
A Mark at First Bite

“I am Celeste Luna, the illegitimate daughter of the clan’s Luna.” I barked bitterly, landing gracefully on the ground. “I highly doubt that I am your mate. I am just a nobody. The only way out is a mark from my mate. Thanks for ruining my time off. Go find your real mate.” Walking away from him, he was my mate but he deserved better. Running into the kitchen, my shaking fingers spun my hair up into a bun. Tying an apron around my waist, I set out silver platters. Applying foundation on my face, the red lipstick glided over my lips. Shaking out my nerves, my bloody worn white flats clicked out of the kitchen with a tray of the first appetizers. My breath hitched at the sight of the done up reception hall in the main log cabin of our village, Genovi eyes met mine, confusion twisting his face.

Yvette_Francaise · Kỳ huyễn
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52 Chs

Chapter Thirty-Eight: A Paws in Time!


Jerking awake, her head was already buried in the files. Pressing her palm to each picture, curious expressions dawned on her face. Glancing up at me, she flashed me her real smile. A clear board caught my eyes, pictures dotted every inch of the board. Someone was having fun, a knock interrupting her chain of thought. Benji came in with a trembling tray of tea and pastries, his eyes falling on the mess in the room. Embarrassment burned her face, their tired smiles meeting each other. The tension that once brewed between them was a thing from the past, a silent understanding replacing it all.

"I wanted to give you an apology breakfast." He choked out brokenly, setting the tray down on the dusty bureau. "What is all of this?" Taking a deep breath, Celly placed another picture on the board. Unrolling a bit of red yarn, she turned back towards him. Her warm smile calmed his nerves, his arms folding across his chest cautiously. Her eyes hid a dark secret, her fingers playing with the hem of her dress. Watching from the bed, his eyes flitted between the two of us.

"I can sense what people did by just touching their photos. These are your culprits." She explained calmly, sipping a bit of the tea. "This is so good. I am thankful for your apology breakfast." Swallowing the tea, her face told me that it was awful. Benji saw through the compliment, dumping the tea into the nearby plant. Frustration dimmed his face, his lips pressing into a thin line. Celly had done her best not upset him, tears welling up in her eyes. An air of betrayal spun around her, the secret becoming more obvious.

"I get it. I am not a chef. The pastries are from the local bakery." He informed her briskly, leaning on the nearby wall while adjusting his navy Italian suit. "I will hold a ball. The invitation will only go to them. A dress and tuxedo will be sent up later. Get ready for nine o' clock tonight." Turning to leave, surprise rounded his eyes the moment she embraced him heartily. Trembling in her embrace, the novelty of a stranger hugging him freaked him out. People don't change overnight, so why would he? Such embraces were foreign to him, the idea of anyone respecting him for who he was causing a sweet scent to swirl around him.

"Let me go." He snapped stiffly, shoving her off. "I don't do hugs. Send me the list in a couple of hours." Raising her finger in the air, she shoved the list into his palms. His brows raised in response, his eyes rolling. Tucking it into his jacket pocket, shock twisted Celly's face the moment he hugged her back awkwardly. The hug looked so painful, it only lasted a couple of seconds. Appreciating the embrace, her hand cupped his shoulder kindly.

"That is everyone. Fair warning. Your parents are on the lists." She admitted cautiously, stepping back. "They seem to be the masterminds. I am sorry." Benji sprinted out of the room, almost tripping over a box. Her head bowed, a bit of dust flying up as she laid on her back. Sitting down on top of her, black bags hollowed out her eyes. Rubbing her bump, pride swelled in my chest. These pups were ours, her hands cupping mine. A haunting depression tainted her scent, tears flooding from her eyes. Images of my mother and Saint flashed in my mind, her emotional agony becoming mine for a minute. Getting lost in it all, her hands cupped my face.

"I am fine." She comforted me softly, sitting up. "Tracking magic takes a lot from me. We have to go out today. I need to meet with a couple of vampires. Would you like to come?" Like she even had to offer, my lips pressed against hers hungrily. Sliding on her boots, she peeled off the sweatshirt dress. Yanking on a dusty black sweater dress, a cloud of dust choked me as she shook it off. The deep v-neck emphasized her larger breasts, a bit of drool escaped my lips. Fixing her hair, her fingers wrapped around a scarlet blazer. Leaving it unbuttoned, she tossed my suit from yesterday. Poking her head out, her slender hand motioned for me to come. Sneaking through the halls, her eyes glanced back one last time before closing it behind us. A white hearse waited for us, the chrome glittered in the early morning sun. Hatred brewed in her eyes, the back opening up to reveal the inside of a typical limousine. A sleek coffin served as a table, the two of us climbing in. An older version of Benji sat with his nose in the air, a low growl rumbling in Celly's throat. His dark gray designer suit threw me off, his ruby eyes shooting daggers in my wife's direction. Something felt off, their scent rotting by the second. Running his clawed hand through his slicked back snow white hair, a snarl curled on his lips. The engine roared to life, Benji banging on the window. Turning my attention to the six foot slender woman sitting stiffly next to him, her ocean blue eyes shimmering with adventure. Her navy lips curled into a cruel smile, her claws scratched at the pale skin of her legs. Chills shot up my spine, Celly's unimpressed expression angering them into a frenzy. A fit of twisted laughter burst from her lips, the mother's sharp features softening to confusion. Satisfaction manipulated her face, Celly seeming to relish the moment.

