
Part One

Marinette was on her balcony. Looking at the stary black sky. Chat Noir so her their and wanted to make a entrance so he jumped behind her and said " Hey princess!" She saud hey kitty and turned around abd chat saw she was crying. "Whats wrong Mari" chat said looking at her cry harder. " Theirs thus guy i liked sence ever and he doesn't like me back.." Marinette said. "He said that." chat said. Marinette didnt say anything. Chat waljed closer and huged her. "If you don't know why say he doesn't?" Marinette was in shock at hus words abd hug him back." Thanks kitty." Chat blushed and looked at Marinette, he wanted to kiss her so bad. Cgat lifted her chin up and smiled. "C-Chat?" He leand in and was about to kiss her but hesitated. " If you don't want to then tell me to stop.." chat said. Mari didnt say anything, she just staired at his lips. Chat leaned in more untill he felt a warm soft touch of her lips. They kissed for ab hour until mari let go and said " its time for you to go kitten." Chat turned red and said " bye my lovly princess." And swung away leaving Mari their red. Mari webt inside and went to sleep thinking about Chat.