it to fall at the sight of us. Smoothing out her purple sweater dress, she shoved us all in. Flipping over her open sign, she pulled down the blinds.

"Go take a shower." She ordered sharply, her tired expression saying it all. "I will take care of her. Whoever gave her a haircut did awful." Bowing my head in shame, Novi guided me up to Rose's apartment. A deep breath exhaled from my lips, followed by a sharp hiss. Pink and purple had been thrown up everywhere, the white furniture was the only thing breaking it apart. Clearly having been here before, my eyes fell on an old photo of them holding each other when they were both thirteen. Don't be jealous, I yelled at myself. His arm wrapping around my waist, his lips kissing the top of my head. Act like a lady, not a monster.

"Did you have a type? Should I dye my hair?" I joked playfully, smacking him in the back of the head. "Was she your first lover?" Cocking his head, he tossed me over his shoulder. Wicked laughter burst from his lips, the way his eyes refused to meet mine telling me all that I needed to know. Rolling his eyes, he sat me down gently on the toilet. Cupping my face, his face was inches from mine. Embarrassment burned his cheeks, a curious grin illuminating his face.

"We were only friends. I never really loved anybody until I met you. Why are you so jealous all of a sudden? That is the alpha's job." He promised sweetly, my hands cupping his. "It must be near the next full moon. Your wolf is only going to get more possessive if you keep this up. Tell her to calm down please." Narrowing my eyes, he ruffled the top of my head. Peeling off my clothes, his own crashed down next to mine in a pile. Scarlet burned my cheeks, his sweaty muscles glistening. A lump formed in my throat, my inner wolf screamed for me to take him now.

"I thought you liked my defiant attitude." I retorted sarcastically, looking around the pink bathroom. "I think someone likes pink a bit too much." A fit of laughter burst from our lips, my body melting into his strong arms. Lifting up my chin with his fingers, his cross earring danced in the yellow light of the bathroom. My eyebrows raised in response, his kissable lips just begging for mine.

"You certainly are a firecracker. Maybe sometimes I like to light your fuse." He groaned gruffly, pressing his lips into mine hungrily. "Besides, who else would be my little bookworm? I did come upon you reading a book. Maybe you will write one about us. I can be the hot alpha that makes the lead character swoon." Cocking my brow once more, a quiet fury simmered in my eyes. Helping me into the shower, he hopped in after me. Warm water exploded from the shower head, the dried blood swirling down the drain. Massaging her shampoo into my hair, Novi waited for his turn. Spinning the washcloth in his palm, his strong hands traced all of my curves. Soap bubbles dripped off of my skin, his arms wrapping around my waist. Spinning us around, the water soaked his hair. A chuckle escaped my lips, his hair covering his eyes. Wiping his hair out of his eyes, my lips kissed his lustfully. Raising my leg over his hip, his strong hands grabbed my other one. Wrapping them around his waist, he pulled my arms around his neck. Sinking into my desires, a knock interrupted us. Sliding down, a defeated sigh poured from my lips.

"I have some spare clothes from my mother and father for you two. Please forgive the gaudiness, my mother was a bit of a flashy dresser." Rose chirped cheerfully, a shaken up Amy cursing behind her. "I also gave her some of my childhood clothes which with no surprise are pink. Thus the cursing behind me. Regardless, she still thanked me. I don't think she likes pink. Could you please hurry up? I have my boyfriend coming over soon. He will be a bit ticked if I am not open." Novi hurried up, scrubbing away all of the dirt. Turning off the water, we dried off. Poking my head out, she was gone. A snarl curled on my lips, a frilly rose dress sat next to a white dress shirt and black dress pants. Putting my bra back on, the soft silk felt nice. The pink lace tickled my chin, the A-line skirt floating over my bump. Novi was finishing up with his buttons, a wicked bout of laughter bursting from his lips. Shooting daggers in his direction, the bell sleeves hid my clenched fists. Covering up his mouth, my eyebrow twitched.

"Yeah, laugh it up while you can. This will be the only time you will see me wear pink." I snapped hotly, Amy sneaking in. "I see you have it way worse. Many apologies." Amy shifted uncomfortably in her little princess pink sailor girl dress, the golden buttons shimmering in the light. Her sleek bob made my heart flutter, her adorableness soiled slightly by her sharp attitude. Cleaning up our mess, we all marched downstairs. Fishing in my pocket, my fingers wrapped around a crisp one hundred dollar bill. Laying it down on the counter, she began to refuse to accept it.

"Please take it." I insisted irritably, plastering on my polite smile. "You took care of us when you could have been open. It is my way of thanking you. You did lend us these clothes." Tapping her chin, she cut off the lace of the dress. The deep v-neck emphasized my breasts, the dress a million times better. Without the lace, it matched what everyone else was wearing these days.

"You should wear more pink. It warms up your skin tone. Have a nice day." She sang beautifully, shoving us out of the door. "Don't be strangers." Sulking to the car, we all felt increasingly uncomfortable in the car. Dark clouds hung over our heads, Amy being the first one to speak up. Scratching at the top of her hands, a million words sat on the tip of her tongue.

"I think you look pretty in pink." She admitted sheepishly, refusing to look at me. "It makes you look a bit more feminine. My mother always wore pink." My heart shattered into a million pieces, an idea coming to mind. Offering her my hand, her fingers wrapped around mine. Tears welled up in her eyes, her emotions bursting from her bottle. Sobs wracked her body, Novi pulled over for a second. Climbing into the back, the car started to move once more. Collapsing into my arms, her tears soaked my shoulders.

"I take it that this is the first time you have to grieve. How about we give them a memorial when we get back home?" I promised honestly, hoping she would believe me. "I will be your shoulder to cry on. My parents died too. I had to deal with the new family after that, so yeah it always sucked. They treated me like a slave until Novi marked me in front of everyone. Thanks to him I finally kind of like myself. Let me be your Novi until you find your true love. How do you feel about a deli sandwich? I know just the place." A deep scarlet burned his ears, my copy of The Phantom of the Opera sitting next to me. Pressing it into her palms, confusion dawned on her face.

"The Phantom of the Opera?" She queried through sniffles, tracing the worn spine. "I've always wanted to read this book. Is this your favorite?" My trembling hands played with the hem of my dress, the last thing my father ever gave me sitting in her palm. Silent tears streamed down my cheeks, attempting to hide the hurt in my eyes.

"This was the last thing my father gave to me before he died." I explained brokenly, showing her the message behind the front cover. "You are my Christine and I am the phantom doomed to never be together. I love you, May you always think of me, and may you find your Raoul. That was the time I saw him alive. So treat it with respect and return it to me when it is done. It is one of my most precious items. Cherish it like I always have. Promise me, 'kay." Nodding her head, her warm hug softened the blow. The brakes squealed to a stop in front of Novi' old man's apartment. His old man rushed out to greet us, his eyes falling on my tears. Amy popped up next to me, his lips curling into a sincere smile.

"Who might you be?' He questioned curiously, Amy hiding behind my legs. "You are a shy one, aren't you? You are pink! I thought I would die first. Are you okay?" Biting my fingernail, a polite smile met his concerned face. Clearing the lump in my throat, the situation needed to be handled right now.

"I am fine. I promise." I assured him aggressively, waving my hands around. "This Amy. We rescued her from idiots, and I guess that is about it for now. We plan on raising under our roof, so hopefully her future is bright. I can already see that she is brilliant." Buying my excuse for now, my nerves were unraveling. We all followed him upstairs, a glorious smell making my stomach growl. Food would be amazing right now, my hand falling on my stomach.