"Benji wasn't wrong. You two are monsters." She said firmly, meaning every word. "You tortured him your whole life while your hearts never thawed from the pieces of ice they are. You will leave him alone and stop your stupid scheme. Let him be! You have done more than enough! What is your game?" Wicked laughter rumbled in his father's throat, both of his eyes going an inky black. Still standing her ground, her determined grin on her defiant face stole my breath away. How could someone look so majestic, her hair like a mane.

"Why don't we just kill you right now!" He barked venomously, charging at her. "You are just another pair of cockroaches in my life. Let me squash you like the bugs you are!" Kicking his throat, he stumbled back. Celly pinned him to the bench, his wife coming after her. Tapping her heel on the bench, a blade popped out. Shock rounded her eyes the moment the blade pinned her to the seat, black blood dripping from the corner of her mouth. Terror rounded her eyes, his claws sliding through her chest. The back ripped open, Benji tumbling in. Huffing from rage and frustration, the heel of his dress shoe knocked Celly onto the floor. Opening up the coffin, glass shattered all over the plush ruby carpet. Ruby stained the carpet, disdain dimming his eyes. Scooping her up, the white plush lining groaned as he laid her down. Closing the lid, his head snapped in my direction. A special level of protectiveness brightened his eyes, the scent of a true leader danced around him. Gone was the scared little boy, a new man emerging from the shadows.

"Hold down the top. Don't let her out. I am about to do something terrible." He commanded darkly, tears streaming down his cheeks. "I am going to kill my parents and take what is mine." Unable to say anything, the top rattled violently. Celly protested wildly. The sound of her wounds sealing shut sickened me, the sound of silk tearing not helping much either. Pushing all of my weight down, flashes of white and blond taunted the corner of my eyes. A pair of claws whizzed by my head, Amelia rolling in. Her puffy face told the tale of many tears, Benji flashing her a loving smile. Pecking her on the cheek, the raw power coming from them stunning me. They truthfully were mates, forever bound to each other. Snapping his fingers, a piece of his suit was the only thing that remained.

"Where is Benji?" She asked desperately, ripping off his mother's head. Black blood painted my face, the suit officially ruined. Pointing to the flashing road behind me, her bare feet shattered the pavement. The brakes squealed to a halt, more glass shattering the moment I crashed into the golden mirrors. Shards rained over my body, a white wolf bursting from the coffin. Yelling out in protest, her paws pounded towards the chaos. A gray werewolf burst from the front, the rogue wolf skidding to a stop. My breath hitched, her beauty stunned me. Her white fur fluttered, her golden eyes seething with rage. Landing on top of the wolf, the rogue flipped her over. A soft whine escaped her lips, the rogue snapping at her throat. Foam dripped onto her face, a silver ax resting next to me. The leather handle creaked the moment I snatched the ax, Celly struggling underneath his raw strength. Her tail tucked in between her legs, his claws tearing at her face. Struggling to my feet, the scent of blood overwhelmed me. Swinging the ax towards his neck, he leapt into the air. Rolling out of the way, breakfast threatened to visit. The ivory bones of her jaw were exposed, a river of scarlet soaking the rug. Coughing up blood, she limped towards the rogue. Scarlet painted her back leg, her body swaying. Collapsing into a heap, the rogue bounded towards her. Raising the ax into the air, my wrist flicked it towards its head. A triumphant grin lit up my face, the rogue dropped with a loud thud. The ax quivered in his brain, Celly changing back. Relief washed over me, only light scratches lined her cheeks. Groaning tiredly, she rolled onto her back.

"Two times in one day." She grumbled under her breath, sitting up slowly. "Remind me to never do that again. That one was stronger than usual. May I please have your coat?" Tossing her my coat, a tired smile illuminated her face. Throwing it on, silent tears flooded from her eyes. A blood soaked Benji stepped out of the shadows, his hand hovering in front of her face. The bond between them was sealed, the friendship doomed to last until the end of time.

"Hey." He uttered gruffly, Celly accepting his hand. "Thank you for going after them for me but you could have died." Tracing her claw marks on her cheeks, his father's mangled head swung in his hand. Guilt dimmed each other's eyes, the bloody head decaying to onyx ash. Awkward silence hung between them, Amelia and I watching with caution. Smiling warmly to herself, Amelia's heart beat just once. Her slender fingers gripped her destroyed blouse, the chaos had ended.

"I am sorry for your loss." She apologized sincerely, her head bowed in shame. "I was st-" Ruffling the top of her hair, a broken expression darkened her face. Hugging her warmly, she melted into his arms. Jealousy flashed in my eyes, Amelia nudging my shoulders. Inky blood stained her white blouse, the gray pencil skirts in shreds. The moment deserved to be had, the king needed his friend.

"Let them have their moment." She laughed softly, crossing her hands. "It was only a matter of time before they actually became friends. His parents needed to die for everything they have done to us vampires. You may not kill the people in the way but that is the vampire way. They have committed so many crimes. Don't worry about that. They will have to accept us now. The ball is still on. Please stay and attend. Benji!" Calling out his name, he released Celly. Standing there oddly, she rubbed the back of her head. Saying nothing, loose dirt crunched underneath her boots with each step back towards the manor. Ignoring me, she limped slowly. Blood still dripped down her leg, the wound refusing to heal. Placing her on my back, her head rested against my back. Nothing was said between us, her brewing silence alarming me. Going straight to our room, a first aid kit rested on the wall. Laying her down gingerly, her eyes rolled. Her eyes watched me grab the kit, my heart fluttering at her annoyed look. Lifting up her leg, the cut ran up the length of her thigh. Swinging her feet over the edge to the bed, she limped into the bathroom. Chasing after her, she still needed to be stitched up. Throwing the jacket onto the floor, the steaming water flowed from the golden spout. Sliding into the tub, a deep sigh escaped her lips. Rolling a bath bomb in her hands, she dropped it into the water. A mixture of herbs foamed at the surface, the water dripped down her leg as she lifted up her leg. The claw marks sealed shut, the first aid kit crashing to the ivory marble floor. The faint scars lined her face, a quiet exhaustion wracking her fragile body. The medical supplies spread across the floor, her head sinking underneath the water. Standing over the soaking tub, a gentle laugh poured from my lips. Of course, she had a solution. Her beauty stole my breath away, her casual smile melting my heart. Leaning over the edge of the tub, her fingers unbuttoned my pants. Scarlet colored my cheeks, her sweet lips wrapped around my hard cock. Taking me all in, her tongue flicked the spot underneath the head. Leaning down to kiss the top of her head, her fingers curled around my tie. Flashing me a devilish grin, her face was inches from mine. Locking her lips with mine hungrily, my heart skipped a beat. Refusing to let me go, her tongue danced with mine. Releasing me from her spell, her crooked grin made my inner wolf howl.

"Well are you going to come in or do I have to beg you?" She teased sensually, still playing with my tie. "I want you to play with me." She didn't have to tell me twice, a knock ruining the moment. Tugging my pants back up, Ameliar popping her head in. Two white garment bags swung off of her fingers, Celly's face falling. Her inner wolf was screaming for playtime, an aggravated scent curled off of her.

"What are you doing?" Amelia asked impatiently, growls rumbling in Celly's throat. "I need to do your hair and makeup. We don't need any love bites." Taking a deep breath, her composure was slipping away by the second. Flashing her a frightening grin, Amelia backed out of the room. The dark cloud swirling over her head would send anyone running, water splashing on the floor as she got out of the tub. Drying herself off begrudgingly, a steady stream of curse words flowed freely from her lips. Draining the tub, she brushed past me. Yanking Amelia back in, her temper had flared up. Hiding behind my hand, this wasn't going to be pretty. It was rare for Celly to lose her temper, my inner wolf telling me to run.

"You are so lucky today is about you because I am seconds from losing my temper for real." She warned hotly, the frightening grin never leaving her face. "Do you know what happens when you piss off a nice person? Let's just say you don't want to find out. I am sore everywhere! I am tired and hungry. I can't live off of blood like the rest of you." Offering her a burger, her face softened. Amelia beamed with pride, Celly accepted it graciously. Guilt sucked the color from her cheeks, her head bowing in shame. Shaking it off, she flashed her polite smile.

"Never mind. I'll take my words all back." She thanked jovially, taking a big bite. "This is so good." Taking one more bite, she passed me the burger. Amelia giggled as she stole her away. Left with a sandwich, the worn wooden floor creaked the moment I stepped out of the bathroom. My breath hitched at the sight of her, a golden silk mermaid gown embracing her curves. Her fingers traced the embroidered flowers, Amelia's wrist flicked to give her a flawless cat's eye. Painting her lips ruby, she sat down behind her. Styling her hair, the two of them chatted aimlessly. Celly wasn't listening, her mind somewhere else. Acting the part was her strength, sharing her feelings was her ultimate weakness.

"You are going to look so amazing when I am done with you." She bragged gleefully, Celly's eyes rolling again. "Thank you for letting me style you. I don't get the chance to do this that often. You really are like a sister to me." Tears of joy welled up in her eyes, Celly turning around. Hugging her heartily, Celly wiped away her tears. Amelia leapt to her feet, leaving a bewildered Celly on the bed. Finishing up the hairstyle, her eyes fell on me. Unable to resist her much longer, she cried out as I spun her around. Swinging her underneath me, her bright smile made my heart beat out of my chest. Tapping my shoulder, she swung me underneath her. Every part of me wanted to take her, my fingers dancing up her arm.

"Get dressed." She said grumpily, taking a deep breath. "We are expected to show up to a bunch of people who probably hate us." Spinning me up, her slender fingers were shoving knives into her new boots. My inner wolf whined, her lips kissed mine hungrily. Her fangs sank into my lips, my cock stiffening. Releasing me, she waved as she exited the room. Too stunned to move, the navy suit they left me matched my hair. Benji popped his head in just as I was fixing my tie. Bruises and cuts covered his face, his eyes watering.

"I came to look for Celeste. I wanted to make sure she was okay." He whispered oddly, noticing the barely eaten burger on the bed. "She didn't seem okay. What happened to her when she was younger? Amelia hasn't been the same since. You see, Amelia sees the memories from one drop of someone's blood. She grew up with an amazing childhood while mine was miserable. Can you help me find Amelia? I can't seem to find her." So Benji did have a heart after all. Sliding on my dress boots, we pounded out of the room. Her scent was everywhere but nowhere near us.

"Stay behind to entertain your guests. I will find them." I promised warmly, his head shaking. "You need to claim your crown. Trust me, I know. Please trust me. I know that I haven't been the nicest to you but please let me help." Celly stepped out of the bathroom, her white wolf pausing in front of us. Benji's heart skipped a beat, her wolf's beauty undeniable. Cocking her large head, her snout rubbed against the bathroom door.

"I am going to get her. You guys hold the fort." She asserted kindly, flashing him her broken smile. "It is my trauma after all. See you in a few!" Jumping out of the window, her tail was the last thing I saw. Examining the bathroom, a crumpled up note rested underneath her dress. Benji scooped it up, his eyes widening with terror. His black designer suit fluttered as he leapt out the window. Following him, the branches scratched our faces. Loose dirt flew behind us, her tail not too far in the distance. The forest only grew thicker, Celly skidding to a stop in front of a hidden cemetery. Amelia laid on a grave, her tears soaking the grass. Laying down next to her, Amelia wrapped her arms around fluffy next. Petting her, Benji held me back. His intense gaze never left them, his fang sinking into his bottom lip. So many thoughts were racing through his mind, the answers they were seeking coming to the light.

"You remind me of my one werewolf friend." Amelia sobbed softly, Celly licking her face. "She was just like you and lived out here with her family. She had lilac fur. Her violet eyes were the most beautiful things I had ever seen. My parents found out, and dragged a bunch of vampires up to their cabin. They slaughtered all of the children including my friend in front of their parents. A chaotic scene broke out, the vampires and werewolves warring with each other. We won. The blood is on my hands." My heart shattered at her words, Benji's broken expression told me that he didn't know. Patting the top of her head with her paw, she cuddled with her. Freedom twinkled in Amelia's eyes, her fingers playing with her fur.

"Then let me be your friend." Celly assured her sweetly, tears falling from her eyes. "Good luck trying to kill me. I have nine lives. That is the most feline characteristic of me. Don't worry. I won't ever die on you. What your family did was wrong but that has nothing to do with us. I think you are awesome! You had nothing to do with it. I would be honored to be your one werewolf friend. What do you say?" Bowing her head, Amelia's giggles twinkled in the air. Hugging Celly's enormous head, she scooped her onto her back. Wagging her tail, moments like these made my wife happy. Her goal in life was to make everyone feel better. The moonlight bathed them, scarlet burning Benji's cheeks. Chuckling lightly to myself, he really did love her.

"Did your friend ever give you a ride back home?" She continued jovially, winking up at Amelia. "I am going to take you home now. We have a ball to get you to Miss Cinderella." Did she just steal my move? Winking at me the moment she passed by us both, Benji turned towards me. His hopeful look pissed me off, wicked laughter tumbling from my lips. There was no way in hell he would be riding on my back.

"Before you ask, I can't just change into a wolf any time I wish. That is reserved for the white wolves. Besides, can't you turn into a bat?" I teased playfully, a bemused grin lighting up his face. "Let's get back. The girls will probably be ready by the time we get back." Sprinting back towards the manor, the girls were waiting at the front door for us. Hooking their elbows into ours, we marched in together. Ever the bravest, the world was lucky to have Celly.